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New Hero Units for SW:GB 2

Darth Windu

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Just wondering what people would like to see as hero units if there is a SW:GB 2 not including the hero's already in the game? Personally i would like to see-


1. The rest of the Jedi Council

2. Count Dooku as a good jedi, plus Darth Tyrannus

3. Obi-Wan in Jedi Starfighter

4. Adi Gallia in Jedi Starfighter

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So you want them to merge units... and take some others away, and now you want a new expansion pack!? You're an interesting fellow...

Staying on Topic... Dooku IS Darth Tyranus... why add another player? If you can only access these guys by playing scenarios, then edit their names in the scenarios.

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pbguy - keep it related to the topic please. Also with the Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus thing, is there a big bad sith lord in the game called Anakin Skywalker? No. Why? Because he is a good guy. Same goes for Dooku. As a good jedi, he was count Dooku, as a sith lord, he's Darth Tyrannus. At the moment he cant be used as a good guy for senario's, coz he's got a frickin red lightsabre!

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Well, I'm sure it's been this way for awhile... however it's now official: You have way too much free time on your hands.

First the gunship BS, now this... You expect the most odd things for this game that no one else gives a crap about.

I'd argue my point with you, but my carpet could probably understand logic better than you... so I'm not even going to try.

But if you want Dooku with a different colored lightsaber, make a mod on your own or shut up. No one cares. LA isn't going to make/change something only for you. You don't seem to grasp the big picture.


To respond to another of your dopey claims though...


At the moment he cant be used as a good guy for senario's, coz he's got a frickin red lightsabre!

Well, your theory is based on your own ignorance. However, if you've ever played Jedi Power Battles you'd know Adi Gallia had/has a red saber. Does that make her, evil? Or a Sith? Since when does color indicate anything?

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pbguy - its offical, you're an idiot. Adi Gallia has a PINK lightsabre, and unless you hadnt noticed every sith has a RED lightsabre dumbarse. Now, keep it related to the topic, this is a place for people to ask for the hero's they would like for a SW:GB 2, not a place to tell people how much you dont like them.

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*I'm* an idiot? I'm an idiot because you can't tell colors apart?

Pink... you're such a tool.

Seriously, I'm begging you to buy a clue. Get a clue, buy a life, get a hobby... something.


Have you read some of the absolute crap you've posted on these boards? IE: The gunship garbage?

Do you think before you speak?

Do you actually rationalize what you're about to say before you say it?

Do you realize you have more free time on the planet than god to be able to worry about useless things that no one else cares about?

Do you realize that you bitch and moan about this game more than anyone else... and for the life of me I can't seem to understand why you still play it for the amount of complaining about it that you do?


:saberr: <- red, not pink...

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

I dont really care what you think of me. You are obviously colourblind and oblivious to the fact that sith lightsabre's are red, and jedi lightsabre's can be almost any other colour.


"Fact" what fact? give me a official fact that ALL sith use Red lightsabers and I'll shut up.

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To get back to the red lightsaber question...


The RED color comes from the syntetic crystals used to make the SITH lightsaber. JEDI uses NORMAL crystals, and the blade take its color from those crystals. SITH uses SYNTETIC crystals because they can imbue them with the DARK SIDE of the force. After being IMBUED, the blade is more strong.


I have read this in some encyclopedia of Episode II.

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I will stay relavent to the topic in a sec. SITH HAVE RED LIGHTSABERS CUZ OF THE CRYSTALS. ALSO OF YOU GET CUT BY ONE THEY ARE MORE PAINFULL. NOW BACK TO THE SUBJECT!!! Ok I would like more mandolorians, don't care who, a better darth sidios no wrinkles on his picture and a RED lightsaber, Kyle Kataran with his GREEN or BLUE lightsaber, Leia with her BLUE lightsaber, republic cruiser, the Exucuetor. Red leader, Blue Leader, Gold leader, and Green leader, and the 214 ( at least I think..) Tie Intercepter Squadron leader Kasan Moore. :fett: :fett:

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Originally posted by Darth54

To get back to the red lightsaber question...


The RED color comes from the syntetic crystals used to make the SITH lightsaber. JEDI uses NORMAL crystals, and the blade take its color from those crystals. SITH uses SYNTETIC crystals because they can imbue them with the DARK SIDE of the force. After being IMBUED, the blade is more strong.


I have read this in some encyclopedia of Episode II.


Ok.I'll shut up now.



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sigh... from the official SW Ep. I JPB web page...






Adi Gallia was born to high-ranking Corellian diplomats, and therefore is imbued with a deep understanding of the Republic's complex political system. A skilled intelligence operative with a vast network of contacts and informants, she has infallible intuition and was the first to learn of the Trade Federation's plans to invade Naboo.


Lightsaber Color:




Adi relies more on lightning speed than brute strength.




Crimson = Red, not pink...

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

Just wondering what people would like to see as hero units if there is a SW:GB 2 not including the hero's already in the game? Personally i would like to see-


1. The rest of the Jedi Council

2. Count Dooku as a good jedi, plus Darth Tyrannus

3. Obi-Wan in Jedi Starfighter

4. Adi Gallia in Jedi Starfighter


1.Prince Xizor

2.Flying Sith ifiltrator

3.Super Star Destroyer

4.Mon Calamari Star Cruiser

5.Naboo Royal Cruiser

6.Republic Star Ship

7.Escort Frigate

8.Anikan Skywalker in a Air Speeder

9.Anikan on a Swoop Bike

10.Coruscant Air Taxi

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ok firstly i'd like to say ALL SITH DO NOT HAVE RED SABERS has anyone seen all the battles when the SITH were in the thousands? NO so we dont know if they had any other colour saber and if u dont believe me then tough.


ok now on to heros....


1. Jan Ors

2.Mon Mothma

3.Admiral Ackbar

4. Leia with saber

5.Darth Sidious with Red Saber

6.Luke Skywalker with blaster

7.Owen Lars (young and old)

8.Beru (young and old)

9.Wedge Antilles in X-Wing

10. Kasen Moore in TIE inteceptor/X-Wing

11.Jaina Solo

12.Jacen Solo

13.Anakin Solo

14.Kyle Katarn wiv blaster/saber

15.Imperial Officers

16.Obi Wan/Adi Galia in Jedi Starfighter


18.Rest of council


20.More Pod Racers

21.Yuuzhan Vong leaders

22.Queen Jamilla

23.Captain Typho

24.Sith Infiltrator (Flyable)

25.Good Dooku

26.Exar Kun

27.mara jade wiv saber

28.Jaina in X-Wing

29.Mara's ship fo the NJO books

30.Leia's ship from the NJO books


thats all i can think of at moment so



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Originally posted by KoL ShadowJedi

ok firstly i'd like to say ALL SITH DO NOT HAVE RED SABERS has anyone seen all the battles when the SITH were in the thousands? NO so we dont know if they had any other colour saber and if u dont believe me then tough.

You just invalided your own claim. If nobody has seen all the siths then how do we know? They may just all have red sabers...



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