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ya know what

PIo Koon

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forget it..i give up..none of the models i made are goin to be released period


Vampire telling me to **** off..go to hell..and hes happy my sorry ass is leaving


Trowa saying my modelscan't even be uvwmapped which they can its just no one will


no one even taking interest in the models im making except trebor..and even though that one is "popular" no ones helping or gives a ****


the sad decline of these forums


the idiotic people who ruin the forums


i could go on and on...im tired of being disrespected when i try and respect u guys


no im not trying to leave dramatically i just want u guys knowing how i feel...only a few guys here respected me..its amazing...people who literally *******s (ADD or not) are popular on the forums..thats bull****!


so anyway i just wanted to say im leaving..and im taking my "****ty models that can't be UVWmapped" with me..lata everyone


not really sure if its been a pleasure

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Sorry to see ya go man. I did attempt to UVW mapp your model, Product straight fingers, But I did tell that everytime i collapesed the stack, EVEN for the segemented head, he had a whole bunch of werid **** in it. I was and still am waiting for your update.


Don't let the people get to you, You shouldn't really rely on just this forum for input. the froums at 3dtotal, and 3d buzz have a game section. Where people will respond to you within mintues. If your really hardcore, you can check out http://www.maxforums.org .I started posting my render work there, and man they are crictal in cirtiques.


For you I would recommend going there, Becasue you have some good work, and you could use some cold harsh critiques. If you goto max froums, my name is Twisted_vertex......hope to see you there

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why cant your models be mapped?


remember you have to do it before you even start the segments and capping. It's easier to do the layout, next you split the mesh and it will keep the coordinates. That's the way i did it.


Just don't quit because people say it sucks, do it fo yourself first! it's a learning process.


Check out this tutorial on mapping basics, its great:


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Yeah for real guys. Don't leave because people say stuff about your models. Look at me. My models and I are hated by a ton of people, but I like modeling so therefore, I'm not really doin it to please other people. I find joy in doing it. Also, PIo if you want me to I will UVMap your Trebor model. I may not be the best at UVMapping but I can do a good enough job to get a skin on it. Just PM me if you want me to.

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Bye, and thank god your models arent getting released. Why? Well not to offend you, but your a beginner, and you shouldnt release your first work. And for boba, good you werent much help. I do wish you people would stop posting these good bye threads ;|.

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gesh, all these threads do is get people mad at eachother...how bout no more of these good-bye threads...plo, ive been followin the coleman thread since u started it...why dont u just release the model to the public and someone will take on the task of doing it, ud still get mega credit for it, send the model to jkii.net, they'll put it up, someone will load it and map it...plez dont just leave it sittin, so many people were lookin forward to it and because of 1 or 2 guys ur not gonna release it...?

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its seems to me their is a lack of UVWmappers in the community


Umm... UVWmapping is part of the process of modelling. Every modeller needs to know how to UVW map, it is an essential step for any form of modelling. No one should expect someone to UVW map a model for them, they should learn how to do it themselves with the wealth of material available on the internet. Granted it may not have the easiest learning curve, but I can guarantee 90% of modellers learnt it themselves with patience and practice. You cannot expect these things to be spoon fed to you, it has to be worked out on your own. That is the only way you will learn.

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Some things in life are bad

They can really make you mad

Other things just make you swear and curse!


When you're chewing on life's gristle

Don't grumble, give a whistle

And this'll help things turn out for the best!


Always look on the bright side of life!

Always look on the right side of life!

Always look on the bright side of death!

Just before you draw your terminal breath!

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Yeah you can't always expect people to do the work for you When it fits your time slot. I kinda compare peole doing the work for you, to that geek in math class who did everybody's homework for them. what do you get out of it? nothing.


UVW mapping is NOT I repeat NOT hard, you have to actually sit down and learn how and why it works. Before you even begin to test the concept.


let me say that again...YOU have to learn WHY and HOW the uvw coordinates work. Before anything else.

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Well, sorry to see you go plo and boba. I for one did have respect for you. As well as everyone else who is on lucasforums. One thing I have to say though. I think a lot of people who have left recently seem to think they're strong for leaving. That they're to big and good for us. Well I got news for you, it doesn't make you sound strong, it makes you sound week.



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