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Originally posted by FatalStrike


Please explain....sounds interesting.


Ok, as most of you probably know, pressing a movement key whilst zoomed will cancel the zoom, hence making a charged shot impossible.


However, there's nothing against zooming whilst you are already moving. For example, jump in the air, release the jump button and you will be able to zoom and charge. With enough practise you will be able to do this all the time.


The next problem to overcome is the fact that you will rarely have enough time in your jump to charge. The solution is that you only need a short charge to kill anyone who has already received damage, and two short charges for someone with starting health/shields.


Generally the decent snipers will be able to do a full-power force jump, zoom, charge, focus on the target and finally kill. To the casual observer it looks like the sniper is merely using primary fire, but an experienced player will notice the extra accuracy and damage of the shots.

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Reason I dont like v1.02:


Not enough blocking. It was too much of swipe and run towards the guy halfway through the swipe and run back after there.


Reason I like v1.03:


Lightsaber fights are more of contact duels now. Like in the movies, you may swing but they often block. You gotta work damage. Only downside is backslash was a little overpowered. Backstab was fine.


Reason I don't like v1.04:


Lightsaber don't do jack. You're better off lowering your lightsaber and kicking the other guy to death.

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The snipe suggestion is you have to do more to avoid snipers when approaching the base then simply having your saber up.




Why?Just because people (including myself) enjoy using the tenloss, doesn't mean it should be made more tactically useful to increase the number of instances when we can use it.


And yes it WAS the same kind of thinking that caused 1.03, this kind:


"We leik sabar. We wnat to use sabar more. Maek sabars mroe powerfol, or froce powers and guns less pwoerful, so we cna use sabar more."


Substitute the word "tenloss" for "sabar" in that sentence, and you'll have my point in a nutshell. :rolleyes:


Not by snipers who wanted to have a useful function in CTF.


"Snipers?" "Useful function?"


You say that as if snipers have to pick their class before joining the game, Fatal. This isn't TFC. A "sniper" can pick up any other weapon and use it just like all the "regular" players. lol :p There's no such thing as a "sniper" in JO. There are just players. Players who should use the tenloss when the right circumstances present themselves, and other weapons when the situation demands those weapons.


The tenloss is fun. It's useful under certain circumstances. Live with that, and accept the weapon balance as it is. You'll feel better, trust me. :rolleyes:

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Spider, I remember when you had an opinion of your own, lately you've turned into a "Raven knows best" follower. So tell me which one of you guys where's the bell so the rest of you know where to walk?


I have no problem with the saber blocking a sniper, my problem lies in how easy it is to avoid a sniper. if you stand at your base facing forward with your saber drawn you are completely invulnerable to a sniper. Even one or two laser shots get thru your defense but the weapon that the game touts as "outlawed for being too powerful" can't touch you?

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Spider, I remember when you had an opinion of your own, lately you've turned into a "Raven knows best" follower.


Oh, sure. If you say so son. :rolleyes:


I on the other hand, don't remember a time when you backed up your consistently wild, fictional and fanciful comments with anything approaching logical evidence, or even logic. :)


my problem lies in how easy it is to avoid a sniper.


Duhh, you're still not comprehending... Who says the tenloss should be more effective? You? Some other people? So fricken' what. Perhaps if people like you actually played the game as it is and stopped whining and pining for 1.03, the community would be a bit more active at this time.


But wait! Actually, the fact that you're all on here whinging is a good thing, because who wants to play on a server even more saturated with bile?


We've seen what happened when Raven caved like an incontinent's bladder and tried to make gameplay changes to suit the vocal minority, and it was crap. it was 1.03. Without whining like this, 1.03 would never have happened.


So if YOU want gameplay changes to suit YOUR style of play, go off and make a mod or something, but don't plague normal, decent people with your incessant warbling. You might very well RUIN the game again, and I doubt normal folk are going to allow that to happen a second time.


Frankly a large proportion of the traffic on this forum at this time reminds me of children in the back of a car, on a long journey: "Are we theeere yeeet?" "I need to go to the toooileeettt?" "Can we stop at that sweeeet shoooppp?" Ugh, it's so creepy. Growing up would be a good thing.


the weapon that the game touts as "outlawed for being too powerful" can't touch you?


Ohh so you want to be all CANONICAL about it do you? Well word up, (ugh) In Jedi Outcast, you play a Jedi. EVERY player (barring Mercs in JvM and Jedi Master) is playing the character of a Jedi. Now Jedi have what are known as: "Speshal Abilitees" and a gun that's outlawed because it can kill a lot of normal people doesn't necessarily hold much danger for a Jedi, because of said "Abilitees." Comprende?


Personally Fatalstrike, I consider you a common-or-garden troll. Half the time you're ranting about how guns are overpowered, and the rest of the time you're trying to get the Tenloss tweaked up. Sense? Nahhh.


I mean, do you even understand that everything you say is just your opinion? you act as if you have the right to impose your view of what the game should be like on everyone else. You don't, trust me on this.

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You work for Raven don't you sheep....err...Spider-al?


You are still accusing me of wanting 1.03 back when I have said again and again that I don't like it.


You say I whine about weapons being too powerful? Have you gone mad? I complain about light saber being too weak and too slow! I had no problem with the way weapons were in 1.02.


geez old man, having to remind you about everything I post is getting annoying. Here is a handy-dandy guide to my views...


I LIKE 1.02 MORE THEN 1.04.








Please remember these while working to defend Raven. Keep up the good work and maybe Raven will send you a nice t-shirt. :D That would make you happy wouldn't it? I bet the boys you play shuffleboard with would be jealous.

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Spider, I used to respect you as a player, but it seems now you've lost all competition you're afraid of a few gameplay tweaks.


