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bitch bitch bitch


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geez you guys complain a lot! For the love of god it's just a game!!!!!! 1000000 people complaining about how unreal this game is, as if the movies are something to compare it to as realism.


Give me a break, it's a DAMN MOVIE


Then there's 1000000000 people complaining about noobing, spamming, this move is too powerful, this move isn't powerful enough.



let me tell you something to end all debates:


there's a counter for EVERY move, just cause you can't get pass something doesn't make it a glitch or fault in the game. There's no single move made to rule over all others. The ability to be able to adopt to other people is the REAL skill of this game. Be it footwork, combos, specials, or use of a certain stance.


the same skills of adoptation required for 1.02, 1.03, and 1.04 is all the same. Just cause you had to learn to fight a certain way that you're not accustomed to before, doesn't make it BAD.


and then there's just some of you that say things that makes it obvious that you suck at the game. For example you're losing out so much cause you can't BS everyone now and have to quit playing the game. Just be quiet.


at the end, it's just a freaking game! like Raven really needed to do you a favor and make the game just as YOU wanted.


*flame off*

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Originally posted by krazypenguin


there's a counter for EVERY move, just cause you can't get pass something doesn't make it a glitch or fault in the game. There's no single move made to rule over all others.


The problem isn't that there is a counter to every move, the problems are that every special move is too easy to counter, and everything else is "will it get through the block or will his back block me again?"



Originally posted by krazypenguin

The ability to be able to adopt to other people is the REAL skill of this game. Be it footwork, combos, specials, or use of a certain stance.


*sigh* you are such a sheep. People are complaining so that when the next patch is released (if there is one) it will be more to their liking. That is how a free society works, if you want things your way you have the right to voice your opinions in an attempt to change things.


If you prefer to simply "adapt" to whatever Raven gives you, then just shut up and wait. As for the rest of us we don't want Raven to mess the game up any more then they have already.


Originally posted by krazypenguin

the same skills of adoptation required for 1.02, 1.03, and 1.04 is all the same.


No they aren't, in 1.02 and 1.03 you had much more to worry about. You could be killed at any moment. In 1.04 you could walk blindly around FFA maps and still live for a pretty long period of time. (unless someone lands a DFA on you and you don't block most of it)


Note the drop in active players and servers. This is more then just whining, many are just not happy with the game at all anymore. Before anyone says "you can't make everyone happy" let me say "yeah but you can try to not piss off a large percentage of them to the point they refuse to play anymore"

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Very well said Fatal Strike. I used to bitch on here about complainers. Yes we are annoying lol...


I don't mind krazypenguin complaining about complaining, but the way he expresses his opinions aren't right. Don't try to make yourself seem superior to everyone and then bash everyone who complains. I bet you any amount that there is a complainer out there who can whip your ass, and my ass, and fatal's ass, and hell, Yoda's ass (ooh..taking it to the extreme there..). No one can claim to be the best, all the time. The best way to prove yourself is to play on ladders. I have yet to see a name 'krazypenguin' on any ladders, twl, ogl, anything.


I agree that people should stop complaining, because this will only cause Raven to change things that don't need changing. In the conversion from 1.03 to 1.04, Raven once again showed how it listens to complainers by nerfing the special moves. It would have been just as simple to increase regular saber damage so that turning around will havey ou killed in an instant, but no, Raven decided to nerf more moves instead. This shows how Raven is going to work with the community in JK2, and therefore be careful what you guys say. A move may seem uber at first, but once you play against it al ot, I'm sure you'll build up some sort of strategy against it.


Fatal is correct, if you want Raven to keep changing things, then complain some more. But they will just change it for the worse, I don't see it possible for Raven to go 'backwards' at all. I for one, am not content on relearning sabering after each patch. 1.02 was the best I will have to say. And it shows, with how populated the servers were back then. Hell, look at twl ladders, what once was 300 competitors is now 100, what once was over 50 clans on the CTF are down to about 20-30. People have left, because the game has gotten worse. The only reason I am playing is because I am deep into the game's community, and 1.02 put me there. 1.03 and 1.04 have been trying to take me out, but my enjoyment from 1.02 kept me here even after these disasters.


