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JediMod 1.2 disconnect problem

Jah Warrior

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Our server runs JediMod 1.2 and of late everytime somebody wins a match in duel mode players are getting disconnected.


Its only recently started doing this and can see no logical explanation for this as the config is unchanged from when it was working just fine.


Also the with JediMod running it is virtually impossible for people to connect while in Pure mode, why is this? Is this a common problem and does anyone know a solution to these questions?

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Shouldn't you post this in the tech support forum?


I used to post questions there, like how do you fix graphics problems with lightsabers and walls that glow, etc. But never got any answers there. In fact, I still don't have those answers if anyone knows. I also noticed that *most* questions go unanswered until someone posts them in the multiplayer or other forum.


I think Jah posted this in the right place... if he wants an answer.


BTW, Jah: was mine not the only disconnect problem?



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Originally posted by SkinWalker


I think Jah posted this in the right place... if he wants an answer.


BTW, Jah: was mine not the only disconnect problem?




Yeah i posted the question in three differnet areas in Lucasforums to be on the safeside. HEHE. surprise surprise it was this forum wher the suggestions started flowing.


And in answer to your question you are not alone in being disconnected it happens an awful lot to everyone including me.

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