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WIP: Generic Jedi model


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The orange bit underneath the drapes isnt skinned yet.


Textures might be dark on your monitor because they are darkened to look right in the game. Configure the contrast to see textures better.


Heres a really bad picture of my work, the idiotic floppy disc failed on me and this is all of the picture i could recover from it (jack sh!t) I noticed the jedi order is nearly complete by some of the modellers here so i made a sith guy to kick em all in for those all so many sith fans.


I dont know what to call this model but it might be called Reborn2000


Tell me what you think


(This is not Emperor Palpitine)


More pics soon.

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i like, good idea making new sith as theres not many we know of (well i dont) so i would definatly download it aswell.

looks really good although i would personally rethink the name:D


maybe rename him after urself SAIT HUAT sith lord? sounds good to me, u can also do ur own taunts, but these are only ideas



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Originally posted by TheMadDoofer

It looks great to me, but I think it would look better if the robe went all of the way down and didn't have a little indention all the way arount the waist. Adding a belt there would do the trick, and shouldn't be too hard to do. I am waiting for the finished model!:)


belts a good idea! ill try and implement that tonight.

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Since you guys knew that you didnt like my model's "friday night dinner apron" but didnt know what to replace it with, I added drapes onto it and skinned it and resized it alittle. The orange bit underneath the drapes isnt skinned yet. What do you think?




Textures might be dark on your monitor because they are darkened to look right in the game. Configure the contrast to see textures better.

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Originally posted by bleek

Looks gewd to me. I know its suppose to be a generic sith or jedi or whatever...but I'd like to replace the reborn in Single Player with him:p .


Thats partly why i started making this model, but it was mainly the skins that made the origanal reborn look a bit clownish. I thought i would go for a new model and a more frightening reborn.

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