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To anyone that used voice actors...


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I have read posts in weeks past about getting people from the forums or elsewhere to do some voice work in their levels....


I am gonna need some stormtrooper voices and a new voice for Kyle ( or whoever I change him to ), along with some Imperial officers too...


This is all basically just for cutscenes...The standard dialogue in-game will do fine for the other stuff...


I am just wondering if anyone has successfully got people online to do this for them..? and if so, how'd it turn out?

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No luck at all before, got one person to do Kyle's voice, who then never actually sent me the voice files, so I had to splice together bits says from the game....and the other voice actor, the baddie, I knew personally....still, worth another go methinks....

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Yeah. I've been knitting together lines for Kyle and Jan from those files Raven gave out. It's very tiresome and nasty business at the best. Still, it's not too bad, if you can restrict and direct wisely your cutscenes (sometimes even funny...). But for the baddie it would be really nice to get a new voice and original comments.


EDIT: And you are a lucky fellow, idontlikegeorge. I have a mic, but not the voice...

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Well, the kind of voice I will eventually need, is not very tightly limited in categories. The baddie is a kind of immoral trader who happened to become an imperial officer, though he never had any use for the Empire. So, he's rather slippery and devious, not some macho or aggressive. In other word, many kinds of male voices would do, if performance is somewhat suitable for the portrayal. Thankfully, however, I'm not in any hurry to find a voice actor, as the level(s) are not even 50% done, and the dialogues are not yet written either.

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I used to work as on-air talent at my high school radio station, and I've been told I have a very good, resonant voice. I've never done voice-acting (I did take drama in high school, if that means anything for our purposes), but email me with more information, and I may be interested in giving it a shot if you like.

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I'm in no way trying to capture this thread from Takeoffyouhoser. This as a notice, nothing more.


When it began to seem I might considerably benefit from having a voive actor for my Bad Guy, I also made one important decison. I would not, even if possible, just take a volunteer and his voice without informing and showing him what kind of project it will be.


Yeah, it will be my first map to be published. However, it will not be a 'crap' map. It is moderately large, divided actually into three or four separate maps for editing convenience. It will have a clear plot and something more than just run'n'shoot. But as I said, it's not even half way ready, so it would be pretty hard just now to keep my promise to myself and send the voice actor the material needed.


So, Morthvargr, if you will be hanging around in the near future still, I will certainly be interested to contact you. sHeEpS, unfortunately your voice might be a bit young, but who knows? As a customer who will get voice acting free of charge, I will certainly not be too selective.

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i'm a choreographer/director in nyc so i brought my mp3 recorder to the class i teach and had them read from my script. i then used acoustica software to add effects. it came out fantastic. if there is an acting studio near you go check it out they would most likely love to do it and for free, just give them a sample of what you did.

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By your permission, Takeoffyouhoser. Thanks, Morthvargr, I'll seriously keep your name in mind. And Bell, that's a very, very clever thing to do. Yet, if you look at my location, it tells you the first reason I'm hesitant to rely on local talent. Yet, who knows? Maybe it would be funny to have your baddie talk English with genuine Finnish accent... Of course, as my working place is a university, there's plenty of people of different nationalities around, but acting willingness and skill are a different story.

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I don't know about actors, but if you want stormtrooper and/or radio type voices, try this tutorial:




It was originally written for JK, and tells you to cut/paste some click noises from the original sounds, so just skip that part, or use the JO stormie click sounds instead. With a little modifications I created an even better radio type voice and stormie voice.

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