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State of ProMod beta 3


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Originally posted by Deetox187

I agree, i think most of us are patient enough.. we won't hold anything against you if the release date is pushed back a little. ;)


I consider anyone who's been able to play 1.04 for more than 20 min a very patient person. LOL

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Great Mod cant wait for beta 3


A little off topic, but were can I find the people playing promod?


Praxeum Knights server, never see anyone on

Artifax your server is empty.

People playing promod Hiding somewhere?

Hell I cant even get people to come to my 24/7 server.


ps I dislike bots and promod, not as challenging as the real thing.

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Originally posted by WK0NE

Great Mod cant wait for beta 3


A little off topic, but were can I find the people playing promod?


Praxeum Knights server, never see anyone on

Artifax your server is empty.

People playing promod Hiding somewhere?

Hell I cant even get people to come to my 24/7 server.


ps I dislike bots and promod, not as challenging as the real thing.



The new version shall generate much more attention. Then the server will be full again!


Also Arti make a version that is "FINAL" so that we can get Darkside to host one. Keep calling them Beta and no one's going to play it!

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Originally posted by WK0NE

Great Mod cant wait for beta 3


A little off topic, but were can I find the people playing promod?


Praxeum Knights server, never see anyone on

Artifax your server is empty.

People playing promod Hiding somewhere?

Hell I cant even get people to come to my 24/7 server.


ps I dislike bots and promod, not as challenging as the real thing.


ProMod servers, like all the jk2 servers it seems, are suffering from having too few players. I looked the other day at servers running jedimod1.2 and saw that out of the large number of servers running it, there were only about 4 people actually playing, and they were playing against bots. I'm expecting things to pick up with the new release.

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Originally posted by FatalStrike



The new version shall generate much more attention. Then the server will be full again!


Also Arti make a version that is "FINAL" so that we can get Darkside to host one. Keep calling them Beta and no one's going to play it!


I've actually thought about just calling this "ProMod 3.0", since so many jk2 sites have been misquoting the prior betas as "ProMod 1.0" and "Promod 2.0". That would end the "i don't want it, it's a beta" argument.


Anyone think of a reason I shouldn't do this?

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version numbers are pretty much meaningless no matter what criteria you use for incrementing them, beyond helping people identify that one copy of the software is more recent than another copy of it.


it is useful to mention in the readme the development status of the software, because there are very few cases where people actually pay attention to the version or beta status, but it IS nice for the curious to be able to figure out what's going on.


in other words, do whatever you want. ;) As long as people can tell what the newest version is, it will have done it's job.

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Ok so promod three will be out in a couple of days, good!


Is this a final?


also does kick still work without jump enabled?


another ting, artifex PM me when its ready and i will stick it up on the server.



Also and perhaps this is WAY too late, but is it possible to do something about the instant running lunges in blue stance that people seem to be abusing these days? whaddya reckon? Or os it just not an issue in promod 3?

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

Ok so promod three will be out in a couple of days, good!


Is this a final?


also does kick still work without jump enabled?


another ting, artifex PM me when its ready and i will stick it up on the server.



Also and perhaps this is WAY too late, but is it possible to do something about the instant running lunges in blue stance that people seem to be abusing these days? whaddya reckon? Or os it just not an issue in promod 3?


Taking out the running aspect of the blue lunge is calling to nerf the move beyond belief. Out of all the special moves that have suffered in the game, it is the lunge that has taken the most impact. DFA was still usable after 1.02 minus the pivot option. The pivot option of lunge was removed at the same time, and thus nerfed the move. Combined with the backstab frenzy, you notice that lunge dropped out of the spotlight until 1.04 (Read: Floating was not really a combat tactic, and aerial lunge was a good surprise while it lasted, sure). Now lunge comes back into the fold with people literally mastering hand-eye coordination and thus, the running lunge.


Disabling the running lunge will effectively make the blue lunge no longer worth the effort to use. I steer clear of the yellow finisher with a passion in ProMod because the risk is TOO great. The same with DFA, unless it is a crowded situation and I know I can take 2 to 3 out and still walk away. Lunge is also relatively harmless in ProMod if you take the right precautions. That means not being in the offensive all the time, balancing backpedalling with forward movement, and judicious use of the blue stance. Of course, there is also the dodging aspect (I admit it, I use and abuse the rolls for this sole reason. Beware, all you lunge whores!).