Bottom line krazy pengiun, stop trying to belittle those who complain, and make it seem like you are superior, because you are not. You will get people to listen better if you approach it calm and cool rather than flaming the complainers.

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If you prefer to simply "adapt" to whatever Raven gives you, then just shut up and wait. As for the rest of us we don't want Raven to mess the game up any more then they have already.


Every elite player I know adapt to every patch just fine, everyone that was good remained to the top of their game. They can bust out 100 different patches beacuse people keep complaining, and the good players would always stay on top.


The best way to prove yourself is to play on ladders. I have yet to see a name 'krazypenguin' on any ladders, twl, ogl, anything.


thats...... cause........ i....... dont......... play............. under......... that....... name.......................


my handle is Deimos


No they aren't, in 1.02 and 1.03 you had much more to worry about. You could be killed at any moment. In 1.04 you could walk blindly around FFA maps and still live for a pretty long period of time. (unless someone lands a DFA on you and you don't block most of it)



sigh...... since when does FFA show any sign of a player requiring skills? all FFA provides is just a heaven for people that spam moves, scripts, and get lucky kills.

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Originally posted by krazypenguin


Every elite player I know adapt to every patch just fine, everyone that was good remained to the top of their game. They can bust out 100 different patches beacuse people keep complaining, and the good players would always stay on top.


Who is saying otherwise? I have not said that good players are not on top. I am saying that the game has gotten worse, not that its too hard! Do you even read before you type out a lame reply?




Originally posted by krazypenguin


sigh...... since when does FFA show any sign of a player requiring skills? all FFA provides is just a heaven for people that spam moves, scripts, and get lucky kills.


In 1.02 the best players that ranked highest in saber duels also tended to be the best at saber only CTF and FFA.


Besides the BEST duelers have no problem with "spam moves and lucky kills" only lame whiners complain about that. Good players love spammers because they provide easy kills and you don't land lucky kills on good players. Problem is you can't handle multiple enemies because all you are used to is one on one.


If you are good, you are good at everything. If you aren't you shouldn't suggest game changes since you only represent a SMALL PERCENT of the game.

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I could be wrong but I don't think krazypenguin's comments are directed towards the people who don't like the patches, they are more towards the people who complained about simple moves and in turn brought those patches.


It is quite frustrating having to constantly apologize simply because you saw flaws in your opponents play style and made the best of it.


And yes it is frustrating when you practice and develop a play style that is more effective than your opponents, only to then be insulted and voted off servers.


But that's the JK2 community, maybe not as a whole, but it's a very large and vocal part of it. Counter-Strike has the cheaters, we get the whiners.


In most games players who practice and develop into great/the best players are admired and respected. Not for their conduct or personality, but their ability and strategy.


In JK2 you get to a point where you find success on a regular basis, you get called a whore/lamer/Spammer, whatever.



Show respect to those who show it to you.

For those who flame you, *F-em, after all it is just a game.

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Originally posted by Emon

You realize your bitching about people who bitch?


you realize you just repeated what someone else said?


I could be wrong but I don't think krazypenguin's comments are directed towards the people who don't like the patches, they are more towards the people who complained about simple moves and in turn brought those patches.



thank you! eesh these people are thick

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Originally posted by krazypenguin

thats...... cause........ i....... dont......... play............. under......... that....... name.......................


my handle is Deimos





...looking...for...Deimos.....1v1 ff ladder...1-25..no....26-50..no...51-75...no...76-100...no..101-102..no



looking....for...Deimos...1v1 nf ladder...1-25..no...26-50...no...51-75....no....76 to 100.....no....101-125...no...126-131..no...


hmmmm...why did you tell me this if you aren't even in the ladders?

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