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Damn mods.


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I've been having a hard time trying to find vanilla 1.04 servers.


I think that's one of the things killing this game. So many people want the game (the lightsabers to be exact) to work they're way that they're creating mods.


Too many of them. Too many that they've caused the already small fan base to splinter off to even small ones.


Mods are meant to add to the game. Give it new life, new gameplay and attract more players (The Half-Life community is a good example of that. Number of servers, players and good quality player created models/maps skyrocketed with the release of such things as Team Fortress Classic or Counter-Strike).


However, it seems to me the mods released for Jedi Outcast don't really try to add much. Instead they try to fix things that some people consider problems and other people don't.

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Most mods plain suck. The JediMod sucks, well, TRY using the red stance. You start to swing, hold it 2 or 3 second, then swing, hold it down for a 1 or 2 seconds...then you can swing again....ummm.....why? Anyone in real life with a sword would die in an instant.



Only 2 mods I've seen are worth it. JK++ (just because of saber damage), and the best one yet... ProMod (other than the unpushable projectiles)

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And all these idiots running around with giant models and tiny models? What's with that?

That's the server admin allowing things that he should not allow. He should not allow people to resize themselves. People will abuse this. Jedimod can be extreemly fun and ballanced if it is setup correctly.

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It's not really Raven's fault. They put a lot of work in to this game and it turned out well, great. It's easily 3x better than JK1 and Jk1 was top drawer. The stickler is that everyone has a different idea of how a jedi battle should be like. Some people want it as "real" as possible (like me) and others want it as "playable" as possible (FatalStrike). Nether one of us is wrong, we just have different opinions on how it should play like. Raven had to make it as accessible as they could, so, they made the game a comp. between playability and realism.

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I think the biggest problem with what Raven did is that they released a patch that completely altered the physics of the game.


Whatever version they released at first, they should've stuck with. We keep "getting what we wish for", a complete level-off of all the spam/cheap/whore moves, a lumberjack patch that bitterly divided the game community and caused its numbers to dwindle.


Normally patches fix bugs. Rarely do they ever change the way a game is played.

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Originally posted by Chaynsaw

I think the biggest problem with what Raven did is that they released a patch that completely altered the physics of the game.


Whatever version they released at first, they should've stuck with. We keep "getting what we wish for", a complete level-off of all the spam/cheap/whore moves, a lumberjack patch that bitterly divided the game community and caused its numbers to dwindle.


Normally patches fix bugs. Rarely do they ever change the way a game is played.


Finally someone who understands how things should work.


Raven released a game that got good reviews for MP, then they changed it to a game that every first time player hates, and a game that half of long time players rejected.


I'm teling you, if Raven had released the game with V1.04 instead of v1.02 half of us would not be here talking about it.

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Originally posted by FatalStrike

One quick comment:


Playable = great reviews

Real = Half the players up and quit


nuff said :cool:

I'm not sure what world you're from but the more realistic (to a point) games don't scary people off. Rather, it's the learning curve that sometimes comes with more realism that puts people off.


IMO, frankly, I found 1.02 to be pretty much unplayable. I wanted to fight with a system similar to SP, but that was not the case in 1.02. Hit detection was crap and you never visially blocked another person's saber blade. It felt like I was just swinging my saber around hoping to hit to other guy's shields instead of a skilled and powerful jedi. In that aspect, 1.03 improved MP 3 fold. Now, you can whine about it as much as you want, but you CAN alter the code back to 1.02's gameplay if you actually prefer it that way.

I'm teling you, if Raven had released the game with V1.04 instead of v1.02 half of us would not be here talking about it.

Yeah, cause you'd be playing the game the way it is instead of whining about it. :mad: You've already voted with your gaming dollars. If you don't like the game, return it or don't buy it in the first place.

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the whole deal with the Resizing capabilities of JediMod was to Resize Yoda. I like the Emotes, and RGB parameters and havin yoda at the right height which is 0.35 for height and 0.55 for saber. the preset is wrong 0.56 he still is way too tall. But i have never played on a server with ProMod nor have I seen a site with ProMod to DL.

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thanks for the links man but i'm happy with my JediMod also since i see that you r a Gundam Wing fan do u know how Wing Zero became the Wing Zero custom. In the final episodes of the GundamWing show he still has the steel wings. And in Endless Waltz he has the custom Angelic wings.

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IMO, frankly, I found 1.02 to be pretty much unplayable. I wanted to fight with a system similar to SP, but that was not the case in 1.02. Hit detection was crap and you never visially blocked another person's saber blade. It felt like I was just swinging my saber around hoping to hit to other guy's shields instead of a skilled and powerful jedi. In that aspect, 1.03 improved MP 3 fold. Now, you can whine about it as much as you want, but you CAN alter the code back to 1.02's gameplay if you actually prefer it that way.


Actually, hit detection in 1.03 was utter crap compared to 1.02. Almost like they took a step backwards rather then forwards.


Yeah, cause you'd be playing the game the way it is instead of whining about it. You've already voted with your gaming dollars. If you don't like the game, return it or don't buy it in the first place.


God bless gaming magazines... wait a damn minute, they never covered JK2MP! Damn them!

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Originally posted by MysticSpade

thanks for the links man but i'm happy with my JediMod also since i see that you r a Gundam Wing fan do u know how Wing Zero became the Wing Zero custom. In the final episodes of the GundamWing show he still has the steel wings. And in Endless Waltz he has the custom Angelic wings.


Actually my name was a repeating typo, and yes, i've watched GW, for the *shock horror* story! Anyway Promod is where it's at for better saber combat and skill while jedimod is more for screwing around and, well read the sig.

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose


Actually, hit detection in 1.03 was utter crap compared to 1.02. Almost like they took a step backwards rather then forwards.


You mean light sabers are suppose to easily pass straight through each other?


We're talking about Star Wars right?

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Originally posted by MysticSpade

thanks for the links man but i'm happy with my JediMod also since i see that you r a Gundam Wing fan do u know how Wing Zero became the Wing Zero custom. In the final episodes of the GundamWing show he still has the steel wings. And in Endless Waltz he has the custom Angelic wings.

You'll notice that ALL the Gundams are different in Endless Waltz. There's no explaination. I think it's a "They were always that way, you just didn't see it correctly." sort of deal. :)
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Originally posted by razorace


IMO, frankly, I found 1.02 to be pretty much unplayable. I wanted to fight with a system similar to SP, but that was not the case in 1.02. Hit detection was crap and you never visially blocked another person's saber blade. It felt like I was just swinging my saber around hoping to hit to other guy's shields instead of a skilled and powerful jedi. In that aspect, 1.03 improved MP 3 fold. Now, you can whine about it as much as you want, but you CAN alter the code back to 1.02's gameplay if you actually prefer it that way.



Everyone is allowed an opinion.


However when 1.02 was released I voted with my $$ and I voted 1.02.


With 1.03 and 1.04 half the players and servers vanished. So you can think whatever you want about how horrible 1.02 was but the FACT remains that it was more appealing to gamers then 1.03 which shrank the community or 1.04 which has shattered the community into Mod tribes.


1.02 was unpalyable to you because it was HARD to win. 1.04 you don't even have to worry about your own blocking!


Also you can't take things back to 1.02 levels because you can't unnerf everything. Face it, in the process of making it more real, Raven turned a very difficult fast paced game into a slow pillow fight.

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