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some thing funny in ROTJ

ET Warrior

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where as i never bother with grammer and spellings and stuff, cos i have more important stuff on my mind, like thinking up new

lyrics and music for my band.


I use Metallica or other bands lyrics as signatures.

and i come from Crondall, in Surrey.


hehe, Besides, you probably dont know who the Antiheroes are!

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You have learned very quickly young one......be weary of the darkside of the force. Holo-Sid or whichever he is going by that day represents all that is evil, he'll tell you too!


Use your Jedi instincts around LF and you will have no problems........:thumbsup:









please enjoy your time here

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Originally posted by Darth Vader 421

Well... I simply HATE THE GOOD GUYS!!!


All those peace-loving, justice-seeking, well-being, trustworthy, loving, caring, sharing, helping, do-gooders are puny, weak and pathetic... the Empire, dark side, Sith Lords and evil forces (like Trade Federation, Geonosians and Bounty Hunters) are the true rulers of the galaxy, and the Rebel Alliance/Jedi Knights/Republic are only useless forces of good that will ultimately fall, crumble and die because they are not willing to progress and conquer!


In this galaxy, you simply must be nasty to survive...



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Thank you for being so welcoming, fellow nice people! This Holo-Sidious guy obviously has some-what of a reputation around here, so I will no doubt run into him some time.


This sin't the first forum I've been a member of, so I do know how to conduct myself respectfully. I also have very strong Jedi Instincts, so I think I'll know evil when I see it! I'm telling you: some people say things like "you have to be nasty in this world to survive", but that is nonsense... be nice, and others will treat you nicely.


God, I sound so much like my father...

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Originally posted by Darth Vader 421

Well... I simply HATE THE GOOD GUYS!!!


All those peace-loving, justice-seeking, well-being, trustworthy, loving, caring, sharing, helping, do-gooders are puny, weak and pathetic... the Empire, dark side, Sith Lords and evil forces (like Trade Federation, Geonosians and Bounty Hunters) are the true rulers of the galaxy, and the Rebel Alliance/Jedi Knights/Republic are only useless forces of good that will ultimately fall, crumble and die because they are not willing to progress and conquer!


In this galaxy, you simply must be nasty to survive...


so your saying you like Bin Laden type people? :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will go off subject now for a moment. Darth Kaan, is that picture a picture of one of the Power Rangers? I hope that it isn't 'cause that would be REALLY scary!


Okay! Back to business! You all are silly peoples of the Lucas Forums Universe.......I think that I will like it here:D


I'm a girl in case you want to know, since some of you were talking about that earlier.


And now for something completely random:

EWOKS RULE! :ewok:

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WELCOME TO LUCASFORUMS.COM Spider-Bear!!! I really think you will like it here! :D



In kind of a sad story, this forum(ep 2) will most likely be closing down relatively soon because, well, the movie coming to video release and we must move on to Ep 3!!!



Do not worry though, there will be much activity here for a while until after the movie has been released on Nov 12!!



Also, check out the swamp...it's @ JKii.net, or just click on the link in my sig! I don't give out gifts like most ppl, I just have something to show you......:vamp1:"Say hello to my little friend!"





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