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If you're interested in beta testing my...


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Update: I'm sorry for the long delay, just when I'm about ready to release it, I make a last minute change and then I get this 30hour compile that never finishes, so I'm running two compiles right now (one at home [large version] and one here at work [smaller version]) and if they finish properly I will do a quick beta test with Monsoontide and a couple of other ppl and then release it.



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Funny you should mention it. I just finished a 17hr compile of the larger version and it gave me this error: Lightmaps exceed max memory and when I run it in game it's ultrabrightness. This should've been the final compile but now instead of testing it I now have to figure out what caused me to get this error.


The smaller version seems to be doing fine and is compiling as we speak at work. IF it finishes with no problems, I'm going to test it and release it. They're both really cool though. Anyways, thanks for the interest and as soon as I have a working version ready for testing, I'll let you know.



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  • 1 month later...

ASH (Ancient Sith Homeworld) Beta has been released on http://www.pcgamemods.com


This map is a beta version which is still having some of the bugs worked out. Please post here if you having any problems, find any serious glitches, or if you have any suggestions on making this better.


This is a duel, FFA, TFFA map and has bot support. Wherever you see "rising steam" eminating from cracks or narrow sections of the ground, you'll usually find it's a "thermal vent" (a jump pad) that pushes you up to a predetermined location in the air. Once in the air, you have some control over where you land...but not much. Some of the vents are helpful to you, others are well, less than helpful :)


Also, like with most hi detailed texture/shader maps, this runs smoother on faster machines. Things about this version may change drastically (depending on feedback) in order to make the map run smoother for slower machines. Alot of it will depend on the feedback I get from all of you.


Known issues:


When you fire a weapon towards the center of the map, weapons discharge may show up intermitently or not at all. Discharge seems to be fine firing away from center and in most other places.


The bots still tend to jump into the lava at times.


FPS may slow in certain areas depending on the speed of your machine. I've tested it on a:


AMD 2000XP+

768mb DDR memory

Geforce 3 TI 200 128mb DDR




P3 800

768mb PC133 Ram

Geforce 2 Ultra 64mb DDR


Please let me know when you give me your feed back what the specs of your machine are.


You can also contact me at:






Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Enjoy the map!



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OK, i've done a quick run around the map in SP. Mostly checking the environment. Haven't checked gameplay yet.


It looks very nice. The rocks look realistic and there are some nice spots for sniping and such. I like the ships in the map. The lighting also looks very nice and appropriate.


Now some criticisms:


I found some seams in some areas. Normally you wouldn't have noticed it but with the bright lava shader under it it's pretty obvious. It should be easy to fix if you use some color/black on the sides of the seams to block the lava shader. I usually do something like that to block seams in curves/patches.


here's an example


Another thing. There are some lava waterfalls in there, at least that 's what i think they should be. The problem is that the lava moves the same way it moves as the lava on the ground. It would probably look better if the lava on the walls would move down only.


That's all i've got for now. Good work.

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WhiteShdw - OK, i've done a quick run around the map in SP. Mostly checking the environment. Haven't checked gameplay yet.


SP? That's funny, I never tried it in SP :)


It looks very nice. The rocks look realistic and there are some nice spots for sniping and such. I like the ships in the map. The lighting also looks very nice and appropriate.


Thanks very much! The ships are Monsoontide's creation for my map and he's going to release them to the public as soon as this map is released. Btw, check out his new release Anchorheadsaga...awesome map and in my opinion, the best I've played for JK2outcast!


I found some seams in some areas. Normally you wouldn't have noticed it but with the bright lava shader under it it's pretty obvious. It should be easy to fix if you use some color/black on the sides of the seams to block the lava shader. I usually do something like that to block seams in curves/patches.


Yes there are a lot of little seams and stuff that still needs to be fixed. Thanks very much for the pic, that was very helpful.



Another thing. There are some lava waterfalls in there, at least that 's what i think they should be. The problem is that the lava moves the same way it moves as the lava on the ground. It would probably look better if the lava on the walls would move down only.


I call them lava falls :) And for the final version, I'll work on making the lava look like it's flowing down.


Thanks very much for your feedback, it's invaluable! Let me know if you find any other problems.


Btw, what are the specs of your machine?



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After a quick run through, I noticed that in the area around the sith infiltrator, the players legs clip into the ground. Also, bots jump a whole lot around that specific area. I'll play again today and see if I can find anything else.

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Originally posted by SunBurN


SP? That's funny, I never tried it in SP :)



Btw, what are the specs of your machine?




I prefer the SP game, so i always do run through in SP. :)


My specs are:


P3 833

384 MB Ram

Gforce 3 (but i have a bottleneck in my motherboard, so i don't get full performance from it.)


Overall performance was good. FPS never got below the 30's and was mostly in the 45 area which is good performance on my machine, considering the size of the area.

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After a quick run through, I noticed that in the area around the sith infiltrator, the players legs clip into the ground. Also, bots jump a whole lot around that specific area. I'll play again today and see if I can find anything else.


I know about that area near the SI and I kinda liked it, but if it's causing the bots to misbehave :) then I'll have to fix that.



Overall performance was good. FPS never got below the 30's and was mostly in the 45 area which is good performance on my machine, considering the size of the area.


Thats good news, and about the same results my P3 800 gave. But they did drop when I put in somewhere between 4 -6 bots a little.


I appreciate the feedback...keep it comin! :):D

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Ok the map has been dl about 254 times so far which is great! But I'm not getting 258 feedback responses (more like about 7). Please post something, even its just to say it ran fine. Also including the specs of your comp is a big help!







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Ok, well I guess I've gotten back all of the feedback I'm going to get. Most of the problems found were the same by most ppl so I'll get to work on fixing those issues and hopefully get this released by Dec 1rst.


Thanks for all of your responses and if you find anything else, let me know soon.





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