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World war three

Guest die rebel scum

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Guest die rebel scum
ok first off if china gets pissed were doomed they launch yheir nukes and were toast






What r u talking about china does not have nucleor capibility only Us,Russia, and Japan have nucleor capibility so they could not nuke us!!!!!! anyway china will not fight they have a long history of not entering wars, why do u think there r so many people in China?and about there being religous terrisests they would get there ass whooped by our country. All they can do is sneak attack so they could not win. It is as siple as that......

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Originally posted by die rebel scum

What r u talking about china does not have nucleor capibility only Us,Russia, and Japan have nucleor capibility so they could not nuke us!!!!!! anyway china will not fight they have a long history of not entering wars, why do u think there r so many people in China?and about there being religous terrisests they would get there ass whooped by our country. All they can do is sneak attack so they could not win. It is as siple as that......


Irak has nuclear power... China could take advantage of a large war to become the most powerful country...


About Irak, Bush Sr. attacked Irak... George W.Bush, is not friendly to Irak, Hussein hates the US... they have good weaponry... Hussein hasn't stated anything definitive about the tragedy...

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Guest Gamma732

Ok, guys lets get this straight. China has nuclear weapons. The other countries with nuclear weapons are: USA, Russia, France, UK, Isreal, India, and Pakistan. Iraq, Libya, Iran, and North Korea are suspected to have some type of nuclear capability. Its not just the USA and Russia. Lots of people can have a nuke. Their not very rare any more.

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Guest xwing guy

Somebody said that only the US, russia, and japan has nukes, well thats about half right us and russia do have nukes but japan doesn't because after WW2 we said that they can't have a military or any nukes or other weapons of mass destruction, but china does have long range nuke cabilities.

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Guest Gamma732

Nope, I looked all those countries up. The sites said that if the countries weren't mentioned, they had no nukes. So, Japan was not on the list.

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Nukes can't hit us over here, not for Asia anyways. Why do you think there was a cuban missle crisis? They couldn't hit us from that far away, so they moved closer.


Anyways, Russia may not rush to help us, but they won't fight against us either. Also, BOTH China AND Russia have condemened the attacks, and offer vocal support. So, those two are really out of the equation. Plus, neither of them are allies with Pakistan or Aphganistan.


Also, who cares about nukes! As i said earlier, or maybe in another thread, only an idio with no sense would lanch a nuke. If one fired, then like 20 all around the world would fire, and the maybe more. The world would be close being destroyed, and the cancer rate would be extremely high. That is why we just don't nuke entire bases or fleets of ships. Plus, its not economical.

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People, people, think about it, the WTC, a hive of business for many, many, many countries in the world was kamikazed by a terrorist group possibly supported by Pakistan, Palestine, or Afghanistan. Anyway my point is we have 9/10 of the world on our side b/c everyone lost someone or something in the building. China and Japan's economy is also very, very low right now b/c of what they lost there so I have a feeling if they nuke someone it will be the perp! We would have most likely all of the following supporting us:

UK, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Central American countries, South American countries, Canada, China, Japan, African countries, and Austrailia.

So, if you consider most of the world allying to level a few countries then yes, I think we may have WWIII, but in my opinion we won't need that much, and this is not the beginning of WWIII.

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gamma is right in reference to countries with nuclear capability.



anyhow, here is an interesting quote:


- Co chair of Empower America:

"They killed innocent people yesterday....they(islamic militants) provoked it, asked for it, and they will get it.....



This is a war between democracy versus terrorists, which people, is more than you think. Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world and they are spread out throughout various pockets of global society. As much as i hated saying this in the past, the people responsible will DIE for this. we're not going to bring them to justice, we're gonna bring them to their knees, deservingly so. i'm so pissed and emotional everytime i turn on to CNN and seeing people looking for their loved ones, playing messages of those people's last words, watching over and over again those two planes crashing into the world trade centers. if you've ever been to NYC, those are two outstanding buildings, a world wonder to itself.


The Taliban have plead not to be attacked. i'm sorry to say that if they're harboring this ****** Ladin, that country will be an afterthought.......

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Tie Guy

Nukes can't hit us over here, not for Asia anyways. Why do you think there was a cuban missle crisis? They couldn't hit us from that far away, so they moved closer.


Anyways, Russia may not rush to help us, but they won't fight against us either. Also, BOTH China AND Russia have condemened the attacks, and offer vocal support. So, those two are really out of the equation. Plus, neither of them are allies with Pakistan or Aphganistan.