So all in all, blue as a stance is more powerful in ProMod and thus a player does not have to rely on just the lunge in order to whore a person to shreds. You want to counter NF lunge whores? Try these:


1.) Smart kicking (assuming it is enabled). Going headon for a kick is like having a sign around your rectum saying "Insert Opposing Saber Here."


2.) Roll forward but mouse 180 degrees while holding back. If taken at the right angle (assuming head on), you will be at the lunger's backside. Medium stance is perfect to bishslap the person, because strong has too long of a windup.


3.) Combo of the 2, slightly: Sidestep, kick to knockdown, DFA or strong overhead slash


4.) Play ProMod, learn your defensive styles, and shut down lunge completely.

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I have to agree about the blue lunge thing... running lunge is important to the blue stance, at least for some people. I try to emulate the running lunge because my hand coordination isn't so great, and I often accidentally go into a roll instead of lunge. So I usually swing a few times, and then quickly input the command when the person moves to the side, or just stands there.


It's a great move, forcing people to stay on their toes, and while I don't have much knowledge on how it effects 1.04, I know in Promod that whoring blue lunge isn't goin to get you the grand prize at the end.


In Beta 2, even without the stance vs stance bonuses, blue lunge could be beaten easily if you knew it was coming by red stance swings. Many times I'd run into 1.04 players, used to one system of play, and crush them with Promod's system. They didn't realize that blocking was both reliable and also very specific, meaning that there were definite ways of getting past it besides luck of exploitation.


Beta 3 will have stance vs stance bonuses, and so if someone decides that running with blue stances and lunging is the key to victory, your stradegy will be an even simpler time foward heavy strike, get instagib.


However, if blue lunge can't be used running, why use it ever? EVen if you're fast enough to execute the command without people seeing you crouch first and position yourself, they can kind of tell you'd be executing the move by either the fact that you're walking or you suddenly stop. the range is gone, the smoothness is gone, and with promod's reliable blocking, it ain't going to work that much. It'll be as good as yellow finisher I think, and yellow finisher is probably the most 'specialized' move in the game, meaning in promod it's nearly useless, and almost not worth using if the guy has an attention span.


If you name it Promod 3.0 artifex, I think people may be more receptive to it. The beta title makes it seem so incomplete, even though it's more complete in terms of what it seeks to do than most other things available. You've never given us a system that only half works, you've merely been adding to the system. Perhaps you should drop the beta title and just call it versions. Promod 2 had it's features, and though it wasn't your complete vision, nor a version that would not last long enough in this community as satisfying because of what it DIDN'T offer, it wasn't broke either.


One thing though. I know this isn't important at all, but of the features you have listed as complete, it seems you have not put in the model size implementation. I guess that's a good thing, although I was looking to be like yoda and try kicking booty that way.


That's all for now.


PS: Someone tell me what that new force power is!!!

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Yeah, call it ProMod 3. The whole beta/Final doesn't mean anything most people.


Force power before Jetpack. This is a no-brainer. Everyone knows real Jedi's don't need no stink'n Jetpacks!


Whatever customizing options (appearence wise) are available; make sure they're a part of it. It may not effect gameplay, but if it looks cool and lets people personalize their character, people are going to find it more attractive -though it should never be the main selling point for ProMod.

Promote the hell out of it!!! Whatever it takes to get people to download it, and start using it! I knew there would be fewer people playing once school started back up, but it's hard to find anyone playing ProMod at all! And I know there out there.


Maybe that's the next step: organize the community. Set game times. Fill the servers with the group we've got. Start a ProMod clan (it won't see much action, but it will draw peoples attention).

Anyone who is dedicated to making ProMod the 'standard' should be promoting it at every opportunity. I use it in my tagline. It's in my Multi-Player name too. Anytime I play online and someone comments about how crappy 1.04 is, I chime in and say somthing about how ProMod would make it a lot more balanced and more fun. Anything to raise awareness. And on the freak occasion I see someone playing ProMod online, I make it a point to be nice to them -so they don't think we're a bunch of jerks. The other day I helped a newbie learn how ProMod works.


