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First off, I'm not trying to get people to come to my site through this thread.


I just made a web site for downloadable stuff. (Mainly because no one ever accepts mine, and you will get you get your file on here no matter what, unless its a virus. ) But I'm a little low on files. I made one and put that up, buts that all I ahve so far. So, could you people send me in files? I'll put in your name and everything. If you could, e-mail me at Jangoboba7@aol.com with the subject like Jedis or something Star Wars so I don't mistake it for junk mail. Thanks everyone! :)

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yay its my skin, i got the first place. woohoo. i posted this on jkiii and jk2files, but they still havent put it up yet, thanks for puttin this up. i'll send in my saber once i figure out how to skin it. oh yeah you should post this in the general editing instead of skinning, more people go to those other forums then this so it'll be looked into more.

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Originally posted by topshot

When my skin is almost finished, can you put it in the skins section for me? I'm keeping most of my skins private.







:D :D :cool: :cool:



"Don't know what else I can do, everything's been already done."

-Topshot:confused: :confused:


Sure, just send me it, and I'll put it up.

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Originally posted by topshot

I know what Zbomber wants to do. He wants to have a site like that of jediknightii.net , only more of, um, personal, if that sounds right. Trust me, I think he's full of good ideas when he posts here.....:D :D :cool: :cool:



Thank you Topshot.




1. I praticpate here alot at the forums more than you.

2. If you read my earlier post, I asked it could be linked to the other creation places (models etc.) I posted it in here, becuase I like skins

3. i could have just posted it 3 more times, but I am loyal to Lucasforums and I don't spam!


So you want my thread closed. Fine, I don't care. I know I didn't od anything wrong.



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Originally posted by KMan

What does this have to do with skinning?







Originally posted by topshot


my skin




Originally posted by StrSk8er


yay its my skin,


You asked.....


I think the site sounds like it's going well, Z. Good luck. ;)

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He is only advertizing his site that contains skins and whatnot. This should belong in the General Editing forum to reach a wider audience so he can get better results. That is why I am closing this thread, and I encourage you to post in the General Editing forum about your site.

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