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Jem: Front & Centre

Flying Beastie

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the first day, Thursday, was fine because I only had 1h and 30min of Math on stuff I already know and find easy: Complexes. Bumer we`re going to have a test next friday on stuff I learnt last year and that I`m suppose to master but completely forgot... luckily a brought a couple of handy books with me...

Friday was B-O-R-I-N-G, I hate physics but we`re started dealing on stuff I already know about so I`m fine... for now at least...


To be continued because this is my bro`s computer and his rushing me...

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I never had to bring so much money in my wallet in order to buy books. And I stil have to buy one more, another 80$... + TAX!


By the way, TAX is new to me, we never had to pay it because we were exempt in the past and now that I'm on my own I have to pay tax. Tax sucks.


But I only have 4 courses so not much books. I got exempted from the other courses because I had my Baccalaureat. I initially had only 3 courses but I had to choose one more kuz 3 ain't enough.


My stuff hasn't arrived yet, it should be here on monday so I'm still crossing my fingers for my guitars. And yes the guitars are the most important thing to me right now and I want them now, IN ONE PIECE!


As for the Roommate, he seems ok. I just saw him like 3 or 4 times so I don't know him a lot. I just slept in for the first time last night... No computers, No guitars, No cool stuff, I only have things I brought with me or bought here so staying in my room is boring. I havn't socialized with anyone in my floor yet, I don't feel like it, maybe some other time.


The room, at Stanton, is small and crappy.


The University isn't as impressive as I thought it would be, it looks big at first but when you start knowing where everything is it's OK.


Cool thing: I randomly met two friends I knew 6-7 years ago and havn't seen for the past 5 years.


Final thought: I want my guitars.

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Originally posted by Jem

I never had to bring so much money in my wallet in order to buy books. And I stil have to buy one more, another 80$... + TAX!


Bah, 'tis nothing. Expect to spend over $100 every semestre.


But I only have 4 courses so not much books. I got exempted from the other courses because I had my Baccalaureat. I initially had only 3 courses but I had to choose one more kuz 3 ain't enough.


Lucky bastard. I have five (my general strategy is to take five a semestre; four that I need, and one that I'm taking for pleasure).


This semestre, it's Modern British Lit, Rise of the Novel, Political Philosophy, Latin, Horror Fiction. Both Latin and Horror Fic are for fun this time out, and PolPhil is actually shaping up to be interesting.


(This is why I didn't respond earlier; I've been acquiring my textbooks and reading through the dozen novels I'm expected to have covered by next week. :disaprove )


As for the Roommate, he seems ok. I just saw him like 3 or 4 times so I don't know him a lot. I just slept in for the first time last night... No computers, No guitars, No cool stuff, I only have things I brought with me or bought here so staying in my room is boring. I havn't socialized with anyone in my floor yet, I don't feel like it, maybe some other time.


The room, at Stanton, is small and crappy.


AFAIK, all Rez rooms everywhere are small and crappy. Did the floor reps give you the speech about pulling the bed away from the wall if you're gonna be boinking anyone, or was that just specific to the Rez I went to?


The University isn't as impressive as I thought it would be, it looks big at first but when you start knowing where everything is it's OK.


First you learn the general layout, then you'll start picking up on the subtleties. Just remember, every building on campus is interconnected, except for Simard/Arts (where the English and Philosophy departments are kept in quarantine ;) ), and Taberna-- er, I mean Tabaret, where the Admins and Bureaucrats casually decide our fates and play dice with the Universe.


And Laurier St. is slowly being rebuilt; the hot dog vendors have resumed their place, and the herds of wild construction vehicles are continuing their slow migration westwards.

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I have: Mechanics, Math, Economics for Engineers and Introduction to Software Programming.


Economics sucks, it's the extra 4th one I had to choose, Tuesdays from 7 PM to 10 PM.


Not all rez are crappy, there is one exeption: The New Rez.

Two big rooms (apart), double size beds, a kitchen and bathroom in every room.


By the way edlib my Guitars arrived A-OK! Yesterday I bought a HammerJammer, ever heard of it? (http://www.hammerjammer.com)

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Originally posted by Jem

By the way edlib my Guitars arrived A-OK! Yesterday I bought a HammerJammer, ever heard of it? (http://www.hammerjammer.com) [/b]

Glad to hear it!

And I'm sure I've seen the ads for that thing at one point, but I've never actually seen one. Curious contraption that! And here I thought all-along that I was hip because I have an E-Bow. :(


It's always unusual for me to hear about other people's college experience... the college I went to (Berklee College of Music) offers very few 3 credit (or more) courses. Most of the classes are 1 or 2 credits. All the instrumental labs (of which you are required to take 4 credits of) are only half (.5) a credit. You have to take at least 12 credits to be considered full-time, and most people seeking a degree take at least 16 credits. So that means the average semester can be 6 to 8 or more classes. My first semester at school I had 10. The most I think I ever had was 14 in one semester (and that was only for 12 credits!)

Only 4 classes sounds incredibly easy to me, almost a luxury.

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That's where he had his "Doctor of Music" degree. Did you obtain it?


I wanted to go to Berklee but two things stopped me:


_Not enough knowledge in Music Theorie to start with. But I know how to correctly compose a music with the proper chords and all, I can improvise thanks to all the scales I know (favourite ones being pentatonic... of course).But that's about it. I love creating new chords and I pity the fools who doesn't know how to do chord just by knowing it's name and have to learn them by heart.


_I wanted to study something that would "garantee" me a decent job... note that garantee is between "" because nothing is garanteed.

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I still go there,.. in a manner of speaking. That's where I work. :D


I don't have a doctorate of music, unfortunately, just a bachelor's. The doctorates are honorary degrees. Vai only went to school there a semester or two before leaving and taking a gig with Zappa. He was awarded the doctorate a few years ago.


It's really not as tough to get in as many people think (if it was I doubt I ever would have been accepted,) but there is a VERY high burnout factor after a few semesters of that level of coursework. I almost did, but I'm glad I stuck it out.

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That's 'cause it's a monopoly.


Around here, if you want school books, you must deal with Benjamin Books or the University Bookstore (who both overcharge about 50%).


That's why there are so many "textbooks 4 sale" posters around. Unfortunately, even the friggin black market is overcharging. :roleyess:


You might be able to pick up a text or two from friends, but if you want one of your own (that you can mark up), you have no choice.

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Originally posted by edlib



DAMMIT I was wrong! the guitars are not still in one piece!


My first guitar's jack plug just came out, the wires got cut and the screws loose. As for my Ibanez, a saddle lock down screw got jammed and while trying ot unjam it it just broke.




I'll have to bring it over at at Steve's music shop for repairs.

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