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Here's a fun idea


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is their ANY way we can ban this guy? all he does is SPAM about his godamn "cogs" that no ones heard of since JK1 oh so long ago. whenever someone disagress with him its always "STFU n00b, ive seen you playing with cogs" which are undoutbly lies. he does an awful lot of acusing.


can a moderator look into this?


thanks alot


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is their ANY way we can ban this guy? all he does is SPAM about his godamn "cogs" that no ones heard of since JK1 oh so long ago. whenever someone disagress with him its always "STFU n00b, ive seen you playing with cogs" which are undoutbly lies. he does an awful lot of acusing.


stfu n00b, i've seen you playing with cogs.


(in case you aren't very bright it's a joke)

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Joke or not if it violates the rules it still shouldn't be done.



And even if you are just joking you're still being pretty annoying.



and FYI goddamned isn't registered as profanity, sure it shouldn't be spamed but once in awhile it should be fine.





If not may a moderator feel free to correct me :D

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Feel free to point out anytime I've flamed you.



Bah nevermind I've argued enough with you.




Forceonly duels would be fun but would lack the flare of saber combat... I mean it'd basicly be lightning, lightning, kick, lightning.



Woohoo...Personally I think that NF Promod dueling with a kill limit of 2 is the best Jediknight 2 multiplayer gets.

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Time to shoot down his lies:


1. Yo, TK, my name is in all white. Not blue, in any part of it.


I don't use color because no one ever seems to be able to find me under FIND PLAYER. I guessed it was because the colors would change the "raw code" of my name...so I set it to white so people can find me. I don't know if that's how it works, but I use all white letters.


2. I only remember seeing you in CTF-Yavin twice.


3. I don't play in battlefields because the sniper rifle is unblockable (unless it was changed). I dunno, the idea of turning the corner and having 5 one shot killing railguns from a sniper ledge isnt fun. It's a total stalemate. People just ran around the maps with sniper rifles as if they were balsters killing people since it was unblockable. They should at least making SEEING dodge the distruptor 100% of the time.




Anything else you'd like to lie about?

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uhhh... I don't think I can handle 2 other RpTheHotrod's running around...


Of coarse, this happens alot of times in different games. I end up having at least 1 or 2 people copying my name. Maybe they want to be like me :p


There is another possibility...


Rp is a trademark I had. If I owned something online, it woud ahve an Rp in it's name. When I was very young, these people at a gas station I'd ride my bike to would call me "hotrod" because I was a very fast runner....fast, as in, car. hotrod-car (vroom vroom)



Now, someone else mentioned that they thought my name meant Rodimus Prime (transformers, I believe), and Rodimus Prime used to turn into a hotrod car. Perhaps some Transformer fan named himself RpTheHotrod (as in Rodimus Prime, the hotrod) and started playing.

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Everywhere, I see them there

I stop and stare at flamers

I don't care, I must declare

I've got to hate those flamers


On the forums, on ICQ

All I see are flamers

All I see are flamers

The flamers that always spam


Let's go into the forums

I know we're in a place where you would not expect much spam

Usually you're in here for a question or a plan

But if you gaze upon the text, and if you're kinda smart

You'll see the repetition is like spam-a-riffic art


Wow, haha



Everywhere, I see them there

I stop and stare at flamers

I don't care, I must declare

I've got to hate those flamers


On the forums, on ICQ

All I see are flamers

All I see are flamers

The flamers that always spam




A Jedi Master like myself never has to be bored

I just grab my saber and do some moves on my keyboard

Now's the time for earplugs if you care about your health

So stand back, everybody, he's gonna flame himself!


Look at this, a flamer!

He's got blisters on his fingers

Flames so much,

Yeah, help him somebody, MOD?


Still there? Okay


Next time you find yourself at an exciting LAN party

You can find some flamer with your computer and Marty

If you don't know the steps yet, here's the gang with all the answers

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing, the Anti-Flamer Dancers

Here they are


Everywhere, we see them there

We stop and stare at flamers

We don't care, we must declare

We've got to hate more flamers


On the forums, on ICQ

All we see are flamers

All we see are flamers

The flamers that always spam



Forums, ICQ, mIRC , flamers

Internet, games, chat rooms, flamers

No matter where you go,

You'll always see more flamers!


We gotta stop them


Flamers, flamers flaaaaameerrrsss!

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Originally posted by TK_GEEZus!

Actually when I'm in games and trying I barely talk at all. You on the other hand RpTheHotrod talk constantly. Everytime I've seen you playing you accuse someone of cheating, you talk constantly saying idiotic things like "bad move learn from it", and you always complain about exploits.

At least I have a good in game reputation, impress all of these newbies on this forum that you want not like it's going to make you any better you'll always suck and resort to sitting on ledges at bespin pulling.


Funny, Hotrod is one of the best players I know and also respect at the same time, as well as many others. The only insolent joker that deserves to be thrown in a gas chamber kicking and screaming is you. And he talks alot? Does that mean he is one of the crickets or something?


GEEZ, your idiotic statements are not welcome. Get a clue.

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Funny, Hotrod is one of the best players I know and also respect at the same time, as well as many others. The only insolent joker that deserves to be thrown in a gas chamber kicking and screaming is you. And he talks alot? Does that mean he is one of the crickets or something?


GEEZ, your idiotic statements are not welcome. Get a clue.

The nazi n00bs have spoken.

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