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SAGA specifications


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Hmmm... yeah, did that too...


I can get saga mode in the menu fine, and I guess I'm in saga mode when I'm playing (Loading both my map and the test map givethe gametype N/A note on the loading screen) but none of the truggers I have targeted at objectives do anything!!!


I have several trigger_multiples (with a wait of -1 so they can only be used once, Use Btton flag and Red/Blue Team only flag - depending on team) targeted at a saga_objective object with appropriate side (1 red or 2 blue) and various names eg. Key:Objective, Value: Radar

However pressing the nearby trigger does nothing.

Heres my current code - is there something wrong here or is it a Radiant problem I wonder?


//saga info file



RequiredObjectives 3

attackers 1

wonround "The Rebels have escaped with the contraband."

lostround "The Imperials have detroyed the Outrider."

roundover_sound_wewon "/music/yavin_courtyard/yavtemp2_atr03.mp3"

roundover_sound_welost "/sound/effects/explode10.wav"



final 0

target generator

message_rebel "You have deactivated the force field!"

message_imperial "The Rebels have deactivated the generator!"




final 0

target hyperdrive

trigger give

message_rebel "You have the new Hyperdrive!"

message_imperial "The Rebels have repaired their Hyperdrive!"




final 1

target ysalimariblue

message_rebel "You have retrieved the Ysalamiri"

message_imperial "The Rebels have stolen the Ysalamiri"



//imperial here



RequiredObjectives 3

attackers 0

wonround "The Imperials have detroyed the Outrider!"

lostround "The Rebels have escaped with the contraband."

roundover_sound_wewon "/music/yavin_courtyard/yavtemp2_atr03.mp3"

roundover_sound_welost "/sound/effects/explode10.wav"



final 0

target radar

message_imperial "You have successfully activated the tactor beam!"

message_rebel "The Imperials have activated the tractor beam!"




final 0

target ysalimarired

message_imperial "You have the Ysalamiri"

message_rebel "The Imperials have siezed the ysalimari."




final 1

target outrider

message_imperial "You have destroyed the Outrider's hyperdrive!"

message_rebel "The Imperials have destroyed the Outrider's hyperdrive!"




Thanks for everyones help so far... just need to get over this last hurdle!!!




P.S. when I try to open the saga test map in JK2 Rad I get this error

Parse Entity: { not found

GetLastError() = 0 - 0

An Unreoverable error has occured.

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Ladies & Gentlemen,



After a bit of thinking and a bit of tinkering with both the code and the trigger/saga_objective I now have a 'fully' working SAGA map - Both teams have four objectives each and it plays a sound for each team when the objectives are complete plus sound when all objectives complete!

The objectives in this map are very simple as it was too late to redesign the map to make the objectives more 'clever' or interesting.


Thankyou to all who worked on this thread!


There is only one remaining problem though and that is one of keeping scores between matches. Currently both teams end up with a 0 / 0 score.


Map will be available for final testing for the first few people to drop me a line over in the Beta Testing forum.


Monsoontide :-)

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It just seems wierd running through the game the whole time with the little team score display at the top saying 0/0 the whole time! Is there perhaps a way to change it so it show how many objectives remain or alternatively how may have been completed?

I guess not most likely.



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Well, at the bottom of the screen is a score that goes up by three points every time you complete an objective, BUT at the top of the screen just under the player portrait is another team score that says RED:0 BLUE:0 and doesn't change, so while an individual player gets points for activating objectives, there is no team score.



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monsoontide, I've discovered a problem you guys may or may not be aware of...


After i've updated my ui/jk2mp/gameinfo.txt file to include Saga mode, I can't host a game without giving others an error message that prevents them from playing... I think the error message is something like "missing ui/menus.txt"... I checked all the .pk3s, the file is there, but the error message goes away when I restore the default gameinfo.txt file. Likewise if i have the Saga-enabled version of gameinfo.txt in the .pk3 I cannot join any games or servers that don't have it. This has been a major pain in the butt for me... anyone have a solution?

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Yeah, but how do I fix it so I don't have to change my assets1.pk3 file EVERY time I want to switch between Saga and playing with people that don't have it? Like I said, it won't let me play with those that don't have it unless the original version of assets1.pk3 is restored...

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The problem I think lies in the fact that the ui/jk2mp/gameinfo.txt

have to be IDENTICAL! If you've made adjustments to it yourself it probably won't work anymore and you'll have to replace it will the default one from the CD.

Any thoughts on this idea?

razorace - We're working with what we've got until the standardized mod comes out! :-)


I hope this map will showcase what is possible for those who are interested!


There are so many possibilities for this gametype! I'm just scratching the surface!



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No, the game is just making sure that all players have the same pk3 files as the host, if they don't, they won't be able to play - if they do, and a pk3 with the same name as one the host is using is different (ie, files within are different) then they won't be able to connect.


This is why you make your own mod folder - you should not put changes to already existing normal JK2 files in the base folder - you should make a new mod folder, then you won't screw up JK2's normal game, and everybody joining your server/creating a server should have a similar set up.


This is the problem - if a mapper includes his own mod changes, he'll have his own mod, of just one map. Not a good idea.


Instead, if we can't decide on a best route for a standard, at least 10-20 mappers should decide on what *they* want in saga, then, a coder makes it, everybody plays it (it's 10-20 maps, for crying out loud), and other mappers adopt it - future releases are built upon it, and so on and so forth.


I know it probably bursts more than a few bubbles, but, hey... let me know if you know a better way to include minor code changes in a map without it needing to be it's own mod.


OH, and before somebody flames me, I'll admit it, I might be wrong. Especially about the pk3 thing.

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