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JediPLUS (JediMOD++)


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hey im not kissing asses around here. just tried to give him a chance to go back to normal. resolcialzing him or stuff..

but i cant blame u guys for your personal vendetta. on my board i just remove annoying people, and from my server i just kick them. here we can do nothing but bashing someone, and that looks ugly...

this guy is getting the worst out of u, dont let him do that, dont let yourself into that.

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"Well, as least you're being honest about it. If you're having some much trouble with it you could go with a "ask to rip" "open" source."


As you stated above, the source for JediMOD 1.2 is OPEN source. Meaning, any code within it, anyone is allowed to use with no exceptions, especially if no copyrights or licenses were added in addition to the raven license that comes with the SDK. If you want your code copyrighted, the first thing you have to do is apply, then you have to include the license in the source file, or in documentation attached to the source -- and it must be the whole license.


The only reason i removed the grapple code was because i was sick of having to put up with all the ****, so i did it and remade it off of the SAME tutorials ASk used, and a few other tutorials i found by searching google.


In the end, i also ended up with better code because it doesnt cause a framerate drop like ASk's, and its not stuck to the +use key. Unfortunately though, like ASk's, I couldn't get the trail to work.

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I do not notice no framerate drop while using it. And no people ever complained about it. You do move at a high speed through the level, so the drop may well be caused by high amounts of rendering. This has nothing to do with the code.

Also it seems that you did a new command called "grapple" that you can bind a key to. Let me congratulate you and remind that the original grapplemod was created merely to show 2 of my friends (DarthCobra and Vesentac) that is IS possible to put grapple into JK2. I did just that, made it to work. Never intended to make it "more comfortable", not that the current is not, USE is only used in CTF to refill your armor, and since it is done from a close range, grapple does not come into play.


About your claims of "lack of copyright", let me quote http://www.copyright.gov:



Copyright protection subsists from the time the work is created in fixed form. The copyright in the work of authorship immediately becomes the property of the author who created the work. Only the author or those deriving their rights through the author can rightfully claim copyright.



The authors of a joint work are co-owners of the copyright in the work, unless there is an agreement to the contrary.


Copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are fixed in a tangible form of expression. The fixation need not be directly perceptible so long as it may be communicated with the aid of a machine or device. Copyrightable works include the following categories:


literary works;

musical works, including any accompanying words

dramatic works, including any accompanying music

pantomimes and choreographic works

pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works

motion pictures and other audiovisual works

sound recordings

architectural works

These categories should be viewed broadly. For example, computer programs and most "compilations" may be registered as "literary works"; maps and architectural plans may be registered as "pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works."



Copyright Secured Automatically upon Creation

The way in which copyright protection is secured is frequently misunderstood. No publication or registration or other action in the Copyright Office is required to secure copyright. (See following Note.) There are, however, certain definite advantages to registration. See "Copyright Registration."


Copyright is secured automatically when the work is created, and a work is "created" when it is fixed in a copy or phonorecord for the first time. "Copies" are material objects from which a work can be read or visually perceived either directly or with the aid of a machine or device, such as books, manuscripts, sheet music, film, videotape, or microfilm. "Phonorecords" are material objects embodying fixations of sounds (excluding, by statutory definition, motion picture soundtracks), such as cassette tapes, CDs, or LPs. Thus, for example, a song (the "work") can be fixed in sheet music (" copies") or in phonograph disks (" phonorecords"), or both.


If a work is prepared over a period of time, the part of the work that is fixed on a particular date constitutes the created work as of that date.



The use of a copyright notice is no longer required under U. S. law, although it is often beneficial. Because prior law did contain such a requirement, however, the use of notice is still relevant to the copyright status of older works.


Notice was required under the 1976 Copyright Act. This requirement was eliminated when the United States adhered to the Berne Convention, effective March 1, 1989.


This should provide you with some interesting reading, namely your claims of "lack of copyright notice".


Have a good day

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The thing is that it was publicly released #1...

#2, it wasnt publicly released by him, it was released as part of something else that states that you can make mods on top of it.


So no-one can make a claim like that unless a new version of the source is released saying that the people who released it can withhold it from certain people at their decision. They cant say you can do one thing and actually allow another. In the end, as well, the older source would still be 100% legal, because it was already publicly released.


I just redid the whole grapple code to avoid any more complication.


Now, if no one minds, id like to close this topic. I'm unsubscribing after this post.

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The original author created it. Whether or not someone else released it has no bearing on his personal wishes. I'm sure you understand the copyright laws (I'm a musician, I know I do) right?


They specifically state the an author's work is his property, and whether or not it was publically released gives you no right to publically distribute it without his permission. Do you see remixes of songs? Think of it for a second. Those DJs and MCs need the artist's permission before they can just release something on any other format than live performance. They can't just make a CD with Mariah Carey's "Fantasy" remixed into a house beat...simply because she publically released it. The artist and the label in that case have the rights to the song, and can have that CD legally pulled from the shelves since the DJ/MC did not have permission to distribute it.


Understand that much? Good. Whether or not the work was publically released in source does NOT make it right to add on to it and release it without their permission.


Go ahead and unsubscribe, nobody cares anymore and I sure as hell am sick of you and your lackies not understanding the basic principles of copyright infringement/artistic license.

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While Ask and Chrono is correct about the copyright law, ethically if you're going to have your source code as "open source" it really should mean open source, not "open source unless I hate you". If you're going to possibly desire to retain the right to your copyright, you need to have that written down in the readme of the source code. Right now, the JM 1.2 source doesn't even mention Remark or Ask as contributors. You need to get that changed.

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Though you know what guys. You guys are working on JK2 source code and JK2 is Registered under the U.S. Goverment(I found it too), but when Raven put out the code that made it so all could work on it. So for any of you that say BOFH can't use the code, This is a bunch of crap if you ask me. All of you made something useing JK2 source code.