You're hardly the example of maturity with your egotistical, arrogant better-than-thou comments, you may be 20-something but that doesn't make you more mature. ESPECIALLY if you don't use your extra years of experience to have respect for other people instead of for your own selfish aims.


You still refusing to take part in any competition which doesn't offer prizes for winning?

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

You're hardly the example of maturity with your egotistical, arrogant better-than-thou comments, you may be 20-something but that doesn't make you more mature.


Wait a minute a here? You mean to say that sheep...err..spider-al is only in his 20's? HA!


You shouldn't make it personal with sheep...err...Spider-Al, the only posts he makes are flames trying to shoot down other peoples facts with wild claims of how powerful 1.04 sabers are :rolleyes:


...thats right Raven's pawn, I said it!

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You work for Raven don't you


Ah, the time-honoured "conspiracy theory" outburst. Usually occurs when individual has run out of logical arguments. I suppose you think black helicopters watch your house, too, huh? :rolleyes:


You say I whine about weapons being too powerful? Have you gone mad?


I certainly hope not. My sanity is the most valuable thing I take for granted. Oh, except my freedom. Yeah.


I complain about light saber being too weak and too slow!




wild claims of how powerful 1.04 sabers are


Yeah, you do complain about that a lot. But perhaps if you practiced with the sabre a little bit more, and as the gentleman who started the "Am I the only one that LIKES 1.04?" thread said re-learn your sabre techniques, it would be less of a soggy-bread-stick in your hands, and more of a mighty instrument of plasma-doom, as it is in my hands... :naughty: Fner, and in the hands of many others. Fner.


It's quite simple: Person with 100/25 h/a attacks me. I sidestep, and with a single red-stance strike, the sabre held in a tight arc by my control, they are dead. They cannot block, because their sabre is in the middle of an attack. I timed it thus.


Surely you've managed this by now? 1.04's been out a long time. I practice it in Guns FFA.


Oh and thanks for not answering any of the steely questions posed in my previous post, Fatal. ;)


Spider, I used to respect you as a player,


OH NOS!!11 Sorry Det, all pretence of horror aside, this means nothing to me. Your behaviour towards me has never been respectful, so whether you respected me inside your head or not, has little relevance. Personally I view you as a pleasant fellow who can take a drubbing and give one back, but I don't think we're close enough to have serious respect going on, know what I mean?


it seems now you've lost all competition you're afraid of a few gameplay tweaks.


Well, contrary to popular knowledge there is one thing in this world that Spider AL fears. I'll tell you what it is: Another 1.03. Oh yes, I admit it freely, the idea of another 1.03 scares the poop out of me. I just get my lovely 1.02 dynamic back, and already the morlocks have come out of the woodwork again and are ranting about changing the game balance TO BE BETTAR. Don't trust it, don't want it, not interested, game's fine, enough people have left already don't want any more to leave so leave the damn game be. Simple as that.


You're hardly the example of maturity with your egotistical, arrogant better-than-thou comments


Uh-huh. Well "better-than-thou" is the mood on these forums Det, in case you hadn't noticed. One camp hates the other camp. However, I flatter myself that I don't descend into petty bickering, nor do I swear at or defame those in the other camp, even when they do so to me. So I think I'm pretty squeaky-clean on that front, thank you for asking. :D


you may be 20-something


Oh if only I was 20-something. I could buy alcohol and stuff.


but that doesn't make you more mature.


You're correct! What makes me more mature is the fact that I back up my assertions with direct quotes where possible and necessary, and refrain from the childish name-calling which so prevails these days on JK2.net's forums.


have respect for other people instead of for your own selfish aims.


Ohh of course. Attempting to dissuade some misguided individuals from their maniacal plans to further damage and fragment JO as a game, and the community thereof, is selfish. Well, I suppose in a way it's selfish. I like JO. I've been interested in, playing, and exploring JO since before its release, and I'll be damned if I see it dragged through another ditch. So yes, I myself enjoy the game. I don't want to lose my most funnest computer game a second time thank you very much. Selfish then? Sure.


You still refusing to take part in any competition which doesn't offer prizes for winning?


Sure. When you take competition as seriously as I do, you don't want to stress yourself out immensely, and waste hours and hours of training time on a tournament that just gives you a little Jpeg at the end of it. Been there, done that. Actually, the Wireplay tournament didn't even give me a Jpeg. :mad: Rah!


Oh, by the way, why do you ask? :naughty:

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Originally posted by Spider AL

I suppose you think black helicopters watch your house, too, huh? :rolleyes:


No...they don't just watch it, they land wake me up at night and force me to make them waffles....



Originally posted by Spider AL

Oh and thanks for not answering any of the steely questions posed in my previous post, Fatal. ;)


You are more then welcome. I have answered the same silly questions too many time already, I feel no need to answer them again. Also please note that there is no steel in your questions, just the same pathetic fluff and nonsense that has always been.


Spider/Sheep - AL answer this one...


If you had to make a gameplay change what would it be?


I would like to see you give an opinion instead of flaming them for a change.

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Hmm my post was a little harsh, must have been late or something...


Anyway the point I was making before is that I feel that to in order to evade an attack you must at least have the beginnings of "skill", just sticking some force power into saber defence and firing it up, making you immune to most rapid weapons and sniper fire, somewhat cheapens the skill of decent gunners. If there was something which made saber blocking have the same effectiveness IF you do something which requires skill it might work... I dunno maybe have it so that to block rage-enhanced stormie rifle fire you need to be using speed or rage yourself. Of course this implementation might unbalance the game in other ways.


I'm just trying to get people to accept that there ARE still many gameplay flaws in the game, and a patch would be sensible, but only if Raven can come up with an innovative way of doing this without drastically affecting the dynamics of the game like 1.03 and 1.04. Changes that the average player wouldn't notice without looking for them.

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