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Hey, look at what I found.


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Was looking through some bots files and came across allignments. Seems that the rumor of bots "teaming up" with other bots are true after all?





name "Reborn"

model Reborn

color1 0

tck_saberred 40

tck_sabergreen 180

tck_saberblue 5

personality /botfiles/Reborn.jkb

//Reborn are aligned with Shadowtroopers and Galak <--------




name "Galak"

model Galak

color1 0

personality /botfiles/Galak.jkb

//Galak is aligned with Shadowtroopers and Reborn




name "Reelo"

model Reelo

color1 0

personality /botfiles/Reelo.jkb

//Reelo is aligned with no one




name "Chiss"

model chiss

color1 0

personality /botfiles/chiss.jkb

//Chiss is aligned with no one




name "Krussk"

model trandoshan

color1 0

personality /botfiles/trandoshan.jkb

//Trandoshan is aligned with no one




name "Ak-Buz"

model Weequay

color1 0

personality /botfiles/Weequay.jkb

//Weequay is aligned with no one




name "Beedo"

model Rodian

color1 0

personality /botfiles/Rodian.jkb

//Rodian is aligned with no one




name "Lieutenant_Cabbel"

model Imperial

color1 0

personality /botfiles/Imperial.jkb

//Imperial is aligned with no one




name "IW-323"

model Imperial_worker

color1 0

personality /botfiles/Imperial_worker.jkb

//Imperial_worker is aligned with no one




name "SP-597"

model Stormpilot

color1 0

personality /botfiles/stormpilot.jkb

//Stormpilot is aligned with no one




name "SW-967"

model Swamptrooper

color1 0

personality /botfiles/Swamptrooper.jkb

//Swamptrooper is aligned with no one




name "TK-421"

model Stormtrooper

color1 0

personality /botfiles/Stormtrooper.jkb

//Stormtrooper is aligned with no one




// Light Side bots

// Currently, all LS bots carry blue lightsabers


name "Luke"

model Luke

color1 4

tck_saberred 15

tck_sabergreen 15

tck_saberblue 170

personality /botfiles/Luke.jkb

//Luke is attached to Lando, Jedi, and Jeditrainer




name "Yoda"

model yoda

color1 4

tck_saberred 10

tck_sabergreen 140

tck_saberblue 10

personality /botfiles/Kyle.jkb

//Kyle is attached to MOrgan, Jan and Mon Mothma




name "Jedi_Trainer"

model Jeditrainer

color1 4

tck_saberred 65

tck_sabergreen 65

tck_saberblue 65

tck_doublesaber 1

personality /botfiles/Jeditrainer.jkb

//Jedi trainer is attached to Luke and Jedi




name "Morgan"

model Morgan/default_mp

color1 4

personality /botfiles/Morgan.jkb

//Morgan is attached to Kyle




name "Jedi"

model Jedi

color1 4

tck_saberred 125

tck_sabergreen 125

tck_saberblue 10

personality /botfiles/Jedi.jkb

//Jedi is attached to Luke and Jeditrainer




name "Jan"

model Jan

color1 4

personality /botfiles/Jan.jkb

//Jan is attached to Kyle and Mon Mothma




name "Mon_Mothma"

model Monmothma

color1 4

personality /botfiles/Monmothma.jkb

//Mon Mothma is attached to Kyle and Jan




name "Prisoner"

model Prisoner

color1 4

personality /botfiles/Prisoner.jkb

//Prisoner is attached to no one




name "Bespin_Officer"

model Bespin_cop

color1 4

personality /botfiles/bespin_cop.jkb

//Bespin_cop is attached to no one




name "Rebel"

model Rebel

color1 4

personality /botfiles/Rebel.jkb

//Rebel is attached to no one




name "Ree-Yees"

model Gran

color1 4

personality /botfiles/Gran.jkb

//Gran is attached to no one




name "Lando"

model Lando

color1 4

personality /botfiles/Lando.jkb

//Lando is attached to Luke




name "Ugnaught"

model Ugnaught

color1 4

personality /botfiles/Ugnaught.jkb

//Ugnaught is attached to no one




name "@STOPHERE"

model Ugnaught

color1 4

personality /botfiles/Ugnaught.jkb

//Ugnaught is attached to no one


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yeah they are bot attatchments you can alter the strength of them so that you kill a bots friend he will track you down and kill you.


If you try the boba and jango models they never kill each other


And that yoda shouldnt be there. that should be kyle.


Jedimod had that altered cos when they were first testing the scaling they replaced kyle with yoda and forgot to put the names back

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Dude. you got problems.


It's in the JK2 read me. You know, the thing that your suppose to READ!!!


Heres a copy for people who are lazy:


BOT Personalities


Bots will use the Force power and weapon that makes the

most sense at a given time. Although favored weapon and

favored Force power is listed, it does not mean it will

always use that weapon or ability. Bots that are aligned

with other bots have the propensity to not attack their

friends and will try to avenge them if they are defeated.

If a bot is listed as having no Force power, that bot will

use the stun baton instead of a lightsaber.




Luke Skywalker

* Very Fast Reaction Time

* Very High Accuracy

* Very High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Heal

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Lando, Jedi and Jedi Trainer


Kyle Katarn

* Fast Reaction Time

* High Accuracy

* Very High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Protect

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Jan, Mon_Mothma, and Morgan


Jedi Trainer

* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Luke and Jedi



* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Kyle



* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Heal

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Luke and Jedi Trainer


Jan Ors

* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Heal

* Favored Weapon: Rocket Launcher

Aligned with Kyle and Mon_Mothma


Mon Mothma

* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Disruptor

Aligned with Kyle and Jan



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Protect

* Favored Weapon: Repeater


Bespin Officer

* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Flechette



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Poor Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Heal

* Favored Weapon: Thermal Detonator


Lando Calrissian

* Very Fast Reaction Time

* Incredible Accuracy

* Very High Agility

* No Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: N / A

* Favored Weapon: Rocket Launcher

Aligned with Luke



* Slow Reaction Time

* Abysmal Accuracy

* Poor Agility

* No Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: N / A

* Favored Weapon: Blaster Rifle






* Very Fast Reaction Time

* Very High Accuracy

* Very High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Lightning

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Tavion



* Fast Reaction Time

* High Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Grip

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Desann



* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Reborn and Galak



* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Shadowtrooper and Galak


Galak Fyarr

* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Rocket Launcher

Aligned with Shadowtrooper and Reborn



* Fast Reaction Time

* High Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Grip

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Lightning

* Favored Weapon: Disruptor



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Bowcaster



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Grip

* Favored Weapon: Disruptor


Lieutenant Cabbel

* Average Reaction Time

* Poor Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Poor Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Grip

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Poor Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Rage

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Poor Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Grip

* Favored Weapon: Flechette



* Slow Reaction Time

* Abysmal Accuracy

* Poor Agility

* No Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: N / A

* Favored Weapon: Blaster Rifle


I made it smaller so that it didn't fill the whole page.

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Originally posted by XERXES

there was no reason to post it again.


1. I knew it was a lot to post. thats why I had it into a small size




2. Not only does it have the BOT Aligned information, it also has the strengths and weaknesses of the BOTs. (Reaction time, accuracy, agility)




3. The list I posted has different information

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