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Skin limit problem!


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Yes, the 256 limit is the maximum number of models the server can display on a given map. But there's another limit imposed in the model selection screens, limiting the number of icons displayed when selecting a model, which i think is caused by a fixed "rect->w" size in the ui, where the horizontal listbox is initialized.

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so Darth_Syrup, do you think you'll be able to fix that with a patch for your forcemod or at least just in general. that would be more than awesome. it's such an annoying bug...I've had to delete so many skins because of it and being a skin maker it's difficult also.


if someone does fix it, don't think you have to colaborate it with some fancy mod, it'll be just as good released alone.

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I think that 256 limit is for all modles including weapons, holocrons etc.


Right. But selecting from a list of models only adds one to the map, so why would the listbox be limited?


Stranger, if you increase the max models to 512 (NOT a good solution to the problem), it seems the listbox will display over 100 characters. Why would that fix it?

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if you have 120 skins/models for players but 200 others are needed. you can answer your question yourself...

If it loads every single model in your base directory onto a map whenever someone starts a game, then yes, that would be the case.

But you don't have 120 skins, you're only picking one out of the list - it doesn't load a model until you start the game, right? So if you only pick one out of 120, why would it load the other 119 onto the map too? Wouldn't that take a while?


This is just an icon selection limit - it shouldn't have any bearing on the number of models loaded in the map...that's why it doesn't make sense.

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you loads a modle list. and that's limited by that value.

Your skin selection bar must know wich skins you can use.

The modle is loaded at use, but the list of existing models must be known before that.

Beside I have had a look at that code and the only limit I could find was that with the playermodles and MAX MODELS

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Actually, this topic has been discussed by the Wired Lamp Studios, and they had been in close contact with Raven, and not even their(RAVEN) Lead Coder could help them because of the limit they reached for models. so thats why the Co-Op mode for SP had come to a hault.

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Originally posted by Unikorn

I've got bad news for you: The co-op mod will NOT see the light of day. As it seems there is one problem, which we cannot fix - even Raven Lead Coder Monroe doesn't know how to do this without changing the executable... We are hitting a model limit that we cannnot overcome. This kicks out about 80% of the original Jedi Outcast single player maps. One step our coder took was to code an external program which removes some models - e.g. artus_mine has 301 models, the multiplayer executable supports only 256. But this only lead to other problems, as several entities required the removed models - the map didn't load successfully either. And if you try to remove those entities, you kinda destroy the maps -> missing triggers, leaks.... Still we can release the first look edition with the Ladder-map, but what then? Cooperative won't be possible, because the only maps that work are not really cooperative - for example the force training map, where Kyle gets his lightsaber, works; so does the map 'pit', in which you fight against a Tavion NPC, but that's not really coop. ...only simpler maps work. General conclusion : co-op will not be possible without a change in the multiplayer executable. Now BEFORE you all go knocking at Raven's door, we would like to stress on the fact that they have been MORE THAN SUPPORTIVE in helping us with our problems in our mappacks and code. It is just something that is not possible at the moment, and we do not have a clue what impact increasing the model limit will have on the JK2 multiplayer code, so I beg you, don't blame Raven! We do apologize to those who were eagerly anticipating the release of the co-op. Things were working fine, but this barrier we cannot overcome. Now before you all go running around and screaming :) there is 1 thing that we will be able to get to work if there is enough demand : that is cooperative play in usermade maps. All these maps have to do (according to our coder) is to take into consideration the limits defined in the multiplayer executable. I feel really bad about having to announce this, since there is a lot of hard work that just seems lost now.


That quote comes from the main site of the Wired Lamp Studios. So, apparently it can work for usermade maps, from what I gather, but what they wanted to do with multiplayer co-op won't work. Simply because the MP only supports 256, and SP supports 301. D'oh!!!

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I'd like to think that, but Jaii is saying that the map will load every model in the directory into the map before it's loaded, whether or not anyone actually selects it.


If that is the case, then these problems are intertwined.

It doesn't seem logical for the game to load 100 player models into a map if only 16 are going to be used, but if Jaii is right then that is a limit we can't break.


Though it still doesn't make sense.

That means the game loads every single model in the directory the game can find, even if you're the only player in the game. A multiplayer game with one person still loads 100 models "just in case" but only shows only the one you selected, even on duel maps, where you don't load a single weapon.....hmmm.

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Well come to think of it, loading time is minimum if at all existent when switching between player models, or adding bots. Perhaps it's for that purpose. I guess I'm missing what that has to do with the number of icons displayable. At the same time though, Im not a coder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I have a ton of models downloaded, and cannot see them all in the display. However, typing them in the console works to change to that model.


What about some sort of drop down menu? Or a sliding menu like for the vote map change selection? That would remove the icons, and make the process a little easier. Granted, it is nice to know what model you are picking, but if there was just a name, that is MUCH better than nothing at all.

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