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Great Ideas for Future Star Wars Games, Post Here!

Darth Groovy

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I will get flamed for this but oh well.


A few years ago they made a game called Masters of Teras Kasi. For those of you who were to young to remember, that was the Tekken Style Star Wars 3D fighter for Playstation. I think a great game would be a sequal with the following added:


New Characters:


Obi Wan(Episode 1, and 2 Alternate)

Mace Windu

Ki Adi Mundi

Aayla Secura

OOM-9(Battle Droid Commander)

Captain Tarples

Plo Koon


Darth Tyrannus/Count Dooku

Annakin(Episode 2 of course)


Jango Fett

Darth Maul

Qui Gonn Jin


New Levels:

Geonosis Arena

Geonosis Landing Pad

Naboo Hangar

Naboo Reactor Core

Kamino Landing Pad

Coruscant Landing Pad

Mos Espa Pod Racing Arena


You guys can come up with the finishing moves, or maybe you thought of a completely different game. I am curious....this will be interesting!:D

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Yeah, I remember Masters of Teräs Käsi. I never owned PS1, but that was one of the games that I would have wanted to try out in those days.


Now, other good idea(at least I think so) would be a SW adventure game. I know, I know! It seems ridiculous and even impossible at first, but think about it just a minute. We know that adventure genre overally is going down and fast, so Star Wars license could perhaps draw people back and you could easily include some action elements because of its theme alone.


What I would personally like to see is a civilian exploring familiar location or two taken from the movies, talking to people living back there, solving puzzles that are somehow linked to events discussed in the movies and maybe bump into familiar character(even though that's not important).


Having played through LEC's other adventure titles, this would be awesome way to see events from totally other point of view(rebels, imperials and smugglers/mercenaries/bounty hunters already been represented in other games) and add plenty of down to earth humour(something that guys like Sean Clark and Michael Stemmle could write easily) into mix. :D

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

What I would personally like to see is a civilian exploring familiar location or two taken from the movies, talking to people living back there, solving puzzles that are somehow linked to events discussed in the movies and maybe bump into familiar character(even though that's not important).



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Originally posted by Darth-Nasty

Jedi Tycoon!


You play as yoda and have to sucssefully manage the jedi!


You delegate mission to knights promote people to the council oversee training of potential jedi and expansions to the temple as well as balancing the finances of the jedi!


:lol: that sounds like a cool game lol seeing beacuse i like rollercoaster tycoon.......:p

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Advice to Star Wars franchise:


"Quit while you are ahead (or behind in this case)".


The movies are getting exponentially worse and the games are really getting boring.

Your statements are just like your name, they're both absurd :p Episode II was incredible and Jedi Outcast is an awesome game.


I'd like to see a first person shooter starring Yoda... cut up battledroids, fight Dooku at the end... get to jump around like a muppet on Speed... make the Blue Stance moves look like they're standing still :D



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i think a final fantasy type rpg staring star wars characters would be cool. the time setting would be around rotj. you start as luke and you find different saber hilts (diffrent ones are more powerful) and you can have han as the usual gun carring team mate, leia as the usual female, yoda as the magic midget, and chewie as the strange species( sort of like a red xiii) and they can have summons of great jedi council memebers.

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Originally posted by Jedi_Monk

'd like to see a first person shooter starring Yoda... cut up battledroids, fight Dooku at the end... get to jump around like a muppet on Speed... make the Blue Stance moves look like they're standing still :D



Well, that would be an unfair game, caus Yoda would never loose:D:cool:

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a strategy game, a GOOD strategy game.


picture this, lucasarts and blizzard team up and put out a massive FLEET strategy game, im talking rebellion 2. but incredibly advanced. better graphics and more sides to choose from. (just some ideas) like the trade fed, separatists, empire, rebellion, yuuzan vong, old republic. and for the love of god, make the heroes more important. like Thrawn commanding a fleet would add the equivalent of 10 ssd's =)



(just my opinion so dont flame me)

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I played a game a few weeks back called "X-Files" I bought it used for like $10 and got about $50 worth of fun out of it easy. It's a 4 disc PSONE game and basically you play the role of an agent sent by AD Skinner to track down Agent Scully and Mulder who have been missing for 4 days. Along the way you take evidence to a crime lab, get into a shoot out, take pictures, check your e-mail, and you get wrapped up comepletely in Mulders case. Basically it's a choose your own adventure, one bad descision and it affects the whole game! I would love to see something like this in a Star Wars format. I would love more games like that period!