Also, who cares about nukes! As i said earlier, or maybe in another thread, only an idio with no sense would lanch a nuke. If one fired, then like 20 all around the world would fire, and the maybe more. The world would be close being destroyed, and the cancer rate would be extremely high. That is why we just don't nuke entire bases or fleets of ships. Plus, its not economical.


Alright, now during the Cuban Missle Crisis, ICBM's launched from Asia could not hit us. However, that was around 50 years ago. Nowadays, ICBM's from Asia can hit us. And don't discount the use of nukes. Sure, only a madman would use a nuke, but there are some crazy people out there. And the world is not a very large place when you have a nuclear device.

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Originally posted by Clefo

But If there is going to be "World War III" then it would probably be the UN plus maybe China and Russia vs Afghanistan, so no contest.


China doesn't exactly like Russia...I think if we do go against Afganistan Russia and U.S. would be the main factors. China might actually condem our attacking Afganistan! I know it doesn't seem likly, but China isn't likly to help us anyway.

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Guest die rebel scum
Ok, guys lets get this straight. China has nuclear weapons. The other countries with nuclear weapons are: USA, Russia, France, UK, Isreal, India, and Pakistan. Iraq, Libya, Iran, and North Korea are suspected to have some type of nuclear capability. Its not just the USA and Russia. Lots of people can have a nuke. Their not very rare any more.



There will be no inulting permitted. got it? -rhett

First off Iraq does not have nukes they would of nuked us long ago we made sure that they dont have nucleor missiles I don't know what u don't understand some people u listed do have nukes, but they do not have the rocket propalsion systems to get even close to us..........even close!!!!!and for the last time china does not have nukes!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by die rebel scum

R u stupid or just a 6th grader first off Iraq does not have nukes they would of nuked us long ago we made sure that they dont have nucleor missiles I don't know what u don't understand some people u listed do have nukes, but they do not have the rocket propalsion systems to get even close to us..........even close!!!!!and for the last time china does not have nukes!!!!!!!


China HAS Nukes.

Iraq is suspected of having Nukes, but we can not find them.

And he was right, Nukes arn't very rare anymore.

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Originally posted by darthfergie


China doesn't exactly like Russia...I think if we do go against Afganistan Russia and U.S. would be the main factors. China might actually condem our attacking Afganistan! I know it doesn't seem likly, but China isn't likly to help us anyway.

Actually China and Russia recently signed a friendship treaty or something like that.


But if there is WW3 its gonna be pretty one-sided

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Originally posted by Clefo

But if there is WW3 its gonna be pretty one-sided


That is an understatement clefo. After the first week, there will probably be no other side at all, and its so small already.

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by die rebel scum




R u stupid or just a 6th grader first off Iraq does not have nukes they would of nuked us long ago we made sure that they dont have nucleor missiles I don't know what u don't understand some people u listed do have nukes, but they do not have the rocket propalsion systems to get even close to us..........even close!!!!!and for the last time china does not have nukes!!!!!!!


First off, I'm not stupid. And if I am, I guess everyone agreeing with me is too. At least I'm in good company. ;) Secondly, I'm in 12th, not 6th.


That being said, it is a known fact that CHINA HAS NUCLEAR WEAPONS . Second of all, I said Iraq is suspected of having nuclear capabilities. You're right. Saddam's a madman. If he had nukes we'd probably be dead. We have imposed sanctions and kept an eye on him, but theres no telling if he's hiding anything from us.


And I'm not just pulling these numbers out of nowhere. Go to http://www.nuclearfiles.org/issues/nuclear_weapons_states.html They have a list of countries with nuclear capabilities.


Lastly, the intellgent debate is fine, but lets just leave out the name calling.

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Guest Admiral Odin

Saddam also doesn't want to die, hence he won't nuke us until we can't retaliate.


Also President Bush stated he will not make a difference between countries that Harbor Terrorist and The terrorist themselves this means WWIII could happen. Iran, Afganistane, Plastine, Iraq do support them.

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Guest dvader07

Ok, first off, if you guys would read that page that you posted, you would see that it says Iraq is pursuing nuclear capability but is not there yet. Secondly, Israel, Pakistan, and India are suspected to the the capability to make nukes. That is all. China definitely has nukes.


