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Battle Droid Released for MP and SP


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Ok, that took a bit longer than I expected, given that I started it in March =) I've sent the Battle Droid to various sites, including jediknightii.net and jk2files.com, so hopefully they should have it up soon. There will be two versions, an MP version and a SP version. Both are around 7MB.


The MP version has the following skins:


Infantry The standard battle droid

Security The red-shouldered battle droid

Pilot The blue-shouldered battle droid

Officer The yellow headed command droid.

Geonosis The reddish-pink droid from the AOTC arena

Blue Blue CTF skin

Red Red CTF skin


It also has five bots as well as sounds.


The SP version replaces as follows:

Stormtroopers: Infantry Droids

Stormtrooper Officers: Officer Droids

Imperials: Security Droids

TIE Pilots: Pilot Droids

Workers: Security/Pilot Droids

Swamptroopers: Infantry Droids, though I've made a more swamp-like skin for them.


It's about 6.3MB in size. It has sounds and the models do chop up properly, but it does not modify game balance. Although the droid is 3023 polys, I'm on a fairly low-end machine and I didn't notice any problems.

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Originally posted by Prophet

It's MacDs, the guy who posted above. No need to delete either because both will work fine together. :p


Ive just downloaded both models and they are both damn good! I must say that in my eyes yours has a slight edge over MacD's although i cant figure out why! Its probably the 'roger roger' taunt that does it! :D I guess it all comes down to personal tastes.


Sorry MacD!! Dont hit me!!!


/me runs away screaming like a 9 year old girl...

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Originally posted by Prophet

Is the yelp the bleep/d'oh sound? If so, I used it for the falling scream.

i know you used it for the falling sound, but it just seems weird that there's a blank mp3 for pushed2 when the yelp coulda been used there... oh well.

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The model and skin are both superb. I've followed the process ever since you first posted the initial thread and I have to say I am more than impressed with the results. The model looks superb. In the end I have but one very small complaint... Is it at all possible for you to make the bot AI like that of the stormtrooper, clonetrooper and Gamorrean guard i. e. they'll team up together opening up for cooperative play?

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t3rr0r - I had, but I changed it when I discovered that when you pushed an enemy off a ledge that sound often played twice. It's not actually difficult to change for sp, and if you did change it then it wouldn't affect MP at all as they use a different sound directory.


Andy867 - thanks very much =)


Admiral_Piett - They should already be set up to do that.

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Prophet, I'd like to thank you for your awsome models.

I've made myself a little EPII sp mod by using your SP release, along with making my own pk3 that also replaces the Rebels and Bespin_Cops with kegs, and Alien's Clone Troopers.

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Well that is certainly odd then. Maybe it's something with the download because in all the FFA's I've hosted with it the droids have gunned each other down like crazy, even though I only played with one particular form of droid at a time. I'll try and download the MP models from your site, maybe that'll help :) Or maybe my computer is just screwing up on me again...


Anyway as I said the model is stunning. Animations are fluid and working, as are decapitations! Sounds are terrific as well. It's a great piece of work...

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