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Twisted Vertex

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Ok...Creativity block has hit the wall this time. I think I spent a whole hour staring at my monitior, well maybe not an hour, but it sure felt like it. I tried everything to get something going. Jabba's being a pain in my A$$, I had to redo him becasue of a MIA vert.....well anyways....here is a small side project that I just started





hope you like it...still in the early stages.

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Hey, I am for that! been wanting a sephiroth Model, and tercero said he might take a shot at him (MAYBE) after finishing anakin. but the early beginnings look great Musashi122. I am for either a coat or shirtless (no I am not gay!)... the hardest thing will probably be getting the hair right, especially animating it without the humanoid gla animations. Guess basic weighting and such will have to do:) You can do it Musashi!

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Musashi, once again you have amazed me. You're quite the modeler. I know you'll be able to add hair animations. You are the XSI Expert here at Lucas Forums hehe. Good luck man. I've got an Idea, if you're up to it we can start a FF7 Conversion with my Cloud and ur Sephiroth. That'd be great. Add Tifa, Barret, etc... get a mapper to make some FF7ish maps. Oooo I feel the burn. hehehe

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omg i love you im not kidding are u single? lol j/k but seriously are you? kidding again. I like the idea of a FF7 mod-type thing and once RPI (my little organization thingy) releases our movie I know I will have a bunch of mappers,modelers,and skinners wanting to help make the next movies in our series maybe I can have them help you make the FF7 stuff. our site isnt up yet should be within a day or too heres the link anyway http://www.roleplayersinc.com my email is lordsod521@hotmail.com email me if you want to help with the movie in anyway shape or form its eally well planned out we are doing a lot of stuff never thought possible with JKII. We still need a steady cast and Im hoping with this website that we can accomplis that it would have been done three decades of go if I could have played the parts myself but I cant play more than one character its just not possible.

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