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I leave for a week


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I hereby nominate LivingSacrifice to the position of Welcome-Basket-Dude-That-Bugs-The-Newbs.


As his name implies, he is a living sacrifice of personal duty and loyalty to the cause (of being tolerant, welcome, cool, etc.). His selfless service to this position would be that of legends and it is noteable that he cares enough to be the first (and only) person to point out this gross oversight on the part of the other members of this forum. I for one would be proud to have LivingSacrifice (a.k.a Living, a.k.a. L__S, a.k.a. Mah Brotha) represent me as the Welcome-Basket-Dude-That-Bugs-The-Newbs.


All those in favor reply with "Aye!"


(or any other words of the affirmative)


Those opposed ..... bugger off. :p



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*sniff sniff* :crybaby: *sob* I would like to thank the Academy first of all. I would also like to thank everyone who I stepped on...I mean who I crushed...oops, I mean who graciously stepped out of the way :D And also to my mom and pop, without them, I wouldn't be here.


Wow, I don't know what else to say, thank you, thank you, you love me, you really love me :crybaby:

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