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ok basically scripts are a series of command which performs certain actions or executes certain settings in game. you can put these scripts in a config file. to create a config file, all you need to do is write up your scripts in notepad, and save it as ######.txt(where ###### is the name you want) now you need to change the *.txt extension to *.cfg (NOTE: you need to have view file extension option checked in your window explorer preferences) put this in the BASE folder which is in your gamedata folder of your jk2 directory.


to execute the config, you open the console in game by pressing shift+`and type:


exec ######.cfg



It is always good to have an autoexec.cfg in your base folder. this will execute the scripts u included in that config file each time you run the game. you can create this by using the same method i mentioned above butu change the name to autoexec.cfg


Heres my autoexec.cfg


seta cg_drawfps 1

seta g_dismember "100"

seta cg_dismember "3"

exec Recordingdemos.cfg

exec Keyset.cfg

exec Models.cfg

exec Sabre.cfg

exec Name.cfg

exec Say.cfg

exec Forcechange.cfg

bind F1 "exec Light.cfg"

bind F2 "exec Dark.cfg"

bind F3 "exec Neutral.cfg"

bind F4 "exec NoForce.cfg"

bind F5 "exec Merc.cfg"

bind F6 "exec Ctf.cfg"

bind F9 "screenshot"

bind F12 "kill"

bind alt "+taunt"

bind ctrl "say lol"


basically you bind scripts to a key by using the format


bind <key> "<command>"


or more complicated:


set <actionname> "<command>"

bind <key> "vstr <actionname>"


you can use this form to bind more things to one key.



you should check out the sticky in the multiplayer strategy centre for a more in depth look at the script

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