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World war three

Guest die rebel scum

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Guest die rebel scum

first off I would like to salute all those family and friends of those injured or killed in this trajedy and of course the people themselves. now to the subject do u think this act will result in a war. please give me your comment.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

At first I thought it would result in a World War III. But at the time of that writing, I was still under the shock of the news. Now I've settled down and thought about it all as a whole.


If it does result in a war, it will be a small one, because the enemy is only a terrorist group. Not a country, not a province, just a group. A group that hides away, and that hasn't been identified as of yet (to my knowledge).


Still, even if the war itself will be small, the action that caused it is catastrophic, and could be viewed as an apocalypse for many people.

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Guest xwing guy

yeah, we them and attack them from air and ground, and if possible by sea. Also all this points to Bin Laden, he is the one responsible I think.

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Even if a country was responsible. I doubt any country would want to stand in our way of that country. They would know that America is going to devote all resources needed to take that country down. Also another reason why no country would protect them is they don't way thousands of people's blood on their hands to when they shake hands in that allaince.

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Guest Gamma732

Good point, fergie, but there are numerous countries that would love nothing more then the USA's destruction. They don't hate us because of politics or economy. They hate us because of our way of life and our social values. They won't care how much blood is on their hands if they believe it is their religious duty.


Now, just because I say all that doesn't mean I think this'll end up as WWIII. All 'Dubya' jokes aside, Bush would not be that stupid as to instigate a war like that. No one in their right mind would. All the war talk we hear from him, is Bush showing his sympathey to all of us, because at one point or another, we all wanted a war or revenge. But, Juliani made a nice statement about this. He said basically, this attack was because of revenge and hatred. If we return this with more hatred and revenge, the cycle will only continue, and we will be as guilty as everyone else. I believe Bush will take a level headed approach and systematically search for the terrorists, rather then using a broad sword and bombing the Afghanistani countryside into the ground.

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Originally posted by Gamma732

Good point, fergie, but there are numerous countries that would love nothing more then the USA's destruction. They don't hate us because of politics or economy. They hate us because of our way of life and our social values. They won't care how much blood is on their hands if they believe it is their religious duty.


They don't even compare to our military. We don't have more than a regiment or two deployed into the middle East. Now just imagine a Division or Two. They would be even close to standing against our might. Most likely though it is a terrorist organization. If so we can send in Spec. Ops. (Green Beret or Navy Seals) to assasinate the leader and dissolve the organization. If Afganistan want to stand in our way we could blow them out of the water with a small flick of our military arm of power. Iraqi is the only country that MIGHT try and stop us and be more than a bump in the road. They would only be a big pathole in the road and our Tank/ military won't stumble over that.

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Guest Gamma732

If we tried to take a country down over there, I have a feeling China wouldn't really like that. Their a nuclear power and I don't think they especially like us. We can't just walk in and level the place, theres a lot of other stuff that can affect it. The initial countries may be relatively insignificant militarially, but there are other countries in the area that need to be thought of.

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Originally posted by Gamma732

If we tried to take a country down over there, I have a feeling China wouldn't really like that. Their a nuclear power and I don't think they especially like us. We can't just walk in and level the place, theres a lot of other stuff that can affect it. The initial countries may be relatively insignificant militarially, but there are other countries in the area that need to be thought of.


They can just suck eggs:mad:

If they do that we can just say...hmmmm...you must be sanctioning terrorist act...hmmm...UN doesn't sanction terrorist act so are you saying you are tring to cross the UN. Are you all for the deaths of Thousands of citizens of the United Staets???:mad:

If they say yes...I wonder what UN would say to an internal UN war???:mad:

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Originally posted by darthfergie


They don't even compare to our military. We don't have more than a regiment or two deployed into the middle East. Now just imagine a Division or Two. They would be even close to standing against our might. Most likely though it is a terrorist organization. If so we can send in Spec. Ops. (Green Beret or Navy Seals) to assasinate the leader and dissolve the organization. If Afganistan want to stand in our way we could blow them out of the water with a small flick of our military arm of power. Iraqi is the only country that MIGHT try and stop us and be more than a bump in the road. They would only be a big pathole in the road and our Tank/ military won't stumble over that.

Fergie the US can't assasinate people. :)

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Guest die rebel scum

If we tried to take a country down over there, I have a feeling China wouldn't really like that. Their a nuclear power and I don't think they especially like us. We can't just walk in and level the place, theres a lot of other stuff that can affect it. The initial countries may be relatively insignificant militarially, but there are other countries in the area that need to be thought of.







