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PIo Koon Model Pack

PIo Koon

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here it is as i said...i don't feel like talking anymore so heres the link




for those of u who thinks its a virus to get back at u guys...your wrong...its 312 KB...my saber...all 3 trebor's...and my IAG


a readme file..and a apology


plz read the apology...and think what u want



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did i say in game models running?


i said models...if u want them converted ill do it tomorrow but not now



one last thing i forgot to say


midgjit yoda..im sorry for calling u out


vampire..im sorry for calling u out


Trowa...im sorry for calling u out


whether u believe im sorry is up to u..but i am

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vampire..im sorry for calling u out


I forgive you only because I do not believe in holding a grudge against someone else.


Those words you said about me and whoever else you called out were only words. Nothing more than just words....


I believe people should start growing up around here (including me)


Your apology is accepted Plo Koon.

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I accept your apology although I don't know what you did cause I'm retarded and never look at the forums a lot. Although you apparently did something bad everyone deserves forgiveness and anyone who watches Dawson's River or Canal is a loser and has no life other than his mom's house and a forum. well if you like dawson's river and your a good person the ignore the last few words. :D everyone be happy!!!

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Well, I guess you are actually leaving this time. I accept your appology, Even though I don't know how you called me out.... If it is alright with you, I am going to release the version of your trebor that is in PK3 with the skin files I did. The skins aren't complete because I quit whenever we got into that argument. I can however finish it pretty soon I think.

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I find the read me funny. I'll quote a little bit.


"all i wanted was a little support...i got some...but then it stopped...so u all hate me

big deal"

I gave you support and I got yelled at.


"remember me for these models...not what i did...if i could go back and change it i would

seriously...but i did what i did and i don't regret it"

Okay here's a problem.... If you "could go back and change it" then that is regreting it.


I'll have to say I always did admire your work. And I know how it is with all those problems in your life. I have them as well. I honestly think you are a good person. I just think your a little stressed and overreactant lately (of course you always kinda overreact). I'm sure if you returned to these forums no one would flame you (of course there is always that weirdo noob that wants to flame everyone sso I wouldn't bet money on it).

Either way. Good luck with your modeling and everything (the models look nice and I am probably going to release them but you will get full credit).

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Actually I've changed my mind. I'm not. And you have Xyphox to thank (Thread). I don't wanna be called a theif (even though he released the .gmax files for it). Therefore I'm not even going to work on it anymore (though I have got it UVMapped and completely in game. All it needs is a skin which I had started). Oh well. I guess I'll just use it because I don't want to be a theif.

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yoda u do have my permission to finish these...i didn't release the hunter plasma rifle or assault rifle because those r going into a mod for a diff game


so those models in the zip u can finish and do what u like just give me credit...lata everyone

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