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The Future Of Jedi Outcast Is Here !


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ok without going into all the details, there is a new MOD out called ProMod, check it out here




I cannot stress enough HOW FREAKIN AWSOME this mod is, this is what jedi should have ben from the start. Sabers witch are not Q-tips and do damage, a saber system that rewards aim in hitting and in blocking, a recoil system that makes sense instead of random blocks bouncing your opponent and urself, FINALY a version were light stance is worth something besides being an ass warrior with back stab... I was going to give up on jedi after the disapointment witch was 1.3 and 1.4, but this has brought new life to the game


I encourage EVERYONE to go play on a promod server, and bug the hell outa every server you know to start running it.

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i posted a new one, cause spam is good when promoting, that and the offical thread is labeled as a mod, and a lot of people skip mod information because, well its a mod and they dont want to bother with it, but this way with this type of post heading people will stop by and look, and hopefully try out the mod

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Originally posted by BcoAzriel

i posted a new one, cause spam is good when promoting, that and the offical thread is labeled as a mod, and a lot of people skip mod information because, well its a mod and they dont want to bother with it, but this way with this type of post heading people will stop by and look, and hopefully try out the mod


and spam gets deleted...so why post it if it's gonna vanish?



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Originally posted by BcoAzriel

i posted a new one, cause spam is good when promoting, that and the offical thread is labeled as a mod, and a lot of people skip mod information because, well its a mod and they dont want to bother with it, but this way with this type of post heading people will stop by and look, and hopefully try out the mod


lol..have you seen how many views his thread has? It has more than the sticky's man...lol it's not being passed along without a glance.

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i did not post this as a pissing contest to get the most views, i posted this because the thread was titled in such a manner to grab the attention of a casual gamer, whenever you have the word MOD in a title of a thread a lot of casual gamers will not read since they just want to play and do not want to deal with the difficulty of MOD instalation, MOD bugs, and finding servers, so i titled this thread in a manner that would grab anyones attention, and then if you noticed i posted a link to ArtifX thread so they can get the real details on the MOD, i did this because like i said earlier, i believe this is EXACTLY what Jedi Outcast was meant to be and i want to see everyone adapt this as the standard.

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