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card game


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i think i read something about a card game somewhere...(think is a key word here...), but if there isnt, there should be. having a complx game in the...erm...game...would be sweet. and so would a cardmaker profession.


anyone else recall anything like that or am i daydreamin?

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not saying that an actual version of sabacc wouldn't be fun to have, but the implentation might be difficult.

say PC one has a large number of skill points in some skill to tell if someone is bluffing, but the actual person controling him can't tell the differnece between some one jumping with joy and someone who just came from a funeral, will the game just prompt him? if it does what will it say, that PC 2 is very happy? but all in all an acctual sabacc game would be fun, any one program enough that they could code one?

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There was talk of a Game Table to be available for use during interplanetary travel. This to take away the long and tedious minutes it takes for the transport to travel from, let's say, Tatooine to Corellia.


It will be in the NPC transports, you know, the one you have no control over :D , but I don't know if it will be in the private owned ones.

Could be. For the people you will transport somewhere.

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lets give a little more info :D



a holographic game played on a circular board with holographic pieces, dejarik was one of the oldest and most popular games ever created in the galaxy. Chewbacca had a dejarik table on board the Millennium Falcon, and was considered something of a master player. The exact origins of dejarik have been lost in time, and scholars and historians continue to argue over them.



a card game played in most every casino, it involves a standard deck of four suits (sabres, coins, flasks, and staves), each having 11 regular cards (1-11) and four ranked cards (the Commander, The Mistress, the Master, and the Ace). The ranked cards are valued from 12-15. The standard deck also includes 2 sets of 8 face cards, known as The Idiot (0), the Queen of Air and Darkness (+/-2), Endurance (+/-8), Balance (+/-11), Demise (+/-13), Moderation (+/-13), the Evil One (+/-15), and the Star (+/-17). Note that Galaxy of Fear 4 - The Nightmare Machine claims there are only 72 cards in a sabacc deck. Non-standard sabacc decks have included such face cards as Chance, Hazard, the Satellite, The Wheel, and The Damaged Starship, among others. The object is to come as close to +/-23 as possible. A score of greater than 23, less than -23, or 0 is a "bomb-out." There are multiple rounds played, and wagering occurs in each round. Two pots may be won; one for each hand, and one for the entire match. There are 5 major forms. At one time, Lando Calrissian was able to tell fortunes with a deck of sabacc cards. He used the various cards much like tarot cards, and Lando considered the Commander of Staves to be a representation of himself. The Ryn nomad Droma claimed that the Ryn were the original inventers of the sabacc deck, but they used it as a spiritual training device: in other words, to tell fortunes Each suit represented an aspect of the individual's being - staves represented spiritual enterprise, flasks represented emotional states, saber represented mental pursuits, and coins represented material well-being. The ranked cards indicated individuals of specific inclination, and the face cards represented specific events or actions.


Is that enough info? :D


-Wraith 8-

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