Now back to the point. I totally agree with whoever quoted Mayor Guliani. This was a horrible act of terror and cowardous, but we would be no better than those who committed this horrible act if we responded the way that some of you are suggesting. The following is my personal opinion. I am not sure if public sentiment would allow this to happen. We are country which prides our selves in maintaining order and upholding the law. Well, why is this any different than all the other terrorist attacks in the past. Yes, the magnitude is greater, but tat is like making a difference between a murder who killed one person and a serial killer who has killed a hundred. In the end, the law states tha they are both entitled to their day in court. Now, this is a heinous CRIME and should be treated as such. Thus the persons or people behind this should be apprehended and placed on trial. If we go around killing them and all their associates in some huge military campaign we will gain nothing and most likely lose a lot.


Now, if whatever country this person or people are in will not cooperate, then we have another situation entirely, but thus far that does not seem to be the case. If this was bin Ladin, then I don't think Afghanistan is stupid enough to oppose the whole world.


I think the real issue is how the world will come together in the fight against terrorism. I hope that this trajic act will serve to bring the world together with the determination to stamp out terrorism in a proactive, but legal way. As I mentioned before, this is just my humble opinion, and I am not sure if public sentiment would allow our government to act this way, but I truly hope that our government does not stoop to the level of this horrible people.

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Guest Admiral Odin

A few things.


1. my point still stands Saddam doesn't want to die, and won' t nuke us, if he could.


2.This isn't like anyother crime, this is an act of war, these cowards are extremely fanatical and won't surrender. Military force is the only thing that can be done, especially now. President Bush has stated that we were going to use our military as such if we don't we appear week and open to more attacks.


3.If we kill, the leaders hopefully others will see that if they decide to be terrorist the US will hunt them down. We can't let them get away with only a slap on the hand.


Terrorism is not a simple murder it is a war, we need to fight this as we would fight a war. It will be long, and people will die, mostlikly more Terrorist then Our men.


Also Nato has promised the USA military aid in whatever course of action we do. If we are able to capture the leaders then they should be placed before the Hague on War crime and sumarily executed, or killed right in the camp along with the others, let them disappear.


Also we are not lowering ourselves to their level the military will attack ligetamate targets (ie terrorist cells, and or government installation {depending on the govs stance}) We won't target office buildings, hospitals, schools, or other places were civillians gather. We are just in this quest and we must carry through with it.

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

die rebel scum: you cannot assure they don't have. Thank God Israel is supporting the US, if they weren't the world would be in real trouble.


Yeah, but if Israel wasn't allied with us then they wouldn't have any of that stuff. He sell them all their airdraft, and supplies, and weapons. they wouldn't have anything without us really, but they won't abandon us. Where are they gonna go, to the muslim nations? I don't think so.

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Originally posted by Admiral Odin

A few things.


1. my point still stands Saddam doesn't want to die, and won' t nuke us, if he could.

I wouldn't be so sure about that

2.This isn't like anyother crime, this is an act of war, these cowards are extremely fanatical and won't surrender. Military force is the only thing that can be done, especially now. President Bush has stated that we were going to use our military as such if we don't we appear week and open to more attacks.

but not military...as in large force (Division and up) More like Spec. Ops. and remember after this terrorist has been brought to justice America is still going to keep tighting their grasp on terrorism...Colin Powell said,"this isn't just a battle against terrorism, this is a campiagn."

3.If we kill, the leaders hopefully others will see that if they decide to be terrorist the US will hunt them down. We can't let them get away with only a slap on the hand.

The Shehad doesn't care who is in charge. They are a suicide organization. Most have them have accepted they WILL die.

Terrorism is not a simple murder it is a war, we need to fight this as we would fight a war. It will be long, and people will die, mostlikly more Terrorist then Our men.

Not lilkly. They have probably fortified their area and are more familiar with their environment. We have technology and that is what propelled us through Desert Storm. But now the Middle East has caught up to technology in many repects epsecially through the many Black Markets.

Also Nato has promised the USA military aid in whatever course of action we do. If we are able to capture the leaders then they should be placed before the Hague on War crime and sumarily executed, or killed right in the camp along with the others, let them disappear.

They won't disapear. The ones we execute will become Martyrs to the Shehad and other oganizations out there.

Also we are not lowering ourselves to their level the military will attack ligetamate targets (ie terrorist cells, and or government installation {depending on the govs stance}) We won't target office buildings, hospitals, schools, or other places were civillians gather. We are just in this quest and we must carry through with it.

we won't purposly target them unless they are harboring terrorists.

I'm not pointing out all these things to look glum. I'm tring to be objective and point out hole, even if they are small. I hope you are right on many points. Most likly anything can happen.:(

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