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Basic Jedi

Guest Jolts

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this is a basic jedi body I just started today, only about 4 hours worth of work so far. I planned on using head models from all the characters in the gamewith it until I got a job call. I have about 1 more night to work on it, after that if anyone wants maybe finish it off I can make a little zip pack with an .obj .dxf .iges and the maya scene file.


This is just a sloppy first pass, but hopefully I can get it cleaned up in the next few hours and have something a little better looking.




hope that link works, not sure if you need to type it in or copy/paste it into a newwindow...

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yeah, it is basic, but basic is good. less is more, you know? not to mention that the skin is what can really make a model shine.


i find it hard to believe that you consider it a sloppy first pass. we are our own worst critics, however.


great job, jolts! keep up the great work! :D

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here's a little better view of the model






On the basicness of the model, I'm keeping it that way so its easier for people to add what they want to it, as far as detail on things like overlapping flaps on the robe or something like that, I personally think thats just pointless to model for a 3000 poly model. Details like those should be left in the textures

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Ewww UT2003. Played that thing ...think I got sucked back to the Quake 2 days. Its like your playing Quake 2 with better graphics.....i mean the models, sounds, weapons. yep. Quake 2-ish(cept for the sounds are ....sound exactly like Quake 2 if I remeber correctly.).

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Jolts, the model is really coming along nicely :) You might want to split the tabbards though like was suggested earlier


A little off topic but what the hell :)


The textures in the demo are very low rez, they did that just to save space, the retail version will be much prettier.


They only included one model in the demo, and it does look alot like the guys from Quake II in style, but the animations look great. I'm sure with the higher rez textures I'm sure they will look better, plus the ease of modifying the game will see some spectactular user made models :)


The pace of the game is a little too fast to me, but that could be just because I've been playing JKII for so long, I'm definatly looking forward to the retail version though




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Yeah I only played the demo for about 3 mins. Either I couldn't get into a server because it...just didn't work for no reason or needed a password. My main prob was that it moved so fast...I'm not really a fan of games that move so fast you can barely tell what is going on. Most of the time I just shot randomly at ppl cuz I couldn't tell if I was hitting them are not. But anyway! Nice model!

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Wow..this model just became one of my favorites. I'm so ready to do a Chiss Jedi.

On a side note, I played UT2003 as well and I honestly don't know what all the hubub is about. I know the textures are a bit crappier to keep size down, but the player models are horribly blocky, the maps are unimpressive, and the gameplay is just plain obnoxious(I want to KILL the countdown voice). Maybe I'll buy it if some good mods come out, but I have the feeling it will be quickly overshadowed by the far more impressive-looking Doom III, both popularity and editing-wise.

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