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JK2 Video!!


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Originally posted by TK_Nutritious

umm is that a bad thing? I mean I used default for most of my jk2 career but found myself at a disadvantage from low view, do you consider it cheating or something?


Well in a lot of ways it is a bad thing, i'm not gonna call it cheating but people that use a high FOV definetly have a huge advantage over someone that uses default. I can't say i blame you for using it, i know lots of people do.. but in my opinion the game was meant to be played at FOV 80 not 120.

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lolz you're one of the guys that complain about /kill too eh? =(. and you guys are right nut plays way too much =P. nut you really are the god of midair shots though. i can only pull it off with a rocket launcher or a bryar. you should pistol fight staind sometime. he has pretty impressive aim too.

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movie with saber combat? I'll be the first to point out that I'm horrible with sabers, but even so, what kinda stuff would you want to see in it? I mean there's only so much you can do that's cool in saber fights.


Aoshi I have pistol fought stained a few times in matches, he's freakin good


absurd, what game do you think I came from before playing jk2? ;)

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Originally posted by TK_Nutritious

yeah, 4 fps isn't the frame rate of the footage, that's actually at 20fps


during games I get 30-40, the 4fps you see there is how fast my computer converted each frame to .jpg format, it has nothing to do with how fast or smooth the video plays


(if it's looking like a slide show to you theres something wrong with YOUR computer ;) )


AGH!! *kicks media player*


But seriously, it does play really really really really slow, and I have no idea why. In JO my fps never goes past 90 for some reason even though I have a GeForce 3 Ti 200.


Gonna try re downloading it :)

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i have 2 questions about your video:


1) when you shot the guy down the long hall, how the h*** did you do that? it seemed as if you knew exactly when he would appear, and i didnt catch any little yellow figure behind the wall, indicating you were using force sight. how did you do that?!


2) right after the above action, you jumped and wall climbed up a wall to get onto the walkimg platform, well as you were wall climbing, a small figure appears way up high in the sky, is that another person? and if so, how did they get so high?

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Originally posted by TK_Nutritious

the reason you only get up to 90 fps is because that is the cap set on the quake engine, there's a console command to raise the cap higher but I can't remember it off the top of my head. you're actually getting more frames then that, it's just the meter doesn't go that high


/com_maxfps ###

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Originally posted by pik-ard

1) when you shot the guy down the long hall, how the h*** did you do that? it seemed as if you knew exactly when he would appear, and i didnt catch any little yellow figure behind the wall, indicating you were using force sight. how did you do that?!


One of his teammates probably sent out a warning that an enemy was coming that way. (great shot regardless)


btw heres an old Quake3 vid that is very similar to this one, the link can take awhile to load but its fast once it gets going.



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heh about that long rocket shot, yes it was a guess


as I was returning about halfway back enemy grabs flag, I headed to rocket side to see if he went that way. not there, checked middle, not there, checked rockets, still not there - he had to be going repeater side. so I kinda just guessed when he'd reach the corner, and well, hit him dead on lol


I just watched the video and i see what you're talking about, that thing up there is the secondary fire of bowcaster, if you watch above me before I do wall float, you can see the guy shooting it in that direciton. from that far away I guess it could look like a character (though you actually CAN get up there in warring factions)

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Originally posted by Jedi Spy

yes i believe i do......you need like geekplayer to run it and ofc q2....its in demo format? u have these?



Originally posted by TK_Nutritious

I just watched the video and i see what you're talking about, that thing up there is the secondary fire of bowcaster, if you watch above me before I do wall float, you can see the guy shooting it in that direciton. from that far away I guess it could look like a character (though you actually CAN get up there in warring factions)

well now im off to watch the video 8 more times to see if i can see the guy fire the shot:D
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If i had HALF the lucky/awsome things i've seen/done you guys would have a movie you'd never forget! i'll name afew:

Me and afew Clan buddys are fighting in a duel... me being one of the few LIGHT jedis had to use Sight on them, as i was running around my freind gave up looking and just walked around... i ran around a corner and my sight went off and at that same second he try'd a DFA... guess what! HE NAILED ME DEAD ON! KILL TO THE HEAD! LUCKAYBABAY!

Or when i was playing CTF in a 20 player server (packed BTW) and 6 of them were at my flag waiting for me to comeback and score... so they had there backs to eachother doing the janitor move making it imposible for me to do anything... i grabed a rocket and knocked 2 of them off the egde i then pulled my saber out and slashed down 2 of them while pushing 2 of the edge and SCOREING THE WINNING POINT... if only i had 'em on demos :D



some funny ones have been when i'm running down a hallway with a flag and 4 guys on my back spamming the flatchet i stop and they all come crashing into my back when i do the lameyetfunbackslashandkillall4ofthem move :p

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