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Blue Stance Spamming.


I use about 80-90% blue stance, its faster, and I like the way it handles. (I hardly every use backstab for the record, it does come in hand on occation though)


does this make me a blue stance spammer?

(I do use some yellow, and rarely a red swing when the situation warrents its use).


I'd just like to see what people think is spamming a stance in this on.


some people spam red, this I can see because they use ALOT of DFA, and NEVER switch from red stance because of one hit kills, but aside from the DFA and backstab or the yellow butterfly spammers, I don't think you CAN spam a stance, just go with what your comfortable with.


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"Spamming" happens when you kill a person with something they should have known was coming because you have been doing the same thing for the last 37 minutes, yet for some reason they got caught off guard and/or there was simply no way, and I mean no way, they could have prevented your attacks. Those other players that do counter your attacks are aim bot users and hackers, the guy who cries spammer is the only clean player in the game.



Just do what I do. Open up the console and type:



\bind x say stfu you damn baby



It works great for me.

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Anyone who calls you a spammer for using one stance should die


The difference between spamming and just using one stace to me is... you should never be holding the attack button for more than about 3-5 seconds. If you're in blue, your swings are pretty fast, there's no need for you to be swinging when your opponent is no where near you


Saber throw is great against spammers ^_^

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Most people just repeatidly do DFA with the red stance. It's their style. It might get annoying, but I wouldn't call it spamming..

Different people prefer different stances. Anyway.. I normally do the 'crazy yoda' and go mad with the blue stance...

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and fighting technique...works for me, depending on who I'm playing. the GOOD players can still frag the phooy out of me, everyone else is eather a win/lose/win/lose kinda thing, or I whoop them. :) Truth to tell, I don't have a technique that I use all the time, I change to my opponant. (I must admit, I LOVE it when people start afight with a DFA, walk forward, backstab, slice, over. :)


anyhoo, thanks guys.

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