China wouldn't dare stand in our way they know we r allready mad about the whole plane thing, but no country can rival the USA it is the ultimate place,but little sneak attacks like this can catch us off guard, but then we will jump on them and destroy them. So any countrys in that area would actually rather side with us since they know we will win.

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Guest Crackercho

I don't think this is the begining of world war three because there is no massive conflict.And a massive conflict can be achieved only if two countries that have nuclear arsenal attack theirselves.

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First off, China lost people in the World Trade Center.


Second, you cant take out only their leader, if they believe its their religious duty, someone will just replace him. Also, anyone who is part of that group must have had some involvement with the attack and is guilty of warcrimes...they deserve everything they get.


I believe the other middle eastern countries will support us because they know if we don't find out who did id then we will take them all out.



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Originally posted by Crackercho

I don't think this is the begining of world war three because there is no massive conflict.And a massive conflict can be achieved only if two countries that have nuclear arsenal attack theirselves.


Do you really think that is the only way? Or are you reading some thriller right now.


There are enough reasons to start a war. Nuclear weapons are not neccesary for that. WWI and WWII didn't involve nuclear stuff ... They involved a world in war, that's what's needed to start a war.


America, Isreal, Palastine and Afghanisthan are involved already ... It's not a war yet, but wich countries are gonna be next...


If both China and Russia get involved too ... then we are in deep ****.

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Originally posted by Young David


Do you really think that is the only way? Or are you reading some thriller right now.


There are enough reasons to start a war. Nuclear weapons are not neccesary for that. WWI and WWII didn't involve nuclear stuff ... They involved a world in war, that's what's needed to start a war.


America, Isreal, Palastine and Afghanisthan are involved already ... It's not a war yet, but wich countries are gonna be next...


If both China and Russia get involved too ... then we are in deep ****.


I think its more along the lines that we are extremely angry at them all right now. Still, Russia would be on our side in a World War at the moment. China may not like us, but i don't think they will stand up to the UN, not after they finally got the olympics. No, i think that this will be a personal dispute between us and the country/orginization involved. It won't involve other countries, and it shouldn't escelate even to the point of invasion.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

No, i think that this will be a personal dispute between us and the country/orginization involved. It won't involve other countries, and it shouldn't escelate even to the point of invasion.


"An attack on one of the members of NATO, is an attack on all of the members of NATO" .. that's what article 5 of one of NATO's somethings. So, if America will be in war ... the world will be in war.

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Tie Guy


I think its more along the lines that we are extremely angry at them all right now. Still, Russia would be on our side in a World War at the moment. China may not like us, but i don't think they will stand up to the UN, not after they finally got the olympics. No, i think that this will be a personal dispute between us and the country/orginization involved. It won't involve other countries, and it shouldn't escelate even to the point of invasion.


I'm not sure how fervently Russia will come help us now. While they may help in relief efforts and they do have their own terrorist problems, a sizable amount of Russia's citizens are Muslims. I'm not saying that all Muslims are against Americans, I mean that the Russian leadership doesn't want to take any actions that may upset a large portion of their citizens.

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ok first off if china gets pissed were doomed they launch yheir nukes and were toast


im sorry to say this but taking out the leader wont work there will just b others to take over the job and i know alot of u guys are mad because they were civilian targers but thats what were going to have to do were going to have to hit civilian targets so the ppl get mad at the terrorists and stamp them out themselves were in no position to fight a religious war man if there capable of this just think what they are capable of in a war for their god man they would b powerful but i think we would prevail.:)

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Guest Gamma732

You're right, just taking out the leaders will not work. If we just take out the leaders all we do is make them martyrs and increase the zealotry of their followers. If we are to take an action against these groups, we should take out the leaders, but we should not stop there. The only kind of response will have to be a complete one. Any terrorist or terrorist sympathizers must be hunted down, otherwise, the cells will only regroup and regrow. Our response must be comprehensive enough to let terrorists know that if they try something like this, they will be apprehended.

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Guest Gamma732

Its definately not going to be a large scale 'war' as we have seen before. This is a war of ideologies.


Iraq? I'm curious as to how you draw that conclusion, you're the first I've heard even mention them. I'm not bashing you or anything, I'm just interested in your logic here.

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