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How come nothing changes

Ulic Quel Droma

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Well, the old forum conversations were based on anticipation for a game that was supposed to be out in December of this year.


Now, we have found out , much to our heartbreak, that we will have to wait until 2/2003, for SWG to be released. There is really nothing to discuss, other than our hopes for the game in light of it's delay. If you notice, more negativity about SWG has surfaced. The redundancy is also due to the fact that no really new information has been forthcoming from the developers.


So. . .


As the game nears release again, you can be sure that the anticipative conversation that marked this forum will return. The same thing has occurred in the Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic forum.


Just my $0.02. :)

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Yup. I'd blame the lack of items to discuss. After all, I can't really say that I've seen any new info on SWG in, well, a month. It's like with football (the version where you actually combine your foot and the ball) during winter here: no games, no talk in the corner. But as soon as spring (SWG) arrives, the discussions about transfers, new teams, rules and stadiums begins.


Give it time. As long as there's nothing new to discuss, expect little to happen.

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