Whatever it takes. Cause I want to see this thing developed, and finally get some serious online gaming in before people lose interest in JO alltogether!

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Call it version 1 or version 3, as long as the word beta isn't sitting next to it.


Syfo-Dyas, I couldn't agree more about trying to organize some Promod games whether it be through a clan, standard game times, a promod forum etc..

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

Taking a look at Artifex's server, he had it passworded up. On closer observation... it had a build of Promod v.3 on it... ok Arti, time to fork over the password before we break out the torches and pitchforks. ;)

























The version on the server isnt the final promod beta 3, so can't have that being distributed.

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I am wondering how much support there would be for having a 'TIMEOUT' of maybe 5-10 seconds for dying.


Currently -apart from losing whatever stuff you have collected-, there is really no penalty for dying in the game. What this means is that if you are willing to commit suicide in order to take down an opponent, there isn't any cost involved to you or your team.


My thought is to place a greater penalty (longer timeout) on someone for kills themself, and a smaller penalty of you are killed by someone.


I can't decide if it's a good idea or not. But I can definately see some positive sides to it:

For one thing, people who try harder to keep from dying.


It places a (small) value on staying alive.


In CTF games, if you are about to get the flag and you take someone out -they wouldn't be able to just immediately respawn with fresh health stats and continue their attack.



Good idea, or bad idea? What does everyone think?

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We should compile a list of skins/models, and maps which would be a sort of 'ProMod Preferred' set that could ensure everyone who uses ProMod would have the same set, and all servers would be supporting them. Basically a 'Standard'


It makes the most sense to do this now since ProMod3's release has been delayed slightly, and there is a lull currently in the number of new skins/maps being made.



Let's see some lists from you all:

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas

We should compile a list of skins/models, and maps which would be a sort of 'ProMod Preferred' set that could ensure everyone who uses ProMod would have the same set, and all servers would be supporting them. Basically a 'Standard'


It makes the most sense to do this now since ProMod3's release has been delayed slightly, and there is a lull currently in the number of new skins/maps being made.


Let's see some lists from you all:


I've already started the wheels turning to create a "ProMod mediapack" that will be a compilation of the levels, models and skins best suited to competition play. Haven't had much feedback though. Everybody put up the stuff you think is really well done and I'll compile it all.


On dying:

The 10 second suicide is intended to keep people from teleporting themselves across a ctf map in order to bolster their team's failing defenses. I consider this a minimum to really affect the outcome.

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Wow, I'm glad I got there before the password was put on! (Another reason why minimum days kick butt......) Unfortunately, Lazarous proceeded to hand my *** on a silver platter before the lock.....(I think I do better with guns.....)


Bad thing is, I can't play it, create server option is bugged up. :mad:


I haven't had much time to test it out, in game is the best to test out stuff. I can't wait for Promod 3.:D

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Originally posted by Guardian Omega

Wow, I'm glad I got there before the password was put on! (Another reason why minimum days kick butt......) Unfortunately, Lazarous proceeded to hand my *** on a silver platter before the lock.....(I think I do better with guns.....)


Bad thing is, I can't play it, create server option is bugged up. :mad:


I haven't had much time to test it out, in game is the best to test out stuff. I can't wait for Promod 3.:D


Yeah, sorry I had to boot you off. :D The version that was on the test server was a preview 1 version. I've since updated that to a preview 2 version, and the two aren't compatible. Glad you got a (brief) chance to look at it, even if Laz was being his normal ass-whupping self.


Me and Laz have had some really awesome saber fights in 3.0, btw. The new trumping system really forces you to stay on your toes and be aware of which style your opponent is using. The new Strong stance rocks, of course. :]

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

That is a very good idea in terms of CTF suicide, but what about FFA? Can you set up two variables, one for CTF and the other for all other gametypes, and then set timelimits thru there? Or do you think it will also have somewhat of a better impact on other gametypes?


The way it's currently working is that any gametype above 4 (single player gametype) is automatically given the 10 second suicide wait. That means any team game includes this. All of the non-team games allow instant suicide.

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