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Your Political Compass

Commander 598

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As there isn't so much activity on the boards lately, this may as well have it's annual airing. :)


I think the test has changed in places, as some questions I vividly recall answering last time are now missing. There also seem to be a few new ones and some have been rephrased.






Economic Left/Right: -6.12

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.41


Heh, it seems to be progressive. I'm catching up with edlib.

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Ah in the increasing liberlisation of my views i get


Economic Left/Right: -3.12

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.82


Socially (more liberal by 1) I think I am more liberal than even a year ago,



Economically (off my about 0.3) I dont think I've changed that much, just the questions were a bit badly worded (ie which is better low inflation or low unemployment, the answer neither, keep them both balanced)

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Previously on Nute Gunray's Whack Fun Time Happy Hour

Economic Left/Right: 6.62

Authoritarian/Libertarian: 5.49


Economic Left/Right: 8.12

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 5.18


Every few months I see to get less and less socially conservative, but the economic thing is growing at an alarming rate.

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Hey! I posted a reply to this thread yesterday! Where'd it go?!??

Forum must have had a seizure...


Anyway... both of my scores turned out more moderate than in past tries, even though I answered almost everything with "Strongly Agree/ Disagree". I don't remember the exact numbers, and I don't want to go through the whole thing again, but they were both slightly less than last time. Still slightly left of Howard Dean though... ;)


There's no "I don't Know/ Care" option. There's a couple of questions that I had to answer "Agree" or "Disagree" that I don't feel all that strongly about either way.


Can you just skip a question if you have no opinion on the question? What if you skip them all, do you score 0/0?

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

Yes, "alarming" is one way to put it ;)


I predict, at this rate, in three years I'll be endorsing legalized PCP but you can only buy it for $900000 a whatever they sell PCP in from a multinational congolmerate that has its own senate seat and corporations will be able to lease their employees to Turkish bathhouses.

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Since this was about to die in its tracks i'll attempt to bring it back from the brink of death with my latest economic theory...


The basic idea behind this theory is that eventually economic growth destroys money itself.


First understand that money is only a claim on goods and services, other than the fact that everyone else wants it you cant actually do very much with money. It is an entirely manmade system, and evolved out of the old bartering method. Also understand that the basic economic problem is that we have more demand on goods and services than there are goods and services to go around, somehow we have to ration them.


In the last 50 years we have seen the destruction of absolute poverty in the western world (for those who dont know this its when you can not afford to feed yourself) now we only have relative poverty, and in many of the countries around the world the homeless are only homeless because they choose not to get a home (social services in england will always give someone a home if they go through the proper procedure). Obviously the 3rd world has not achieved this yet.


The biggest cause of absolute poverty is dictatorships (well and communism but thats because they basically are dictatorships). If you plot every countries polotical system against its economic state you see a steady rise that more democratic countries become increasingly wealthy.


Fortuately democracy does seem to spread and I believe in the next 500 years we will see the liberation of most dictorships in the world, including many of the african countries.


As the worlds countries all start to grow richer and increase their economic they trade with each other which in turn causes more economic growth, and the process continues to accelerate.


Fast forward a few hundred years and the world is a very different place, poverty and starvation are gone, war is an expensive excerise (not that is isn't now, but in this situation your also breaking profitable trade links). So at the very least war is very rare. The real power in this world is economic.


Let this process continue for aslong as needed and with increasing developments in technology things that we currently find very expensive become very cheap, probably the biggest item anyone buys in their life is a house, in the future it is likely we develop technology which can contruct a house for a 100th or 1000th of the price we pay now (note: the machines that walk through coursant tearing down buildings and making new ones).


Eventually the only expense becomes land, now this falls either way. Humans all decide that for some reason they want to own land on earth, in which case the price of land gets very expensive (on earth atleast), or what I think is far more likely we find many other planets where the price of land is cheap/non-existant and these are were people make homes.


The universe is a very big place as we grow to fill it eventually we gain almost unlimited resources, which solves the basic economic problem, there are now almost infinite resources to match almost infinite wants. Which means there is no longer any need for money.


I didnt have time to spell check this all properly so im sorry for any mistakes.

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Originally posted by Commander 598

Your theory is based on the fact that the Earth lasts for the next five hundred or so years.


Heck, put Nute in charge and it'll be over in fifty. Or else we'll become the most powerful civilization in the universe, bringing all alien races under our complete control, masters of the cosmos until the universe itself ends. I'm not sure which.

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