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500 ways you know you are a newb

Twins of Doom

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well, post your funny things that make you know you are a newb to jedi outcast:)

don't do 1 to 500 all on your own, leave some for the rest of us..do only 10 at a time (max)


and please try to keep the numbers:)


and YES we can go over 500:)


1. You wonder what the difference is between each skin...does the stormtrooper have more armour...does luke have only light side force whilst desann only has dark side force...which is the strongest?


2. You play single player and are disapointed by the fact that you don't get to fight darth vader or be luke


3. You use mind trick in multiplayer and wonder what that wierd sound is while everybody uses sight...then you acuse the people of cheating because they could see you.


4. You wonder why everybody turns yellow when you use force sight.


5. You wonder why you can't use lightning forever...why does it stop eventually?


6. You wonder what "that cool move that always kills you where they jump into the air and fall down"

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11. Fires charged Bryar at jedi over and over and over. Dies, comes back, and repeats.




13. Accuses someone of using Force Push when you kick them and they fall down in a FFA duel. (mostly 1.02 and 1.03)




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21.Whenever you heal you must by default run from your opponent


22.You constantly jump at someone and get pushed down a hole only to return


23. You always return to the person beside the cliff in FFA_Bespin even though you know you will be thrown


24.You never swich weapons, and just stand where you spawn and attept to kill others with your Bryar


25. You don't know any other stance than Blue

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30. You try and get members of this forum banned.

31. You didn't believe some of the bugs I reported.

32. You post anything relevant on this message bored.

33. You complained about /kill

34. Your name is RpTheHotrod.

35. You haven't heard of DSbr.

36. You run around with a saber and roll around a lot.

37. You actually think that the clan this site is trying to create will be the best.

38. You complain about someone using speed after grabbing the flag in ctf.

39. You have ever played in an rpg game without the intent of pissing everyone in it off.

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46. You have 198 posts at this moment.

47. You think this is where all "1337" players hangout at to discuss important jk2 matters.

48. Your clan has a jedi council.

49. You go around with an apprentice.

50. You go around with a master.

51. You've ever told a gunner to go play quake 3.

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52) you call someone a 1337 H4X0R for moving too fast when they use rage+speed+strafejump all at once.

53) your name is JA Silver

54) you win an imaginary 98/100 games on BF's server where all the most skilled players play (cept for sharpsucks cause he was banned BAHAHAHA)

55) you are a habitual liar about things that are completely irrelevant such as who is in your clan

56) you try to dfa the flag carrier in a saber+guns ctf server

57) you use your saber for anything else than blocking projectiles and pleasuring yourself (if you're a girl)

58) you whine about other people owning you and then accuse them of using aimbots cause 'your aim is just too damn good'

59) you are one of the people that is trying to ban geez for the *ahem* graphical errors that keep appearing on this poor guy's monitor

60) you play a gametype that you know absolutely nothing about and then tell the people that play that gametype all the time that they dont know what they're doing or that what they're doing is 'wrong' or 'immoral'

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Originally posted by TK_GEEZus!

46. You have 198 posts at this moment.

47. You think this is where all "1337" players hangout at to discuss important jk2 matters.

48. Your clan has a jedi council.

49. You go around with an apprentice.

50. You go around with a master.

51. You've ever told a gunner to go play quake 3.




1.I have no clan

2.I have no idea what that comment was about



5. I am the one useing Guns in guns servers, great homework you've done, As for /kill, it is a FPS standard and in JO it is more of an exploit, exploit meaning it was not meant to be used in the way "good" players use it.


Back to the topic:


62. Anything that benifits you is never an explot and anyone who complains about it is of couse a noob

63. You enforce the saber off rule and try to kick and grip people to death

64. You always get disconnected from Moded server and never know why



edit: Aoshi, Who would use aimbots for JK2? lol

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It would be practical in the promod as your blocking and damage is deturmied by if you crosshair is on the enemy.


65.) You start at thread listing ways of being a n00b and you double post in it and double post the same numbers (16). :p



Anywho, no offence. Just funning the youngsters.

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65. You make comments about how great your team is even though your team doesn't play JKII anymore


66. You think that Ravens patches have nothing to do with weapons owning sabers so easily


67. You actually believe that there is a code of honor in JKII and follow it without fail


68. You think 1.04 is the most skilled patch yet.


69. You ask that Raven nerf weapons and saber moves that you can't find a way to counter


70. You think JediMod "saved the game"


71. You believe this game was actually designed to be weapons only and sabers were added for variety

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