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Mario Sunshine Impressions?

Boba Rhett

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IGN gave it a 9.4 but that doesn't make sense because they gave it pretty low individual marks. Based on the individual marks, it shoulda been 7.8


Gamespot gave it an 8.5.


I played it for a second at my local Toy R Us and I wasn't really siked after I played it. :( The graphics didn't look that great either. But seeing as I only played it for a second, I can't really judge yet. Any of you get it yet? Care to give your impressions? I'd really like to see some peoples opinions.

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I bought it yesterday, im a bit dispoited, but still, its very addictive, like gamespy says..


I can't wait to play tonight, it's just fun, jumping around and doing nothing..hehe



must buy guys, u have to

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