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Looking for a clan.


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Hello all.


I'm looking for a JK2 clan that's prefably located in UK or US. I've been playing MP online alot lately. I'm not THAT bad, lol. Seeking a clan that doesn't take everything too seriously and just wants to have fun :). I'm a lightside user, and prefer saber only TFFA or CTF. I know a bit of HTML and might be able to help with mods and skins. I've played UT, HalfLife, CS, Quake 3 Arena and some other stuff :D. My connection is 128k cable modem. I'm 16 and I live in England.


Thanks for spending time reading this :)


(Sorry for making it sound like a job application, lol.)

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We only have 2 members and are looking for more. We took our site down because it's due for re-adjusting. I'm learning as much as I can about making websites, so the only way I made a website was by using Tripod's Site Builder.


So, if you could help us out a little, or if you want to join our clan, (once we get the name and everything), we'd be in your debt.


By the way, I am 16 and I live in the US.:D :D :D :D

I, too, am a jedi. My partner Legato is a sith, though.



If you need any information about our clan, I can give you my e-mail address and Legato's. (See information below)




Legato's address: codyanderson2005@yahoo.com

Topshot's (a.k.a Gohan): blaut@abe.midco.net



Thank you for your time, and have a nice day!:D :D :D :D

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Thanks everyone for the replies. :)


I currently have LOTS of freetime (This may change slightly.)

Here are some things:

  • I would be willing to help out with a clan website. (Flash is the Future.) :)
  • I've made my own skin (recolour and edit of Mr Fett for the Mandalorian model)
  • Might be able to create a clan training ground map. (Keyword = might ;))


I usual finish about average in scores and kills. I need some saber training. I have a habit of using all the force mana, so maybe some force and tactic training too. :)


Does any clans out there include ranks / training?

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Our clan I has LEVELS and ranks such as master knight apprentice etc. We have training. I am training my padawan now (not this instant) so yes we do train. We have one possibly 2 sith masters, 2 jedi masters, and no merc masters but Topshot is a merc also so I am sure you two can buddy up. We are mainly US based but that means nothing. All it means is that we do not have anyone from elsewhere yet. UMMMMMM. Oh yeah! We are the Crimson Jedi and check us out if you would like.


These other clans are also good too so do not make a choice hastily.



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I need some lightsaber training...

I can pull off a DFA and the others. I can oddly kill people. I think I just need more online practice.

I haven't been playing online that long. I didn't get the game when it first came out :(

If anyone can help me out with that, reply and we can arrange a time and server :)

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Originally posted by HekxNoxu

I downloaded mIRC and it kept disconnecting me from servers.

Computers these days, arg.


There's a basic guide to using mIRC on our website http://www.aneworder.co.uk/ircguide.php


If its a technical problem http://www.mirc.com has a searchable help section but its written more like a manual, good if you try our guide and you want to look up the error your still getting.

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