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Help, pleez

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I got some problems/questions:


1) OK there is this Rancor pit misssion I made were u control Luke. At the beggining of the mission Jabba shouts Boska! . That's OK, but at the end of the mission I want Jabba to say You Killed all my pets, Jedi. You shall pay. . However, when Jabba's rancors are defeated, the mission is automatically over. I want the mission to end after Jabba says what he does.


2) How do I make changing objectives?

3) Battle Of Endor- Space:

After u destroy the Death Star II's main reactor, is it possible to do an animation much like the end of the Avatar platform of the Wookiee campaign? Also how do I make Lando "say" things from time to time like "C'mon old buddy don't let me down"?

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