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Where did ATOTCTC GO?


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you can call me beatA55 when referring to AOTC:TC, and you can also call me co-team leader of the project. now, to ease all your fears. . .


i know you all are very nervous with this development/setback, but fear not. rest easy and give us some time. not us directly, because this is not our fault. our server was shut down by the big-league server administrators because of a security leak throughout their entire network. this very leak was actually noticable even on our own TC forums, where posts would "magically" move and be deleted. so, to stop this problem, the entire system was shut down until the problem could be worked out. as we speak, they are working to get them all back and should be online again in at the most a few days, if not by the time i post this.


have faith, young padawans. you will still live the movie. we are not dead. we are very much alive, just. . .a little "invisible" right now because of events out of our control. you'll see us again, and very soon we will have something special for you. ;)


that's all from me. . .for now.




AOTC:TC Co-Team Leader

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I know the site is out at the moment due to our server closing down and no one telling us, so we couldnt let you guys know either. I was hoping this was going to be a 24hr thing and we wouldn't of had to let every one know, but Im hoping in the next hour it will be business as per normal :)

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the forum isn't up either. it's on the same server, sadly. so:


to all staff: keep working on what you feel needs to be done. there are several new ideas to discuss and several projects that will need to be finished when we get back, so keep pushing forward even alone and contact anyone you can on an IM service to keep in touch. if possible, contact anakin or darth or me. we'll let you know as much as possible. . .as long as it doesn't have to do with the server itself.


to all fans and onlookers: watch here and anywhere else that might be logical as to seeing when we are back. when we come back, we will try to let you all know one way or another. until then, please be patient and hope at some point, just like we the staff do, that our server will cease the shut-down-ed-ness and come back to its previous working glory.


that's all from me. . .for now.



beatA55 / lo5t h0pe


Co-Team Leader AOTC:TC

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J0shy /Forgotten you can't just say it's his fault, if you heard somewhere that he did it it does'nt have to be true.

BTW do you have any evidence against Anakin??

and even if Anakin did it you should just leave him alone with his sins, letting him getting tortured by his own sins, unable to forget what he has done, losing his Job, leaving the civilized world, living in a cave, alone all alone...


MWUHAHAHAHAHA... ..ha? ehm I'm terribly sorry about what I just said I seemed to have lost it completely



but ehm... J0shy why do you say he's a liar ?

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myself, i don't think anakin actually exists. he is simply a computer bug that infests the network every now and then to make us think that a real person is on the other end of the line answering to the name "anakin". so, maybe in a sense he could be lying in a much grander sense in the fact that saying anything at all comes across as a lie of existing whatsoever, which i beilieve he does not. so, wouldn't anything said by something that doesn't actually exist in the same world you and i exist be construde as a lie in and of itself? if the unicorn would to grow fingers and post a reply, would that not be a lie simply because it does not exist?


there. my point has been made, and no, i have no point to make at all.

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