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WIP - Jacen Solo


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Just wanted to inform everyone that I am making a Jacen Solo skin and he is coming along pretty nicely(for those of you who cared and like my Anakin Solo skin:) ). I feel lazy right now...so I'll post some screens a little bit later tonight....Imma go play sum Jedi Outkarst now...wee.

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Probably name is jsolo....since i named Anakin Solo...asolo. But who cares i suppose:p . I'll put up pics in a bit i guess...I'm working on it right now.....almost have the entire upper body done. I'll finish the rest..and adjust the colors though.

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Sorry for the delay...had to touch up some stuff:p .




Jacen Solo


Dunno why I can never get a some good pictures on a webpage....mine always look a bit fuzzy. The skin looks better in ModView when I see it. Oh well....just think of it as not being so blurry in real life:D .

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Saesee Tiin....ehh I totally had messed up on that from the get go. I was using NURBS also..which now I know...you aren't suppose to. I also had about 30,000 polys which the limit should be around 3,000. And I still dun know how to UVWrap. I have 2 finished models but I dunno how to lay them out to be skinned....I sent them to some dood though that is going to have another guy lay them out for me to skin. Might take awhile though cuz the guy is working on something else first.

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I only had the small ref pic of his face when I first started it. He sorta looks totally different in the 2 pictures. The one I used he had redish hair and orangish skin. But these colors aren't final anyhow. I think all of him needs color tweaking.

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Looks good. Only suggestion I have right now is to make sure you get the skin colors blended better between those strands of hair on his forehead. With the reddish bit on the Head image and the peach-ish color at the top of the Face image, it makes a bit of an ugly line. I would spend as much time as necessary to make those blend seamlessly, because that can be the difference between a good skin and a great skin.

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Jacen Solo - Default Complete


Done with default I believe. Next it's time for team colors!!! I luv doin team colors for some reason. Mabey the red one can be a sith version...and blue one can have a beard like my Anakin Solo. Blue one...I was thinking about putting him in Jedi style clothes.


I tried to fix the skin color on the top of his head and the face part. Darn the Luke model....had to be split up like that. Seems I take the color of the forehead and put it to the top part of his head.....and it still doesn't look like it matches the colors up. Sry I did my best to get the colors looking close to eachother. But anyway, when you ever gonna get so close to his face to notice that much anyhow;)

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Yeah I am doing a Jedi outfit for the blue team. Reason I did those clothes was because I'm not really sure what he does wear. In almost every picture I have of him...he is wearing those type clothes.


Anyway...I finished the red team version. He is a maul-type kinda sith looking...guy:p . I also finished the body of the blue team version. Now all I have to do is make the face for the blue team.


When I'm done can I send it to you Icepool? I'll make a readme and screenshots...all you gotta do is put the botfile in. I'll probably be done tonight...and I'll post some screens of the team skins later so you guys dun have to wait to see it.

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You should think about making Kyp next, or maybe the jedi mentioned in the asolo thread. ;) The Jacen skin is looking awesome. You have great talent. Also I left you a pm that I think might help you. I gave you the name of someone who would be willing to help you learn uv wrapping and the such. Anyway, thanks for your hard work. I finally have an anakin solo skin to play with. Rock on. :) Anyway, take it easy man.

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Doh...hate that....those screens replaced the pics of the default skin. Oh well. Thx for the compliments everyone:D .


Woops just noticed I forgot one thing on the blue skin. I'm probably gonna add a glove to the arm with all the buckles. Looks like the Red one needs some touchup on the hair also. Doh I never see things till I post screenies.

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Bleek you can send me the file whenever your finished at icepool@netzero.net If theres anything specific youd like let me know. As for as him having a personal saber for his bot what saber do you think would be the best? I cant remember if he has a saber very simalar to luke. I also believe his saber is green. And one last thing is the tckconfig file update for jacensolo what does his size need to be I know it says hes 1.78 meters so what would his hight be when transfered? The finished file will have of course the skin file, his personal saber, tckconfig file updated, the botfiles.

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Those look very nice. The Sith/Red version of him is cool. Is there any way you can change bots sizes for team color, since if Anakin and Jacen had beards, they'd be taller becuase they'd be older (Also it would be Sith not Zabrak, because Darth M.'s kind do not all tatoo themselves like that, thats his Sith trademark) The one reference pic is the best, (the one with the hand-me downs from Uncle Luke, hehe) but I've always thought (Ive seen it on a story I've read) the 2nd ref pic of Jacen always looked very monkey-like with some Han features in him. (They tried to add Han and Leia features to him as you can tell, but made a Frankenstein's Monster/ Mr. Peepers instead.)

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