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If you're interested in beta testing my...


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Depending on the OS that the ftp server is running, IIS verison, firewall, proxy etc for the Ftp site, you may need to have at least Internet Explorer 5.5 service pack 2 to access the ftp site. I have IE 6.0 both at work and here at home and I have no problem accessing the site.


You could also use an ftp client like cuteftp, ftpvoyager, bulletproof, or ws_FTP to name a few that you can download from http://www.download.com


After you've installed the program, just put in the ip address


username: tide1


password: monsoon1


and you should be in.


If all else fails, contact me on icq#1134211 and I'll send it to you.




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Yeah same here, I don't know, but I've dealt with this kind of access problem at work and it has to do with a combination of things like, either the client or server firewall, proxy server, version of the server operating system (ie NT 4.0 w/IIS 4 or Win2k Server with IIS 5) or the clients version of IE if it's below IE 5.5 service pack 2. Anyway, I hope it works now and ppl can test it out. Thanks manquesa for reworking that link.



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I sent an updated version of my map to Monsoontide. If you see a 2mb version of sithhomeworld.pk3 on the ftp site instead of a 1.82mb .pk3, you'll be downloading the new improved version. I removed the dark fog ceiling and now you can see the stary skybox. Plus, I've fixed, added and changed a few things based on beta tester's feedback.


Let me know what you think.



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Originally posted by mariners2001

can some please just upload it to some web space like geocities. it's still down.


uh, did you try this link -- ftp://tide1:monsoon1@


For some reason when I click on the link to the ftp that was originally provided I can't get on, but this link works just fine for me. If that link still doesn't work for you, let me know and i'll see if Sunburn will let me host the file on my site, and provide a direct download link here.

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It's not down and never has been.


It really does work!


Use an FTP program to access it or upgrade to LATEST version of Explorer / Netscape / Whatever.

(NB: I have MAC explorer 5.1 (Latest AMC version) at work and its too old to access the site)

Operating System might have something to do with it as well.

Pref Win 2000 or XP


Otherwise SunBurN might be nice enough to e-mail it to you.



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i don't know what the problem is. when i click on the link it says "cannot find server." i download 5, yes 5, different FTP programs, and nope doesn't work for me. i'd really appreciate it if someone could put it up on some file server for those whose computers suck right now, like mine. :D

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Thanks Monsoontide, it's 2mbs though, I hope it goes through for him. Also, I just checked to make sure the site is accessible and so far, I've had no problem accessing it from Internet Explorer 5.5 with service pack 2 installed.



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