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Well...I didn't REALLY want to release it on the actual forums yet BUT I guess I'm gonna anyway...LucasForums Rollercoaster Tycoon site is up...sorta. I'm in need of some more custom tracks and also some articles on well ANYHING RCT related. Be gentle this is my first site EVER...I hope you like.




I hope no one minds me using 'LucasForums' in the name.


Thanks for viewing.


Feedback Welcome.


Dash out.

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Originally posted by DashRendar


Yup full of encouragment...


Well, you do realize that your site has a 2 pages, solid background, 3 files, and 5 links, one of which does not work. I'll make you a flash site, and i'll update it for you to, and add my own files if i can ever find my copy of the game. Flash sites are my thing right now.




It probably won't be that complicated though, and thats just the homepage.


BTW, thats my prototype for my youth group's site.



I just want the site to be good, thats all.

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hmmm, why dont you have a red background with pink polka dots over the place and some lime green text? :D


Easy on the red-ness there :)


Try something like Black back and white text or vice versa, or something close...but dude, red and black....a bit too high tense on the eyes :p

Otherwise...it's all good :)


i'm not into the whole flash site thing but i love flash sites...here's one i made, with a bit of help in the coding of course- http://flash.altusuniverse.com



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HELLO....it's in TESTING mode...I'm no graphics artist, so I need another person to make it for me who was SH...The site was no where near done, and it was going to have many more graphics...at least that was hoped.


O and Tie Guy, if you design, create, and keep up the site it would be YOUR site not mine...

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alright, whatever, i didn't know you were so posessive about it. I thought you just wanted a good rct site.


Besides, it wouldn't be just my site if i did it, it would be everyone's site, and i'd make it how you wanted it, since it was your idea (well, technically it was YD's but oh well). SH could make the banners, you could collect the files, and everyone could write articles and add files. All i'd do is compile everything into the site every so often. But i guess if you don't want my help, then thats fine too. No harsh feelings included.


Even so, i'm pretty handy with PSP, so if you need some more banners and/or pictures then i can help you out.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

alright, whatever, i didn't know you were so posessive about it. I thought you just wanted a good rct site.


Besides, it wouldn't be just my site if i did it, it would be everyone's site, and i'd make it how you wanted it, since it was your idea (well, technically it was YD's but oh well). SH could make the banners, you could collect the files, and everyone could write articles and add files. All i'd do is compile everything into the site every so often. But i guess if you don't want my help, then thats fine too. No harsh feelings included.


Even so, i'm pretty handy with PSP, so if you need some more banners and/or pictures then i can help you out.



Sounds good to me!

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OK Tie here's my view of your request:

*Tie hands Dash an odd looking animal.*

Tie: Here's a Glorgasphorf. It doesn't need to be fed, nor does it need water. It never goes to the bathroom, and it doesn't need any attention. O but it does need a name.


Dash: Uh yeah, thanks.

[end of PoV]


Now what's the fun of having a pet if you don't get to take care of it?


And what's the fun of having a site if you don't get to Up-Keep it?


Now if you would like to help me with my site, maybe add Flash buttons or a Flash opening page, I'd love that! But if you're gonna give me a site that I'm not gonna really do anything to, I don't need that.




O and if anyone else wants to help me with the site, it'd be nice.

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Originally posted by DashRendar

And what's the fun of having a site if you don't get to Up-Keep it?


Now if you would like to help me with my site, maybe add Flash buttons or a Flash opening page, I'd love that! But if you're gonna give me a site that I'm not gonna really do anything to, I don't need that.


Alright, thats cool, not how i would look at it, but thats fine. I'll make you some buttons and i have an idea for an intro. And since i found my game you can expect some files in a little while.


Oh, and you might want to consider dividing the files between the expansions.

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All this talk of RCT has made me want to play it...I just realized that when I had beaten the original that I let my sister borrow it to play on her old 'puter (it was the only game I had that she liked and/or would actually run on that machine). I don't think I ever got it back...she may have it with her at Auburn (in Alabama....I'm in South Carolina for any who don't know)

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Alright, thats cool, not how i would look at it, but thats fine. I'll make you some buttons and i have an idea for an intro. And since i found my game you can expect some files in a little while.


Oh, and you might want to consider dividing the files between the expansions.


OK sounding good...and I was thinking of that but really as long as the type is there you really don't need to know what it works with...ah what the heck I'll do it anyway.


I'm also gonna need a new e-mail account (don't wanna use my home one) that anyone admining the site (AKA you, SH, and me) can use and will be the e-mail address all rides and articles are sent to. So anyone know of a good e-mail server...again preferably free. (not Hotmail, I've not had a good experience with hotmail)

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Originally posted by DashRendar


OK sounding good...and I was thinking of that but really as long as the type is there you really don't need to know what it works with...ah what the heck I'll do it anyway.


I'm also gonna need a new e-mail account (don't wanna use my home one) that anyone admining the site (AKA you, SH, and me) can use and will be the e-mail address all rides and articles are sent to. So anyone know of a good e-mail server...again preferably free. (not Hotmail, I've not had a good experience with hotmail)


yahoo.com is the only reliable one i can think of for the moment.

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i can make you a pop3 account with something@altuskv.com as i feel your cause is most good natured! I think you get an unlimited size mailbox (atleast more than you'll need) I've been using mine for 6 months and i havent had to delete a single mail (and i do get a lot) :D


PM if you're interested. :)


and i wouldn't mind hosting you if you would like that (hint: no ads, lotsa space/bandwidth):o

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