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Actually, no it's not a bunch of crap. Anything we make using source code provided by LucasArts is technically their property.




Models, however, are different. I didn't use any kind of "special lucasarts model" to make my lightsabers/weapons. I used modeling programs. Therefore, the models themselves are my property.

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razorace, I don't think you can read.....


first line quote


Description : This is the most advanced version JediMod to date.

Here is JediMod v1.2. This is the official version of JediMod


Main Features:


New stuff in 1.2:

-Amazing new hilt pack made by |:|ReMaRk|:| specially for JediMod v1.2

with 45 new hilts. (be sure to read saber_readme.txt)


later on in the SAME readme


-Thanks to: |:|ReMaRk|:| for the wonderful hilt pack and other help with the mod,

Tchouky for the great model scaling code,

keo718 for the updated tckmodel.cfg list,

Ask(thats a name) for his grappleing hook code,

NickR for helping me with some of the bugs in JediMod,

everyone else in jk2coding for being there so I could ask them questions,

Raven for making a cool game and for the ghoul2 api,

and everyone who downloaded the mod.


and there is also ANOTHER readme called saber_readme.txt


quote on quote, writen by me


Quamosity - http://www.havenofrags.com/quamosity/jk2/WIP.htm <- Has great stuff, update soon

File Name : re_JediMod_hiltpack_1.zip >> re_JediMod_hiltpack_1.pk3

File Version : 1.0

File Size : MB

Date Released : 08-00-2002


Description : This is a collection of Sabers from several authors that I have modified

to be *compatible with saber hilt selection mods* (like JediMod 1.2).



Included Saber Hilts :


Hilt name Credit [Author]


Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber Hilt (Episode 2): Ryan 'Alaris' Hutchings

Spiked Dagger Hilt : Cronos, Mau'dae

Obi-Wan Kenobi Padawan Lightsaber : MeLoN

Lord Xen's Saber : Gabriel Xen

Count Dooku and Gui-gon Jin Saber hilts : [PS]InFlames, [PS]Optik, Madjai, Xz0rz, Warflyr

Nemisis Saber : David "Madjai" Henry

Plo Koon Episode 1 lightsaber : Ryan "Alaris" Hutchings

Mace Windu Hilt : Chrono & Adonai

Yoda's SaberHilt : Nidal aka. The FallenAngel_NYC ( nfk86@hotmail.com )

Vader's Saber : sithlordii

Lord HAtrus' Sith Sabers : =Darth= Lord Hatrus

Qui Gon saber hilt : Mau dae


::and a big thanks to "quamosity", most of the hilts in there are his work, here they are::

Aayla Secura


Darth Bane



Luke Skywalker Dark Empire Lightsaber

Luke Skywalker Dark Empire Darksaber

Micah Giett


Warb Null

Quinlan Vos


Saesse Tiin


Trandoshan Jedi


* The author is unknown and no readme file was included. If you know/have either of them, feel more then free to contact

me so I will be able to include the deserved credit.*



Installation : Extract the desired .PK3 files into your main Jedi Outcast directory's Gamedata/Base

folder and run the game using a saber hilt selection mod (aka JediMod 1.2). The hilts

have been tested with JediMod 1.1 and JediMod 1.2 and should work OK with all saber hilt

selection mods using the new format introduced with JediMod 1.1. Choose your favorite saber

hilt inside the specially coded menu.


Comments : I made this saber pack, because the saber hilts available did not support the new format

introduced in JediMod 1.1. I thought it would be better putting the hilts into the new

format myself rather than waiting for the original authors of the hilts to re-release

them. I hope to have taken some work off of them and hope that they will have more time

to work on new hilts/models that way.


P.S. "JediMod Official v1.2" is a newer version than BOFHs mod of this mod "JediMod++ 3.0"


Credit : Credit goes to all the original authors of the saber hilts, including

me "|:|ReMaRk|:|" for organizing the whole thing, finding out how to convert and

how to convert right :), also for the icons (and thank you "RaVen" for additional help on them, they

kick ass), Joe "Keto" and "quamosity" for editing the hilts to make them *compatible with saber hilt

selection mod(S)* and a big thanks to "Dest", the author of this amazing MOD, if not for him this file

wouldn't even be here, also thanks for helping me find the right way to convert the hilts and most of

allthanks for the support.


the readme has been updated with more authors and things like that now


still don't see my name ....

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the mod IS 'open source', the hiltpack that's in a whole different folders isn't though...it's specially made for JediMod 1.2 official release, I think you can understand that...


each mod needs it's special feature (jedimod has many *cough* but..) this hiltpack is big and only for jedimod 1.2 OFFICIAL right now...so is the next version of it too


and i'm not his "little butt-buddy", I started flaming your sorry ass before him, heh...


and why is it "ask's stupid grapple code" if what you're doing is just redoing it the same way...that's just a dumb comment (*cough*like all of them*cough*)...(or just changing his code a little so it looks like you've added your own), with experience so far it's very, very possible...


oh well, just another remark I have.....

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There's no readme for the hiltpack and it's included with the rest of the Mod so it should be assumed to be open source. Like I said before...you have a right to control your stuff, but if you don't want people to assume it's part of the open source package you need to have that written somewhere in the readme and not have it included in the source code.


I don't see how you could think I'm mocking you, I'm just trying to get the readme changed so you guys wouldn't have to constantly bitch BOFH up one side or the forum and down the other when your code is mistaken for open source.

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The point remains the same. You did a good job on the pack as far as I've seen.


But if you don't want people to rip it at will, you need to have that mentioned in the readme. Isn't the pack mainly hilts that other people have built that you converted into the JM hilt system?

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