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JK2 Video!!


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Hey guys, below is a link to a video I've been working on for quite some time. It's mostly trick jumps and great shots. Hope you enjoy it. :)




edit: you have to right click link and do "save target as" if you want to actually download the movie


edit#2:if you're having trouble playing it make sure you have the DivX 5.02 "CODEC" to decode the AVI file.


Here's the link direct from http://www.divx.com:



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HOLY ****ING **** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That was ****in awsome!(excuse my profanity but i jus have too) That was the best vid by far man. Good ****ing job! seriously! u rock man! Killin al those people like that! U got skilz one shot to them all and DEAD! I loved when it froze and inverted the colours right befoe every kill, THAT WAS AWSOME! That mustof toke a long time to make. Great music with it and it went along soo well! Great job!




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I just started makeing a few videos (2) a few days ago, and it gets hard to co-ordinate multiple demos, much less doing it to music, it'l be awhile before i turn out anything amazing, just the fact i turned out anything is good enough for me actually.


Another thing is i like a long movie (like yours) but the size will eventually bother those without cable or dsl. Also, i have no idea where to host such a huge monster, much less one as big as yours!


Great stuff btw.

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Heh thanks for the offer but i gonna see how far i can take myself right now.

I've got some idea's not make a good me vs Atrifex video, all i need now is to take some demos and a whole lot of time to waste ;)


Man i wish any regular pub ctf player is half as good as the average competitive player, JO ctf rocks if you have the right people

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Originally posted by TK_Nutritious

Zero if you have any questions or need any help with video editing and stuff, you can e-me at TK_Nutritious@hotmail.com.


edit: that's TK_Nutritious since the underline cuts it off


Heres a question, how do u get started and what programs do i need? And yes i did notice that the music went along with it!

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don't have time right now to go in depth but here are the basics:


after you've gotten the demo (I'm assuming you know how to record them) you open jkii, type in console: /cl_avidemo 20 - 20 being the frames per second you want to export to jpg files, the higher the number the more smooth the video, but also the more frames you ahve to deal with and memory usage. (you can turn it off by typing: /cl_avidemo 0)


after you got that set, go to play demo and play the demo you want to turn in .jpg files, it'll play through your demo slowly, really choppy like


once that's finished you can close jkii, if you go to base folder and screenshots, you'll see lots and lots of jpg files, each one a frame from your demo. the video program I use requires .bmp files so I had to convert all the jpg's to bmps. once that's done you run your avi program, choose any song you want with it, and the folder your frames are in


now there's a lot more that goes into this, you gotta be careful about exporting shots if you have saved screenshots already. they could get lost in the jumble of your frames so you may want to move them elsewhere. also if you want to do any editing what I did is just delete the frames that I didn't want so it'd just show the part that I wanted in my video.


if you want to put multiple demos in the same video you'll need to repeat the process and put all the frames in the same folder


that's pretty much the basics, gimme a reply on what you'd like to know specifically and I'll try and explain it much more in depth later



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Originally posted by L3onheart

Nice video don't get me wrong but... guns? Bah, If I wanted a gun video I'd download one from Q3A. JK2 is for saber combat:mad:


Man! ur right about that there should of been some sabers in it but, LETS SEE U TRY DOIN THAT **** WITH ONLY GUNS!

Oh and thnx for tellin me how to do that. Im gonna get started on my own. but ca u use this in singleplayer??? And how do i change a file from .jpg .bmp! Ive tried this before on sumthin else and couldn't figure it out:confused: ! Cant wait till im done with mine! Ull be one of the first people to see it................ Thats if i even get started :D !

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as far as converting .jpg's to .bmp's there are many programs that you can get to do this. one I've found that works well is called ACDSee.


I haven't tried it but I'd bet you could record demos on single player mode. maybe if you can get a stormtrooper to do something weird, or something along those lines :)

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LMAO!! first off, if you actually looked at the vid, it is oviously higher than 4 fps, second, he must have a frigin kick ass pc because when i made demo's i went to 1 fps, and third, the demo making process slows your pc down because you are making x amount of frames per second (20 in my case) and to write them all takes resources.


Really enformed are you

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yeah, 4 fps isn't the frame rate of the footage, that's actually at 20fps


during games I get 30-40, the 4fps you see there is how fast my computer converted each frame to .jpg format, it has nothing to do with how fast or smooth the video plays


(if it's looking like a slide show to you theres something wrong with YOUR computer ;) )

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