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I understand that there are people new to the game. This is true for any multiplayer game.


But some newbies on JO just reach such deep levels of idiocy that it boggles the mind. I'd have to say the greatest example of this is meeting up with a newbie in a corridor, and he has his blaster pistol. I pull my sabre. He begins firing at me, and I deflect every shot. Many of them go back into him. He takes damage, dies. Fast forward 20 seconds, meet him again. This time, he has a blaster rifle. Fires on me again, dies. Rinse, repeat over and over and over....


I once asked one of the, in the middle of his barrage "Didnt you learn the first time?"



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It still amazes my how a very large number of duel players seem to think "Jump/wind up/Air-DFA" will land on someone who has dodged it every time before.


People catch on rather quickly to things that work, but rather slowly to the things that don't for some reason.


I don't flame them or make fun of them, but I do kind of scratch my head and wonder if they are playing the same game I am at times.

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Shock, you might have been up against a l337 5-year-old..?


There are pretty young people playing....that might explain some of the really weird stuff they keep doing :D


I've always wondered about the DFA-people too, H-Ewok.. I mean...if the opponent has dodged it 15 times in a row and hit you once or twice in the back every time, what on earth makes you think: "Hmmm, I know! I'm gonna try to DFA the bastard!" :rolleyes:

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Ha the must fun type of n00b to play is what i call "Lv.2 Noob" in where they know a select few moves (kick, lightning, saber throw) And just use them, and of course lv3 Which is they know advanced combos but ONLY use them (throw+pull, kick+pull, Grip-throw, Lightning) And what's fun is all you have to do is sidestep them and they will NEVER change their strat, i once had someone going for 5 min in a FFA before someone else DFA'd me while i wasnt looking, damn DFA

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Speaking of newbies im a real newbie and i wanna know some lightsaber move other than backstab, and psyco-hit-every-button-and-hope-someone-dies. This is all i use and without using lightning i tend to die pretty frequently in lightsaber battles.


Some help please?

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Originally posted by cromster

*LOL* I learned yesturday that I could start my own MP game and swinga away with my lightsaber :) but I thank you for your tip :rolleyes:


A word of warning:


Fighting bots is nothing like fighting people. You'll get your butt kicked if you try similar strategies against us, 'cause (as you said) We are so d_m good! :D


I bet there are plenty of people on servers who would "train" you a little if you just ask. Don't start nagging though, because that's really annoying! :evil6:












You get the idea...

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Originally posted by cromster

that was not funny at all!!!


............yes it was! You just need to get the right kind of twisted sense of humour.


"I've had a newbie stand there, never attacking, but running around in circles trying to lightning while I had absorb on. he would just run away, roll around into he gets more force, come back to lightning some more....rinse repeat."


LOL! I know these people! They're all like: "I'm gonna ZZZAPPP that noob!! Ph333334r my l337 skillZ!"


The funny thing is that they never give up...never ever.


My hat's off to you guys :D Keep pushin'! You'll get them some day!


...........LOL! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

I understand that there are people new to the game. This is true for any multiplayer game.


But some newbies on JO just reach such deep levels of idiocy that it boggles the mind. ...


You are not kid'n man.. read this thread:



You will find a post from a JO of an email I guess sent to OGL admins complaining when they lost.


Blaming: Dark+Rage, Suicide, Any binds in general.


I seriously think ths community is full of noobies. I mean LOADED.. I am familiar with just few game'n communities but I have never seen sooo much NOOBage.


Please someone who admin's a CTF ladder for these forums please add a NOOB ladder for these guys and their NOOB clans to go so they can complain amoungst themselves...


Whoot.. stand up peeps.. we dont want to take this NooBage anymore!!! Lets do what they do... lets just complain...


noobage sucks!!!!


noobage is what is killing this game!!!




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Gotta remember, starwars attracts quite a wider audience than most other FPS games. Some people are playing JK:O as their first FPS game, while others yet are playing it as their first actual PC game. Some are quite young and others do not even have JK, but are at a friends or relatives house trying it out for the first time.


Be firm, but be understanding. Demeaning people who are ignorant (as in they do not know better, not stupid) rarely earns their trust enough so that you can show them correct methods, or at least the more efficient ones.


I know most of you are probably not here to teach or babysit, but taking the same amount of time it takes to rag a n00b could also be spent turning on into quite a considerable player. It would also win you back much more in appreciation than it would a flame fest. I have taken and mastered 3 apprentices, all of which are enjoying JK now and are very strong players by themselves.


There will ALWAYS be angry little monkeys who will not accept anything else other than their own methods as being a better way. They end up dooming themselves so u are probably better off just moving on.


Oh well, to each his own.

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What's wrong with "noobs"? I'm not saying I'm a noob but I'm not exactly a jk2 zealot i don't spend every waking minute trying to know how to beat everyone. But I paid for my game just like anyone else so even if i am crap i have a right to play the game and so does everyone else. If a noob bothers you kill em, they're there to play same as everyone else so if they moan ignore it just keep on playing. Not knowing the ins and outs of a computer game doesn't make you an idiot by any means.

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I love all this talk about n00b and l33t players. It makes me laugh that people bother to care so much about the game and their percieved status within it that they have to create these labels for themselves and others.

Quite amusing.

I remember being called a n00b in JK2 a week after the game came out!!!!! Unless the person was referring to their years of FPS experience in other games they quite simply must just have been typing words that they had seen others use. Ho ho ho.

Very amusing.


I quite often win games (and lose too) but i never feel the need to start slating someone by saying that the are new to the game. There are far better ways to mock someone and far better reasons to do so. Like script and aimbot users for instance.

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