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ffa_carbonfreeze beta!!! complete map????


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yeah,read the readme livingdeadjedi tells you that he will make a final version of this map. I contacted him about it and asked him to add like an invisible shoot that when you fall of the edge you would go into one of those tubes like in the movie and told him to make you slide and shoot you straight from the bottom of cloud city.:D

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Never fear Jedis here HEHE :p


Yep already started work on real one


Ive totally redone the power core. As it was far to small maybe ill change the Gantry that sticks out or just tweak it a bit.


I will then make the carbon room which is in fact about 3 or 4 of those chambers in 1 large blue mist filled room with lights around and doors in the walls :D


If i still have enough brushes left i will make part of the cloud city you see in the film. I dont think i can make the walkin falcon in this map because im limited by the amount of meshes and brushes i can use =[

Wouldnt it be great to have a blueprint of the whole of cloud city with where the lifts are and the corridoors. And a game capable of having all the city.

I think maybe starwars galaxies add on might have that ? :rolleyes:

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Splendid news!!

I LOVE your work, and that particular map is my favorite beta. I've been hoping you'd work on that next, although it seems what ever you release will be fabulous. Your Jabba's Palace map is truly exceptional. The lighting and architecture is DEAD ON.

Thanks so much for your work and I can't wait to finish my first map and hopefully give a little something back :)




PS I'll try and contact Lando to see if I can get an architectual layout for you.


May the force be with you

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Well merritt is making my Duel of the fates map into a SP game as we speak, dont know how long it will take him though :D


who knows though i ccan certainly make episode 1 better now and faster but wont be for a while if i decide to.......


i did have plans for a mirrored floor in end part where maul gets killed, but on trying this lag hit the roof :mad: even though it looked amazingly good:D

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Going ok so far

Had a few errors like maximum lightmap exceeded but ive managed to sort that ......

When it happens i just delete all lights then re-add.


For safety ive made a backup so i wont have to delete lghts.




Righ so far ive made the main core, and its very deep

Also theres an invisible slip brush down there that slides you into the chute luke falls into. You then slide through the tubes at speeds i cant even discribe LOL before falling out of the city and a teleport takes you back up so ya dont die. If you miss the chute though you die obviously :D . I have had some moments when the slide bit has slowed me down but its not too bad and 90% of the time you get no damage, best thing is dont run while falling.


I have now started on the gantry and it will make the last one look pretty rubbish, the outside may be similarish , but the insides will be much more Starwars :p


The window this time WILL smash properly into chunks. But im going to try to see if i can make it using a see through texture that when you hit it it shows broken window and glass shards hit the floor =] But i think you can only have a model shown on the death of a brush :mad:


Ill then start on the carbon freeze chamber and this will be something Epic hope jk2 can handle this much HAHA :rolleyes:


The room will be 1 large room with fog and lights around edge with the carbon freeze chambers in the centre with walkways between.


IF i have any brushes left :D ill make as much of the white corridoors as i can charting LUKES ROUTE from the Xwing



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This is indeed great news LDJ. I am so glad to see you have resumed work on my favorite JK2 map. Also, thanks for responding to my old thread which asked the same question as this one a while back. Will the final version of this map also have botroutes? Due to my crappy dial up, and lack of people to play with :), I play against bots, which of course jumped to their doom on your beta if I wasn't force pushing them in midair near the huge pitfall that is lol.


My comp is not as advanced as most of the hardware you'll find around here these days, it's a couple of years old, but if you want to know how your map runs on not-super fast comps I'd gladly beta test it for you also.


I can't remember exactly all the details about my specs but genereally it's a:

600 MHZ Pentium 2

128 MB Ram

Diamond Viper

Creative Soundblaster Live

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I recently had the opportunity to play what there was of the new version of Carbonfreeze. THere isn't a whole lot there as yet, but what IS there is up to his usuall exacting standards.


One thing I will tell you - that is a TOTALLY deep hole..... and if you dont fall JUST right, you'll miss his guiding cushions and miss the tub eentirely. Either way, ,it hurts and you die... but at least if you hit the tube, you get some scenery on the way. :)

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