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The Valley of the Jedi Location


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Yep, it's on the planet Ruusan. It is where, 1000 years before SW: Episode IV - A New Hope, the Jedi Army of Light fought the Brotherhood of Darkness, led by the Dark Lords of the Sith. The Jedi and Sith fought one another to a standstill, upon which the Sith lord Kaan went mad and decided to use a "thought bomb", created with Sith dark side powers, to trap the spirits of all the Jedi and all the Sith on Ruusan forever (although, in his madness, he may have believed that the Sith would be strong enough to escape the bomb). Lord Hoth, the leading Jedi, confronted Kaan with his troops, and Kaan set off the bomb. Every single force-warrior on Ruusan was killed that day, trapped in what became known as the Valley of the Jedi.


Except for one.


A single Sith lord, Darth Bane, escaped the carnage. His experiences there caused him to decide that there should never be anymore than two Sith at any one time: One master, one apprentice. It is this line of Sith that leads to Darth Sidious, Maul, Tyranus, and Vader. The Jedi were completely unaware of Bane's survival, hence Ki-Adi-Mundi's line in The Phantom Menace ("Impossible! The Sith have been extinct for a millennia.").


You can read about the final battle on Ruusan, which ends with the prophecy of Kyle Katarn's coming, in the comic series Jedi vs. Sith

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My question is when he released them I think it said he realased the jedi...not the sith. Are the sith still traped there?


That could be the reason that they valley still worked on the reborn and Desann. It could also be the reason why kyle developed dark powers even though he was in control of his actions/emtions (Sorta after he finds jans still alive).

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