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SIVYB's Eyes only

Bob Gnarly

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Originally posted by Padanime

im still wondering how u did the play movie frame by frame and then copy paste. if copy paste, i dont have the whole video size. the top of it fell off or something.


i did answer you in the other thread,


i used quicktime which you can advance frame by frame, so you just pick the scene you want get the first frame and press print screen, paste into paint or paintshop or whatever you use, save as a jpg, then do this with the next frames, then load them into movie gear, resize, crop saved as gif.

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what quicktime version do u have?


and for the copy paste part: i do print screen. go to paintshop and select paste. for some reason, i dont know, the top part of my video isnt there. like taking a normal scene, the haircut wouldnt be seen after i do copy paste. i was wondering if u had the same probs.

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Originally posted by Padanime

what quicktime version do u have?


and for the copy paste part: i do print screen. go to paintshop and select paste. for some reason, i dont know, the top part of my video isnt there. like taking a normal scene, the haircut wouldnt be seen after i do copy paste. i was wondering if u had the same probs.


quicktime 5

i haven't had those problems, what isp do you use?

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