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I already posted my idea for a Jedi Knight III in the Valley of the Jedi forums. But I agree that a Morrowind-type of Star Wars RPG would be the most awesome program to exist on my computer. Star Wars: Galaxies is currently at the top of my list, and I will definitely get that since its more than I ever dreamed of. However, I think a single-player version of it would really rock especially for those who cannot afford to pay every month and/or don't have the connection for it. It would have to be really different though, taking place perhaps a couple hundred years before Episode I, so we can have Yoda and the Jedi Council. There would be some kind of main plot, but like Morrowind you don't even have to look into it. You could begin on say, Tatooine, and be able to do anything you want there, and then, using ships, go to several other planets. All I can possibly think of right now is Coruscant, Naboo, Yavin IV, and Nar Shadda.


Anyway, I'm just rambling on now. A good strategy game is required, and also like I just said in a little too much detail, a Morrowind-type of RPG, except Star Wars. (SW: Galaxies ... SINGLE PLAYER!)


- Jedi Knight Bub :ben:

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Star Wars: Galaxies is currently at the top of my list, and I will definitely get that since its more than I ever dreamed of. However, I think a single-player version of it would really rock especially for those who cannot afford to pay every month and/or don't have the connection for it.

That's why I won't be getting Galaxies. I'm not gonna pay montly fees, if I have ALREADY bought the game itself! Besides, I don't play that often and Galaxies is more like living in that world 24/7, so why pay extra for it then?


No, even though I knew that Galaxies DO qualify to many parts I asked for and tries to be sort of jack-of-all-trades, I want to see more or less a traditional adventure if that's even possible in these days of hybrid games. I DID mention that it could have action elements, but more in the way like Full Throttle(and evidently its more action oriented sequel will have) had them. The point however is a story driven game that consists of heavy/average puzzle solving elements with opportunity to discuss with "ordinary" people trying to live their lifes through those hectic timelines and see briefly how those societies work. It doesn't always have to be about epic trips between different worlds or battles they go through in numerous other SW games. ;)


BTW, I'm also eagerly waiting for Knights of the Old Republic which(if you haven't already heard) Xbox version was recently slightly delayd to next spring with PC version coming in summer 2003; here's more information about it. :thumbsup:

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That's why I won't be getting Galaxies. I'm not gonna pay montly fees, if I have ALREADY bought the game itself! Besides, I don't play that often and Galaxies is more like living in that world 24/7, so why pay extra for it then?


I don't know if you've ever played a MMORPG or heard of it, I certainly haven't played them but I've heard of them, but... they aren't like your average multiplayer games. I won't go into detail because you probably understand it all already. But they have to pay for a lot of things - servers for you to play on (servers capable of holding thousands of people, that is... not 16 players), the staff, and multiple other things must be paid for. And it can't be paid for and constantly maintained by every single person purchasing the game and then playing for free, thus, you get the monthly fee. No pay, no play. Besides, with the dozens of free add-ons they will most likely release and the continous support, plus the fact that an expansion pack comes out shortly afterwards, I think it is well worth a monthly fee.


Lets not steer off topic however. Let us continue back on topic.


P.S. Unless Galaxies has consumed my soul ( :emperor: ), I will definitely be playing Knights of the Old Republic too. It looks like a grand game, too bad its coming out so far from now :(


- Jedi Knight Bub :ben:

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