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Medieval Fantasy Models


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hey ive been working on a personal project for a few months now and am finally ready to bring it out into the open to try and get people interested in some ideas i have.


i have already posted my main thread:



but what this thread is for is to discuss specifically about the models and not about the mod. but also to get some interest in the mod aswell :p


*geocities please drag and drop to address bar*

player/bot models:






some of the monsters may be kinda hard to see but sorry i dont have enough bandwidth with geocities to post detailed shots of each of them.


first the monsters:

the models were created with the intent of quantity over quality and speed over detail. the only part that isnt originally my creation are their hands which were graciously provided from a jk2 model. although all are my parts, i cannibalized a lot within my selection to speed things along.


the skins were done in the same fashion and for a lot of the humanoid creatures the almost exact same textures are used with just a modified color or textured layer.


about 6 of them are imported into the game so far and i have imported them by doing the least amount of work possible. they have no caps, hardly any segmentation, and all there tags except bolt_r_hand and bolt_l_hand are weighted to pelvis. but more importantly they run around and look like fully working models :p


the weapons:

most of these were actually done for a possible diablo2 TC of Rune but it never took off as i lost contact with the leader and we had no coder :p


the picture above is off and many of the weapon models have been tweaked to be better proportionally to the player, such as lengthening handles etc.


about 15 so far are ingame with only a few that need tweaking, importing these goes much faster ofcourse than a player model.

i have about 20 fully skinned and have a few others which i am planning on including aswell such as polearms, spears, and some throwing weapons.


basically im looking for critics, comments, suggestions, and any other ideas you have specifically on the models and skins. if you have similar work i woudl love to see it aswell :)



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YES! finally a fantasy mod is underway although i haven't been able to view the pics from your links (geocities says that it is unavailable for viewing for sum reason) But i am glad that somebody decided to start this kind of project (i would have but i have no experience whatsoever in modelling/skinning, etc.):D

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Doh! I'd REALLY like to take a look at your work, but like Covax said in the other thread ( .. hmm, I'm a poet, and didn't know I was). . . . the Geocities links didn't work for me. :(


I just started modelling in June 2002. Here are some of the things I'm working on for Journey into the Dark - a Tolkien mod based on elements of the Silmarillion (the precursor book to The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings:


an Elven enchantress:



an Elven warrior:



three goblins:



and a Pukel-Man:



and finally, the website for JITD:



BTW, what programs did you use to create? I'm having difficulties getting my models in-game (Gmax and Milkshape combo - my 3DS Max 4.0 didn't load correctly on my new hard drive)


Q: Anyone know how to view his models?

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ah thank you :)

sorry i coudlnt reply earlier i think the forums were down or for somereason i was getting an error webpage instead of the forums for the past few days.


big b: yea originally i was hoping that a multiplayer fantasy mod woudl emerge and that i woudl just latch onto it making as much content as i coudl for it but i havent seen any yet. JitD is looking really awesome but i think they are focusing more on a story/ single player experiance.


frumpus: ive been following your work for a while now and it is all great stuff. you manage to encompass such feeling into the models making them actual characters rather than just another elven male, i love it :) i personally use milkshape, taking it up to the segmentation stage, then import into 3dsmax 4.2 for heiarch, weighting, and exporting.


thanks again,


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Keto, those models are amazing! Sorry about the whole D2 thing - Blizzard kinda said no, and then a day or so later my computer died. I just recently got back up and running. Good to see that your models are going to some good use - I felt bad that I just dropped off the planet like that. Just wanted to say I was sorry...


BTW: Those monster models are spectacular - love the textures!

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