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release date and price


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Well, the release date is not that 100%, since the only related info is that different internet shipping stores has reported different delivery dates. But right now, january-february is the most common. Price? No idea, but I would be greatly surprise if it was not as a common game, but with one month free (at least here, most games costs the same).

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Ok, you guys REALLY need to go the Official Site Forums, (and they'll flame you there too), the Devs said Dec-Feb is what they are shooting for. Preferably Dec.


Guys, Juztyn isn't a Dev, the information he gives you is less than 10% of what the Devs say. Go the main site. Meet me in the forums.


Oh yeah, some places say $60 is because if they charge less and it ends up costing more, they lose money (IE Amazon)


EQ2 is priced at $39.99, MAYBE SWG maybe that low. (the none collector's edition)

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