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I'm Leaving - Goodbye Cruel World


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Yup - I"m going to the RIVER starting tomorrow when I get off work at 6:30 am. For those of you who don't know what the "river" is I will explain. The Colorado River...Havasu Lake. A huge lake where everyone goes and Paaaarteeee's. We have a jetski and a friend with a house out there. Usually we go drink...fish...relax...Last year we bought the jetski! There are lots of Canyons and places where everyone just hangs out and acts stupid. Last year my boyfriend dove off this REALLY tall cliff. Its a BLAST. This year I won't be able to party as hard but I can work on my tan :cool: .


I will be gone till Tuesday - the day that I start college up again ...boooo..


Everybody have a good holiday and weekend!!!

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