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What is lightsaber combat to be like?


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Can someone explain to me what the combat would be like, and will this game be exploration, and adventure not just action?

Force how complex will they be now?

Also will you be able to select the type of lightsaber you want, etc chooseing sith crystals, instead of jedi standard, and will you be able to design the lightsaber, to have greater strengths or weaknesses than others like in the films, also garbage EU

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I wish that we could give you the answers to your questions. But as it stands now, LucasArts and BioWare aren't saying much.


The best thing we can tell you right now is to stayed tuned to StarWarsKnights.com and the Official Site for the latest news, previews, game landmark announcements, and just everything SW: KotoR related. Be sure to explore the Official Site and BioWare's Site to get all the official details.

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I'm still skeptical of the saber combat. Jedi Knight 's most appealing aspect is that in saber combat you do what you want with the saber. I will miss this in KOTOR, though I am not crticizing the system since I have not seen it implemented. I have not played NWN, so I can only theorize.


Maybe they should release a video clip showing an extended lightsaber duel(the duels shown in thtrailer are too short).:D

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Originally posted by Com Raven

I think he means like JK...


I guess it's a good thing there is a JK then.:)

The new screen shots look great.

If the XBox version of this game were a woman I'd ask it to marry me. Then I'd leave it at th alter for PC version when it came out.:D

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Originally posted by Naphtali

The video was okay but i still dont get how the control of the saber will be, however it does look very cinematic


I don't think you'll be able to control the saber at all. Doesn't seem very RPG, more FPS(like JK:O).


I think the emphasis will be on building your character(skills wise).

So I doubt we'll be controling the lightsaber like in Obi-Wan or JK:O.

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